Chapter 3089 All surrender, those who do not surrender die! Down

On a square on the planet of the Mohan room, the atmosphere was extremely silent.

The strong men of each race and group knelt on the ground, not daring to move.

In the front position, the survivor of the Mohan room sat quietly, his eyes slightly closed.

The strong men of all the forces did not dare to breathe.

As time passed, the head of the Mohan survivor did not speak, and the others dared to speak.

Half an hour…an hour…

After an hour and a half, the four elders of the Mohan survivors who had left with the Hongtian Divine Emperor returned, and their bodies were exuding an incomparable bloody aura.

“The patriarch, the whole family of dried sea worms are all perished.”

An elder walked over and said with a smile on his face.

With his teeth bared, it looked very awe-inspiring.

In the surrounding locations, a group of powerful people from various races trembled violently when they heard this sentence.

Annihilation, this is annihilation!

On the side, the face of God Emperor Hongtian was a little unattractive, and his face was a little pale.

As the patriarch of the Red Mist Clan, the powerhouse of the god emperor’s peak, he lived for nearly 100 million years.

He had seen a lot of genocide, but it was the first time he saw such a bloody genocide.

One race, annihilation of another race, ninety-nine percent, will not annihilate the ordinary people of the other side.

Will not deliberately kill those weak people.

However, the genocide of the Mohan room race is a complete annihilation, the destruction of one planet by planet.

All the people above were wiped out like ants.

Seeing hundreds of billions of living beings killed with his own eyes, even he was a little uncomfortable.

“Very well, if someone wants to die, let them die.”

The survivors of the Mohan room spoke long and faintly, stood up slowly, and glanced forward: “Get up all!”

“Xie Mohan, the patriarch!”

A crowd of people slowly stood up when they heard this sentence.

“Hongtian, do you think there is another force that hasn’t arrived?”

He looked at the God Emperor Hongtian on the side, and asked faintly.

“My lord, there is a power called Dragon Palace!”

When the Emperor Hongtian heard the words of the patriarch of the Mohan room, a flash of heat flashed in his eyes.

“My lord, the Dragon Palace is not simple. They have the blood of the Dragon Palace, and it is even suspected that there is a pure-blood Dragon in the Dragon Palace. At the beginning, many forces wanted to capture the Dragon Palace’s dragons, but they were resisted, and they have powerful killers.”

“Now Ninety percent of the Dragon Palace resides on the continent in your domain, my lord. Their nest is there, and we have no way of doing it.”

God Emperor Hongtian continued to speak, his eyes flickering.

“Oh? Shenlong bloodline? Purebred Shenlong?”

The Mohan survivor’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“Yes, sir, if you can destroy the dragon palace, you can definitely get a lot of resources, if you can capture them and tame them into battle pets, then the value will be even higher.”

“Even, according to our guess, that Dragon Palace should have gained the powerful inheritance of Shenlong.”

God Emperor Hongtian continued to add.


The survivors of the Mohan Chamber squinted their eyes slightly and looked at the powerful men on the side.

“My lord, what Hongtian God Emperor said is true. The Dragon Palace is indeed weird. They are improving very quickly, and it is very likely that there will be real dragons.”

Seeing the gaze of the survivors of the Mohan room, several racial powerhouses immediately agreed.

Especially the soul race and brain spirit race, they have a trace of hatred and excitement in their eyes.

Once the powerful survivors of the Mohan clan set their target on that Dragon Palace, where would Dragon Palace want to escape?

The lair where the Dragon Palace is located is also the continent of the Mohan Chamber.

It can also be said that the Dragon Palace is in other people’s homes.

Isn’t it very simple for the master to kill you?

“Interesting, Shenlong blood, Yalong, this is very valuable, and dragon blood is of great benefit to cultivation.”

An elder beside the leader of the Mohan room squinted his eyes slightly and said with some excitement.

“It seems our luck is very good!”

The eyes of the elders next to him burst into light, and they said excitedly.

Shenlong bloodline, Yalong, even if they are enclosed on the mainland, they know the value of it.

Especially some of their cultivation is related to blood and blood.

“Interesting, put the foundation ground in the realm of our Mohan room, haha!”

The Mohan survivors laughed, and their eyes burst into light: “It just so happens that our Mohan race is back on the stage of the universe and lacks a lot of resources. It is a great opportunity.”

“My patriarch, the closer the Mohan Chamber realm is to the inside, the more chaotic the formation is. I’m afraid it will be difficult to enter it.”

God Emperor Hongtian reminded slightly.

“That’s for you. All planetary continents are the domain of our Mohan Room. We want to enter, naturally, it is very easy.”

“Go, today I want to see if the Dragon Palace is what you said.”

The survivors of the Mohan room opened their mouths and smiled, and their eyes swept over all of them.


A group of strong men nodded and immediately followed behind.


With a move of the long palm of the Mohan survivor, eighteen spheres appeared in their hands.

The central ball glowed with luster, and the remaining seventeen were extremely dim.

Now with the strength of his Universe Venerable, it is enough to light up another seventeen orbs.

With a wave of his palm, he landed on a ball, and the ball slowly bloomed with luster.


Located in the front position, a black hole appeared, the corner of his mouth was slightly cocked, and he walked straight ahead.

The elders immediately followed.

The Emperor Hongtian followed closely behind.

Stepping into the black hole, they appeared over a continent.

The whole continent looked barren and dilapidated, without the slightest vitality.

“not here.”

The Mohan survivor said lightly, placing his palm on the second ball.

Luster shines on the sphere.

In the rear position, a group of powerful men followed quietly.

But soon, they sensed the urgent messages from the Cosmic Brain.

They opened it and checked it. When they saw the content above, their pupils shrank, and their eyes were filled with awe.

The information is about the field-level race of the dried sea chrysanthemum.

The above shows that hundreds of billions of people from the dry sea cultivars race have been wiped out, even the weak children and women have not been spared.

Most of the planets in the dry seaweed domain were directly destroyed.

Bloody and cruel!

When they saw this information, there was a hint of horror in their hearts.

This kind of true genocide is rare and bloody and cruel.

“Unexpectedly, their extermination would be so cruel, a powerful domain-level race standing in this starry sky, it would be destroyed like this.”

“Next, I am afraid that Dragon Palace will be more ill-advised. It may become a slave. This is the best situation for Dragon Palace.”

The powerhouses of each race glanced at each other, full of shock.

The end of the Dragon Palace is going to be miserable.

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