Chapter 3088 All surrender, those who do not surrender die! superior

“The people of the Mohan room race are back, and they still have blood.”

“The existence of the Universe Venerable, the Mohan room race has not been completely destroyed, they are still the existence of the Youyu Universe Venerable, they are back!”

“The Red Mist race has surrendered to the Dragon Palace. The Emperor Hongtian announced on the Universe Brain that the patriarch of the Mohan room has ordered all the powerful people around him to come and see him.”

“His, the sky has changed, we are going to change the sky here.”

When the surrounding ethnic groups were shaken by the Mohan room, another shocking news came to everyone.

The Red Mist race, the God Emperor Hongtian surrendered to the strong man with the remaining blood in the Mohan room.

Those with strong blood in the Mohan room made all the forces come to visit them.

Seeing these messages one by one, the expressions of the powerhouses of all the forces changed.

They hesitated again and again, but were still ready to go immediately.

The existence of the cosmic venerable level, in their space, has not appeared for more than a billion years.

Such a terrifying existence, one slap can wipe out all of them.

The command of this level of power, unless they don’t want to stay in this starry sky, they can only surrender.

The power leaders did not hesitate, and immediately flew in the direction of the ruins of the Mohan Chamber.

The ruins of the Mohan Chamber used to belong to the most prosperous place in the starry sky. Every group of races have teleportation formations here.

In less than two hours, the leaders and strong men of the forces had all arrived.

They scanned the surroundings and flew in the direction of Tongtian Tower.

“You guys wait here first. After all the forces arrive, you can visit the patriarch of the Mohan room and the elders.”

When a crowd of people arrived, the Hongtian Emperor, who was suspended in the air, swept across the powerhouses, and said lightly.

“Huh? Patriarch Hongwu, are they really members of the Mohan room race?”

The patriarch of the Chuanshan clan and a group of strong men flew over, looked at the Emperor Hongtian, and asked with astonishment on his face.

“It is the powerhouse of the Mohan room race, the master here.”

God Emperor Hongtian nodded.

His words changed the expressions of the leaders of the surrounding forces slightly.

According to the information they received, the Mohan room race was once a very powerful and bloodthirsty race.

The small forces and creatures destroyed by them are countless.

For a race that was once so cruel, they were also full of jealousy.

A little bit of time passed, and the powerhouses of the power races arrived.

“Dried Sea Chrysanthemum Race is here!”

It didn’t take long for a group of people from the Dry Sea Chrysanthemum race to arrive, and when they saw them, some forces whispered.

They knew that not long ago, a large number of disciples of the dry sea cultivar were killed, and a supreme elder at the peak of the god emperor also died in the hands of the strong remaining blood in the Mohan room.

At this moment, the patriarch of the dry sea cultivator and the powerful faces were extremely embarrassed.

The Taishang elder was killed and the disciples were killed, but now they dare not resist at all, and even come to worship.

This makes them feel very humiliated.

“Okay, it’s all here.”

The Emperor Hongtian saw the arrival of the powerful domain-level races of the Dry Sea Cultivation Race, the Tianyan Domain-level Race, the Tianming Race Mingxuanzhi, and the Chuanshan Race, and saw the arrival of the other groups of domain-level races, and his words were light. Said, and immediately flew towards the inside.

A group of strong men followed closely behind.

God Emperor Hongtian waved his arm, and a huge bridge appeared in front of him.

Like the Tongtian Avenue when the Red Mist race was established last time, the road connects two stars.

At the end of the road, an old man was sitting in the middle of a huge square, and nine strong men stood beside him, looking at the crowd that came.

“Meet the patriarch of the Mohan room, and the elders.”

God Emperor Hongtian flew over and worshiped respectfully.

“Meet the patriarch of the Mohan room!”

The powerhouses of the rest of the forces did not dare to neglect the slightest, and immediately worshiped respectfully.

The patriarch of the Mohan room didn’t speak, his eyes swept across them all.

“Have you all come?”

After a few seconds of silence, the survivors of the Mohan room asked faintly.

“Master Mohan clan, except for the Dragon Palace, all the other forces have arrived.”

God Emperor Hongtian said respectfully.

“Congratulations to you, your life is saved. In the future, all will be surrendered to our Mohan race. Who has an opinion?”

The survivor of the Mohan clan said lightly towards them.

Hearing his words, the face of the strong of all forces changed slightly, but no one dared to speak.

“I don’t like silence.”

Seeing that no one dared to refute, and no one responded, the head of the Mohan room showed a cold look in his eyes.


As soon as his voice fell, with a wave of his arm, a pitch-black rope instantly appeared in front of the patriarch and the powerful people, entwining it in an instant.

“His Honor, we surrender, and our dry seaweed race is willing to surrender.”

Patriarch Gan Haixiang saw the dark rope that was entangled in an instant, his face was terrified.

He quickly roared loudly.

“Your breath makes me very annoying. It occupies the planet of our Mohan room. You dare to be arrogant. If you don’t cherish the opportunity to redeem your merits, then die!”

The Mohan survivor said lightly, and shook his palm.

The dark rope instantly turned blood red, absorbing the blood and energy in their bodies at a terrifying speed.

“No, no no, Lord, give us a chance, we are willing to surrender, we are willing, don’t kill me.”

The patriarch of the Gan Haizhen race screamed with horror on his face.

However, the screams didn’t last long before they stopped abruptly, and the expressions of the Mohan survivors did not fluctuate in the slightest.

The dark ropes turned into blood-red texts and entered his body.

“Elder, you take a few people, let Hongtian take you to the Dry Sea Chrysanthemum race and destroy them.”

The survivor of the Mohan Chamber said lightly.


Aside, several patriarchs nodded and looked at God Emperor Hongtian.


Divine Emperor Hongtian changed his face and immediately responded.

“Our Tianyan tribe is willing to surrender to the Mohan room race, and we are willing to surrender to Lord Venerable, and we will saddle the Mohan room in the future!”

Seeing this scene, the strong man of the Tianyan clan jumped violently, and quickly said respectfully.

“We Chuanshan are willing to submit to the Mohan Chamber, with the Mohan Chamber as the leader!”

“Our Thousand-Handed Race is willing to submit to the Mohan House. The patriarch’s orders, we will go up and down the fire.”

The eyes of the strong men of each race were full of fear, and they knelt on the ground quickly, surrendering respectfully.

A strong man at the peak of the god emperor was instantly killed without the slightest resistance. Such a scene moved them and feared.

At this moment, they are really scared!

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