2908 1

The atmosphere of the clan land is a bit weird, and the tactics are invincible, scanning the surroundings.

He found that there were people around him staring at his master angrily.

Some people looked at it with complicated eyes.

He dared not speak behind the God Emperor of Shangshui, and walked forward.

“Shangshui Qingshan, you dare to come back!”

When the Shangshui God Emperor was about to come forward, a woman walked out, staring at him angrily, pointing at him and shouting.

“Why don’t I dare to come back?”

God Emperor Shangshui looked at the woman pointing at him and asked blankly.


“Sister-in-law, it’s been a million years, my father died in battle, and my second brother is here!”

Beside the woman, a woman somewhat similar to the God Emperor of Shangshui said towards her.

“The things that happened a million years ago have passed, Qingshan, worship your father. If your father knew that you had broken through as a god emperor, he would be very happy.”

At the central location, an old man said.

“Yes, you should come back after you become a god emperor. What happened back then was just a coincidental tragedy.”

Another old man said.

“It’s the second grandfather, uncle and uncle!”

The God Emperor of Shangshui looked at a few elders, nodded, walked towards the front position, took out a piece of incense, and knelt directly underneath.

Invincible, they followed behind and bowed down.

The God Emperor of Shangshui knelt in front, knocked his head heavily and his eyes were reddish.

“Qing Shan’s ability to come back at this time also proves that he is filial, and that he has not forgotten that he is a person of Liuli. I won’t mention the past.”

An old man looked at the kneeling God Emperor of Shangshui, and said.

His eyes fell on the group of women who had just spoken out.

The woman’s face changed when she heard what the elder said, and she turned her head and said nothing.

No one else said anything.

After all, today’s Shangshui Qingshan has become a god emperor, and rushing over in this crisis situation has been able to prove his filial piety and loyalty.

“Second brother, get up.”

The Emperor of Shangshui knelt there for more than ten minutes, and a woman next to him walked over and held his arm.


God Emperor Shangshui looked at his sister with red eyes, and couldn’t help but stretched out his arms to hug.

“Second brother, my father has forgiven you for what happened back then, and my father also knows that he did something wrong.”

“Let’s pass the past, here in the future, we will live a good life!”

“After all, this is your second brother’s home!”

The woman said to the God Emperor of Shangshui.

The God Emperor of Shangshui nodded silently.

“It’s difficult!”

Invincible Warfare saw this scene, muttered in his heart, the current Glazed Glass Domain is not safe.

“Several elders, the matter is urgent, the domain owner, please!”

At this moment, suddenly an old man flew over and said to all of them.


“Go, let’s go!”

An old man frowned and said immediately.

“Second brother, the war is urgent now, we just take a moment to pay homage to my father and them.”

The woman said to the God Emperor of Shangshui.

“Let’s go, since my father died in battle, let me take over the father’s position!”

A cold expression appeared on the face of God Emperor Shangshui.

“Well, Qingshan, follow us!”

When several elders heard him, they looked at him, and a crowd flew straight ahead.

Invincible tactics followed closely behind.

Soon, a crowd of people came to a hall.

Located in the main hall, there are already tens of thousands of people standing inside, and every one of the weakest is the strongest king of God.

Located in the frontmost position, there are four elderly people sitting there.

“Domain Lord, Qingshan is back, let him take over the position of the old school.”

Invincible, a crowd of people flew over, and the five elders headed by them directly spoke.

“I have received the news. It is our Liuli’s blessing that Qingshan can come back at this time. Welcome back. From now on, you will take over as your father!”

The domain master sitting in the center obviously knew the arrival of God Emperor Shangshui, and said with a smile on his face.

“It’s the domain owner!”

God Emperor Shangshui nodded.

“These are your apprentices, let’s join my Liuli in the future.”

The domain master looked at the invincible tactics behind the Shangshui God Emperor, and said.

“After the war is over, let them join Liuli again.”

God Emperor Shangshui said to the domain master.

The domain master was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded following a smile: “Okay, then Qingshan, you can be the master!”


God Emperor Shangshui nodded.

He is from Liuli, and now the Liuli Region is in crisis, and the god emperor is likely to die in battle.

He can fight and die for his homeland, but his apprentice, he doesn’t want to get involved.

Once the moment of crisis is really reached, he will not retreat, but his apprentice, he will direct him to retreat.

The domain owner clearly understood what he meant.

“Okay, it’s all here. The matter is urgent. Now the war has broken out on the Armament Sovereign Domain, and our ten emperors of Liuli are sitting on the border.”

“God emperor level demons have appeared in the Misty Domain. Those divine emperors are not afraid of death, and we guarded them by the six major legions of Liuli.”

“Four god emperors of the 6th Army of the Third Army were killed in battle, Qingshan took over the position of deputy commander of the Third Army, the fourth elder of the Supreme Supreme, you will take over the position of commander of the army…”

“Go now!”

The domain master commanded to everyone, and at the end, stood up and gave a loud command.

The situation is urgent, if it is normal, the God Emperor of Sheung Shui returns, it will always be a celebration.

After all, he is a god emperor.

But now that the border crisis and the fall of the god emperor, there is no such effort to do other things.

Now, all the gods go straight to the battlefield.


The God Emperor of Shangshui waved his arm, leading the brothers of the invincible warfare, and followed a group of elders to sit towards the teleportation formation.

“Four elders, how is the situation on the monster domain now? Why did four god emperors die at once?”

The God Emperor of Shangshui followed the four elders, frowning and asked.

“No one knows what the madness of the monsters in the Demon Realm is. A dozen or so god emperors and evil spirits led countless subordinates to attack them in a fierce and fearless manner.”

“We didn’t react well for a while. We desperately faced the enemy and killed eight evil spirits, but five god emperors fell because of this.”

“Now, according to the latest news, there are more than a dozen god emperors in the monster domain, and the weapon emperor domain seized this opportunity to contain a large number of our strong men. Hey, this group of damn guys!”

The four elders of the Supreme Lord roared angrily.

“Then Master, why didn’t they fled back to their own Void God Realm in a crisis situation?”

Tactical Invincible stood aside and couldn’t help but asked.

“Can’t retreat, because behind are the billionaires of our Liuliyu, countless people, if our god emperor retreats, they will have to die.”

The Four Great Elders glanced at the invincible tactics and spoke.

Around, some middle-aged people also looked at the invincibility of tactics. Obviously, in their opinion, the problem of invincible tactics is very idiotic.

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