2907 1:41:17 Jessica

The glazed glaze domain is the largest domain in the bright starry sky.

Numerous powerful men were born in the Liuli Region, and Liuli, the largest power, has more than twenty god emperors.

And this is just the divine emperor of the colored glaze forces, in the colored glaze domain, in addition to the powerful forces of the level of colored glaze, there are many other forces.

These forces are not as powerful as Liuli, but they are also comparable to those in the ancient heavens of Heavenly Punishment.

In the entire Liuli Region, there are more than 30 god emperors known on the bright side.

However, the glazed domain today is full of murderous aura.

The air was solidified with the smell of war.

Located on the nearest planet in the Glazed Glass Region near the Sanctuary, five figures flew over from the void and fell into the planet.

“Is this the Liuliyu? It looks so prosperous!”

Invincible tactics scanned the surroundings of the planet, looking curiously.

“The reason why the Liuliyu is called the largest area is the area of ​​the Liuliyu, and the second is the system of the Liuliyu. It is relatively fair in the Liuliyu. As long as you are a genius, you will have a bright future.”

“The Glazed Glass Region has a lot of resources, coupled with the threat of the monsters in the Magic Domain, and the threat of the Robot Emperor Domain robots, there is no lack of experience, so there are many strong ones.”

God Emperor Shangshui looked around with a slight sigh, staring at the starry sky ahead.

“Let’s go!”

After he finished speaking, he put a long-term brain in the dust on his hand, looked at the information on it, and walked towards the teleportation array.

They immediately followed behind and looked around curiously.

The transmission array of the Glazed Glass Domain is obviously much more than other domains, and it is much more convenient.

The Shangshui God Emperor and his party hurried towards the center of the Liuliyu.

The planets in the Glazed Glaze Region can be technologically-typed, fantasy-typed, and technologically mixed with fantasy.

The closer they are to the center, the more they can feel the dignity of the atmosphere.

Some places even hung white cloth to pay homage to the fallen god emperor.

The God Emperor of Shangshui looked at the portraits and photos of the Fallen God Emperor, his face kept calm.

They looked at them and found that one of the five fallen god emperors looked a bit similar to their own master.

The five divine emperors, not all of Liuli’s divine emperors, three of them are from Liuli, and the other two are the ancestors of other forces.

After three days of teleportation, they came to a floating city in the sky.

As soon as he came out of the teleportation array, he could see the four characters of Liuli World in front of him.

This is a huge city, and it can also be called a huge island in the universe.

The entire Liuli World is extremely prosperous.

God Emperor Shangshui looked at the world ahead and stopped for more than ten seconds.

“Master, let’s go when you come, and let us see our master.”

Next to him, the second senior sister with invincible tactics spoke.

“It’s all here!”

The God Emperor of Shangshui murmured, waved his arm, and flew the four of them forward.

“The master comes from Liuli. It is the Shangshui family, a big family in Liuli. Our Shangshui family is Liuli for generations. We are loyal to Liuli. Millions of years ago, the master left here for some reason and went to Bahuang Liuhe.”

The God Emperor of Shangshui said to them, his eyes gleaming.

“Your master, fell in a great battle not long ago.”

After pondering for dozens of seconds, he added.

“Master, was it killed by a robot or by the evil spirits of the Demon Realm.”

Aside, the slightly burly big brother roared with a murderous face.

“Fell on the battlefield of the Demon Realm.”

God Emperor Shangshui sighed, with crystal tears shining in his eyes.

The atmosphere fell silent, and the Emperor Shangshui looked forward, leading them to fly quickly.

In the colored glaze world, it is forbidden to fly by the strong below the god emperor.

The momentum of the God Emperor of Sheung Shui was unobstructed, and no one came up to stop him.

After flying for a few hours, a huge building emitting colorful light appeared in front of it.

The building is like a mountain, which is very eye-catching throughout the world.

“Is the place ahead of Liuli where Liuli originated? Liuli Qionglou.”

The third senior murmured while looking at the colorful buildings in front of him.

“That’s right, that is the Liuli Qiong Building, the entire Liuli Qiong Building is made of colored glaze divine stone, which is of great value!”

The emperor of Shangshui said in remembrance.

“What’s the matter with senior? What’s the matter with Liuli?”

When the God Emperor of Shangshui and the others came to the Liuli Qiong Tower, more than 20 middle-aged people immediately flew over and stared at the God Emperor of Shangshui.

Feeling the power of his god emperor, he asked with vigilance and respect.

“Shang Shui Qingtian!”

God Emperor Shangshui said lightly.

“Shang Shui Qingtian?”

A group of people were taken aback for a moment, and looked at him in a bit of astonishment.

“Qing Tian, ​​I didn’t expect you to break through to the realm of the god emperor!”

At this moment, an old man below stared at the God Emperor of Shangshui, staring at him in amazement.

“Hehe, luck, twelve guardians, you are still the same.”

The God Emperor of Shangshui smiled faintly, and said to the old man.

“Come back, the past is over, and your father…”

The old man looked at him and said slowly.

“I know, I have come back.”

God Emperor Shangshui nodded faintly.

“Welcome home, Lord God Emperor.”

The old man bowed towards him and said sternly.


The Shangshui God Emperor moved, and they continued to fly towards the inside with the invincible tactics.

“He is Shang Shui Qingtian, who seriously injured his brother’s Shang Shui Qingtian?”

“Hey, who can tell the past things clearly, you must know that the children of Sheung Shui Qingtian died in that incident!”

In the sky, more than 20 middle-aged people recalled something and whispered.

The area of ​​Liuliqiong Tower is very large, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of kilometers.

Here, the god emperor powerhouse and core disciple living in Liuli.

At this time, in the land of Liuli’s clan, thousands of people gathered there.

The whole clan land is full of solemnity.

In the center, there are three portraits, and a group of relatives and disciples are standing in the front position.


The God Emperor of Shangshui and the others flew directly over and attracted the attention of some people.

Many of them saw the head of the God Emperor of Sheung Shui, and their expressions changed slightly.

“Why is he here, why is this guy here!”

“Hmph, who made him come, if it weren’t for him, Qinghe wouldn’t die!”

Some of them spoke with an angry look on their faces.

“I asked my second brother to come!”

At the central location, a woman spoke.

“Qingshan has become a god emperor!”

The five old men in front of the woman looked over and said with blinking eyes.


The words of the five old men slightly surprised everyone around him, and even the woman was astonished.

God Emperor Shangshui looked down, with no expression on his face, fell on the ground and walked straight ahead.

Around him, everyone’s eyes focused on him.

Tactical Invincible looked around curiously, and raised his brows slightly.

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