Chapter 306: The Art of Alchemy (Fourth!)

This is how the storm ended.

At night, it didn’t affect Xiaoyuguan Shuqing, Lan Qingyue and the four of them.

The next day, at four or five o’clock in the morning, Wang Xian’s door was knocked open, and the four girls eagerly took him to watch the raising of the national flag.

Wang Xian is very speechless, sometimes a woman’s energy is really unimaginable.

After watching the raising of the national flag, the crowd went to the most famous bun shop in Beijing to eat some buns.

Then they started shopping again, Wang Xian could only follow behind as a bag, watching Xiaoyu and the four beauties entering one store after another.

It wasn’t until three o’clock in the afternoon when Sui Huang called and they stopped.

“It’s crazy!”

Wang Xian sighed slightly, and several people rode in the car to an ancient area in Shangjing.

The reason why it is called ancient is that all here are courtyards.

In Shangjing, any ancient courtyard house costs hundreds of millions. It is not possible to live here if you have money.

However, behind the courtyard, there is a mountain, and the people outside this mountain call it Sheng Sui Mountain.

Many people don’t know why this mountain is called Sheng Sui Mountain, but those who really know call it Sui Jia Sheng Mountain.

In Shangjing, there are three sacred mountains, which also represent three powerful saints.

When Wang Xian and his driver’s car came nearby, people from the Sage Sui family came to guide them.

“Sister, please come with me!”

A middle-aged person respectfully said to Guan Shuqing, leading the way and walking towards Sheng Sui Mountain.


Guan Shuqing nodded, and looked around with some curiosity.

There are courtyards around, many of which are connected together. In the courtyard, the door is not closed.

Groups of well-dressed Sui family members are tidying up their clothes or talking.

Many of them are talking about the Sui family’s ancestors accepting disciples.

When they talked, there was a trace of awe on their faces.

Can see the status of the Sui Emperor in the entire Sui family.

“Is this entire area owned by your Sui family?”

Xiaoyu looked around with a little surprise. There were about a hundred courtyards around, covering several kilometers, just like a small village.

“Yes, this is the site of our Sui family, and our sacred mountain is in front of you!”

The middle-aged smiled and nodded, with some faint pride in his heart. This is the strength of their Sui family.


Xiaoyu Lan Qingyue and the others slapped their tongues slightly, not to mention the others, the value of these courtyards in the Sui family alone is estimated to be close to 100 billion, and it is still the kind that money can’t buy.

Has been following the middle-aged walking towards the mountain.

The entire Saint Sui Mountain has obviously been renovated, the peak is not high, only forty to fifty meters, and there is a cave in the center.

A terrifying flame faintly spread from the cave.

There are quite a few houses resembling ancient buildings on the mountain.

“The ancestor is in this room, please come over!”

The middle-aged pointed to a house and said to them.


Guan Shuqing nodded, and a group of people walked towards the room.


“come in!”

Sui Huang’s voice sounded. After Wang Xian and the others entered, they saw him sitting on an imperial chair, looking at him with a book in his hand.


Sui Huang put down his book and stood up and smiled. He was dressed in Sui family costumes. He was meticulously groomed, and his every move gave him the aura of a superior.

There is a big change from when I was in Jiangcheng.

“Master!” Guan Shuqing looked at Emperor Sui and walked over immediately, and said with a smile: “Master has become a lot more handsome!”

“Haha, fortunately, I was called a handsome when I was young, and many little girls in Beijing like the master!”

Sui Huang laughed and said, and touched Guan Shuqing’s head: “We are also beautiful, and you need to change to the Sui family’s home clothes when you go to the teacher’s ceremony at night. I’ve already ordered it for you. Now it’s okay to replace it first!”

“Good master!”

“Take Xiaoqing to change clothes!”

Sui Dynasty said to a servant of the Sui family next to him.

“It’s the master!” The old servant nodded and looked at Guan Shuqing: “Miss, please come with me!”


Guan Shuqing nodded.

“Let’s follow along and see!”

Elder Xiaoyu Lan Qingyue Fan and the three of them also joined in the fun, leaving this place for a few of them.

“Elder Sui, your Sui family is pretty good!”

Wang Xian sat aside unceremoniously and picked up the tea ceremony next to him.

“Haha, that is of course, after all, it is a saint created by the old man!”

Sui Huang was very arrogant and praised himself unceremoniously.

Wang Xian curled his lips and did not answer.

Since they dragged the plane with both hands yesterday, the relationship between the two has become much less strange and closer.

Moreover, although Emperor Sui was older, he felt like an old naughty boy and was easier to get along with.

Wang Xian’s impression of Emperor Sui was very good.

“I think you have a lot of good things on this holy mountain, Mr. Sui, take me over and see!”

“Haha, well, I’ll take you to have a look, I tell you, I am here, but the old man has been in business for a hundred years!”

Sui Huang stood up proudly, gestured to Wang Xian, and walked outside.

“This is the sacred mountain of our Sui family. The sacred mountain is not just a title!”

Walking outside, Emperor Sui looked around the mountain peaks and said with a smile.

“What’s the baby in the cave?”

Wang Xian asked with a smile.

“Go, take you over and see it!”

Sui Huang smiled, and walked towards a cave on the holy mountain with Wang Xian.

As soon as I entered it, a blazing flame came, and the temperature inside was at least as high as Baidu.

Ordinary people who enter it will be directly burned, and the entire cave is emitting a red light.

Wang Xian looked up, and two huge flame spirit beads were inlaid on the top.

At the bottom, there is a rolling magma, and above the magma are several platforms for cultivation.

And in the depths, there is a fiery red door, what’s inside is unknown!

“This is our Sui family training platform, how about it? Two fire spirit beads, one of which is the body refining fire spirit beads, isn’t it?”

Sui Huang said triumphantly, these two Fire Spirit Orbs, but it took him a lot of effort to get them.

“Not bad!”

Wang Xian didn’t refute this time. The two Fire Spirit Orbs were all tenth level, one level higher than the Fire Spirit Orb he got last time.

Don’t underestimate a level, this is the difference between innate and acquired.

“Go, the old man will show you my alchemy room!”

Sui Huang smiled, walked inside, opened the door, and a huge space of more than 100 square meters appeared in front of him.

In the most central position, an alchemy furnace was placed.

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