Chapter 305 Climb over on your knees and see the teacher’s wife (third!)

An old man with a cane in his hand walked in the rearmost position, and when he walked in front of Sui Ao, he paused slightly and stared at him a little angrily.

“Grandpa, what happened…”

Sui Ao saw the silent Sui family and the strong men of his grandfather’s generation appear at the same time, and asked with a trace of trepidation in his voice.

“what happened?”

The old man’s voice came out of his mouth with a low growl, holding back his anger.

As everyone around him was stunned, the crutches in his hand slammed directly on Sui Ao’s leg.



Without any softness in his hands, a crutch fell heavily on Sui Ao’s leg, and even the sound of a broken bone was heard instantly.


A painful scream came from Sui Ao’s mouth, but at this time the physical pain was not important. He looked at the grandfather who always loved him in horror.

But the old man on crutches didn’t pay any attention to him after hitting him, and walked forward.


The young people around held their breaths, with a look of fear in their eyes.

The contemporary patriarch of the Sui family, and all the people at the helm of the time have come, and the twenty people in front of them represent the Sui family of the holy family.

Moreover, the Sui family has the right to speak.

Each of them holds tremendous power and power, and Sui Ao is just a grandson compared with the real big brothers of the Sui family.

Regardless of seniority or status, he is just a grandson.

However, it was a time when everyone was shocked and panicked.

The patriarch of the Sui family, the third generation of the Sui family, walked directly in front of the girl who called just now and bowed his head respectfully.

“Meet Master Aunt!”

“Meet Master Aunt!”


“Auntie! The patriarch of the Sui family, the third generation of the Sui family, unexpectedly called that girl as an aunt!”

“Gosh… this this…”

“The patriarch of the saint clan and a group of high-level officials called a girl to be a sister-in-law, he…what is his identity?”

All the young people around felt a little unbelievable, and they watched this scene with horror on their faces.

However, Sui Ao couldn’t help trembling when he saw his grandfather and the patriarch bow down.

“Sister-in-law, sister-in-law…”

He stared blankly, muttered in his mouth, slowly revealing fear and horror.

If that girl is his grandfather’s aunt, isn’t it, she is the apprentice of her grandfather.

My God, Grandpa Grandpa, the Sui family’s godlike existence, the true only pillar of the Sui family.

The call just now…

Thinking of this, his body began to tremble violently, and he didn’t dare to think about it.

“It’s over!”

At this time, Guan Shuqing looked at the old people calling for his sister-in-law, and became embarrassed again, the age gap was too big.

“Um, a few, a few get up, don’t be so polite!”

“It is our younger generation’s fault to let my sister-in-law be wronged in Shangjing!”

Clan Chief Sui said respectfully that his grandfather’s apprentices were enough to make them treat them respectfully.

“Climb over on your knees and see the teacher’s wife!”

The old man with a cane looked back at Sui Ao coldly, and said coldly.

“Yes Yes!”

Sui Ao heard his grandfather’s voice, his body was clever, and he knelt and crawled over, his forehead was already full of cold sweat.

“Grandma teacher, I was wrong, I didn’t know it was you, I was wrong, please give me a chance!”

Sui Ao had completely lost all his arrogance and arrogance. He knelt there and kept knocking his head to apologize.

The young people standing behind saw this scene, and their faces were full of horror.

The whole body of Yuan Fei was numb, and his body fell directly to the ground as if uncontrollably, and then quickly knelt down with his legs.

“I was wrong, I was wrong!”

The young people around watched Yuan Fei kneel down, and also knelt on the ground in fear.

Sui Ao was the leader among them, and now even Sui Ao knelt there in horror, facing the Sui family, they could only kneel down.


Guan Shuqing looked at Sui Ao who was already panicked at this time and snorted coldly.

Why was she so arrogant just now?

“Auntie, Grandpa has told me to take care of this matter, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer to Auntie!”

Seeing Guan Shuqing still unhappy, Clan Chief Sui said quickly.

“Well, leave it to you, thank you for running over at such a big night!”

Guan Shuqing looked at the elders so respectfully, not embarrassed to be pampered and arrogant, and said gently.

“No need, sister, would you like to go back with us to take a good rest?”

A smile appeared on the Sui clan’s face, and he asked immediately.

“No, we will live here for the time being today, see you tomorrow!”

“Well, then we won’t bother Senior Auntie!”

The elder Sui said with a smile, and slowly followed his gaze to look at the surrounding elders.

“Grandpa is a bit dissatisfied with our Sui family now. Are some Sui family disciples too arrogant outside? It’s time to rectify.”

“It may be that some younger generations have forgotten the bloody and sweaty struggles of their grandfather and father. It’s time to fix it!”

Several elders spoke, Sui Ao, who was kneeling on the ground, instantly paled.

“The family disciple Sui Aoxian committed a crime, violated clan rules, deprived of the core disciple status, deprived of all benefits, and went to manage the company!”

Sui family chief ordered directly.

After Sui Ao heard it, his eyes were filled with despair.

Deprived of all the rights of the Sui family disciples, in the future, he can only be an ordinary tribe who works for the family. In the future, he will not even be as good as some ordinary Sui disciples.

All the young people around were startled, and there was a trace of horror in their eyes.

Sui Ao is the most outstanding contemporary talent of the Sui family, and now it is also ranked tenth in the Tianjiao Young Masters List.

Now he was directly deprived of everything and moved from the core of the Sui family to marginalization.

I am afraid that even if it reaches the innate state, it will be difficult to turn over.

No, it should be said that without all the resources provided by the Sui family, what would he use to break through the innate realm.

His brilliant life is completely over.

Guan Shuqing glanced faintly at Sui Aohou and talked to the elders of the Sui family, and then went back to the room with Wang Xian and the rest.

The head of the Sui family looked at the middle-aged man who had been standing next to his aunt.

“I learned about your matter today, and I will commit it again later. Our Sui family will come to destroy you!”

“Yes, it’s Sui Patriarch, thank you thank you!”

When Zhou Qingkong heard the words of the head of the Sui family, an expression of excitement appeared on his face.

His little fate was saved.

He glanced at Sui Ao, who was kneeling on the ground with a desperate face, and sighed slightly in his heart.

“It’s really looking for death. A junior from the Sui family dared to vent their anger for others and came to insult his grandfather’s apprentice. Isn’t this looking for death? What is this?”

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