Chapter 2894 the starry sky is shaking (2)

“In just two minutes, the defense of the Cheng Wu Hui was broken by the Dragon Palace, and the Dragon King shot and killed the sorcerer forcefully, and the emperor of the imperial court was frightened and fleeing!”

“In less than half an hour, all the powerful god emperors in the imperial court of the Cheng Wu Hui were killed, and the rest of the disciples were lucky to survive by surrendering. The strength of the Dragon Palace is simply invincible!”

“The nine huge creatures are the Feng Shenlong, they are the Shenlong, the real Shenlong is very terrifying!”

“The Cheng Wuhui will be defeated. In the future, the Dragon Palace will take over the Heavenly Witch Realm, and all the powerful people who are hiding in the surrounding area will appear to submit to the Dragon King!”

“The strength of the Dragon Palace is simply against the sky, it is too terrifying, and the Cheng Wuhui can’t resist it at all!”

“Too strong, the dragon roars, the dragon king is invincible!”

“Today, my ancient witch master announced that I surrender to the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace. In the future, the Dragon Palace will be the mainstay and the Dragon King will be the honor!”

The Dragon Palace invaded the Sky Witch Realm, preparing to attack the witch society, and the entire Sky Witch Realm is paying attention!

However, what made everyone in the Tianwu Domain feel incredible is that when the Dragon Palace reached Wushan, within half an hour, one message after another came.

Especially, when the ancient witch master directly issued a statement on the communication network, the entire Celestial witch domain was dumbfounded.

Looking at the information about Wushan, everyone opened their mouths slightly, full of incredible expressions.

The wizard is dead, killed by the Dragon King!

All the powerhouses above the God King in the Cheng Wuhui were all dead, not one left!

Only the disciples below the god king, the Dragon Palace did not kill too much, let them go.

Otherwise, the entire Cheng Wuhui will be slaughtered by the Dragon Palace.

Only the emperor of the imperial court escaped, and all the other god emperors fell.

Within a day, the six god emperors of the Cheng Wu Hui were all destroyed, none of them escaped.

There was also a god emperor in the imperial court who was easily beheaded.

Everyone in the entire Sky Witch Domain looked at the news, their eyes widened, full of incredible.

“In the past, the witchcraft was very strong, but many great sects in the Sky Witch domain still have not surrendered, but now they have directly announced that they are surrendering to the Dragon Palace. This… how powerful is the Dragon Palace!”

“Almost 100% sure, Dragon Palace owns Shenlong, the real Shenlong!”

In the communication network of the Sky Witch domain, countless people talked about it.

But three hours later, in the communication network, everyone received a message.

This message will be received by anyone who has a communication stone plate!

“From today, the Dragon Palace will take over the Sky Witch Domain. In the future, the entire Sky Witch Domain will be respected by the Dragon Palace. The Dragon Palace will formulate a new order based on the Emperor Star Domain. Those who refuse to accept it, kill!

In addition, in the near future, the Celestial Witch domain will communicate with the Emperor Star Domain, and the two domains will communicate with each other. ”

A message announced that Dragon Palace would completely control the entire Celestial Witch domain.

When all the people in the Sky Witch domain saw this information, their bodies were slightly shaken.

“The Dragon Palace wants to open up the two domains and control our Heavenly Witch domain!”

“Hey, is the Dragon King going to re-establish the order of our Heavenly Witch Realm? Is that going to provoke many people and forces?”

“Arouse many people and forces? Whoever refuses to accept it will die directly. Even the witch club will be destroyed within half an hour. The rest of the forces are small fish from the Dragon Palace. I didn’t see that the rest of the forces have declared their surrender. ?”

This piece of information can be said to have caused the entire Celestial Witch Territory to boil.

But soon, all the people in the Sky Witch domain discovered that the forces on the Witch domain that could be called on that day once again issued a statement on the communication network.

Obey the orders of the Dragon King and unconditionally obey the orders of the Dragon Palace!


Seeing that all the forces cooperated so respectfully for the first time, everyone knew that the sky in the Sky Witch Domain had changed.

From the side, they can also feel the horror of Dragon Palace.

“Dragon King, all the treasures have been collected, and the kingdoms of several god emperors have also been found.”

At the same time, it is located on the highest peak of Wushan Mountain.

Tian Zhen came to Wang Xian with a smile on his face and reported.

“Very well, carry an ocean to Wushan, and we will build a dragon palace here.”

Wang Xian said towards the sky formation.

“Yes, I know there is an ocean nearby.”

Tian Zhen nodded immediately.

“Dragon Palace, this time we have obtained resource treasures, which can increase the Dragon Palace by at least twenty-five god emperors, which can double, and in addition, we can add a second-tier powerhouse of the god emperor.”

From the side, Prime Minister Turtle said excitedly.

“Bring those Void God Kingdoms over and let the Dragon Palace absorb them.”

“In addition, when we establish the Dragon Palace here, we must carry out a thorough rectification of the Heavenly Witch Realm, and send the Dragon Palace powerhouse to kill all those extremely vicious people.”

“Just leave the management to Qingyue Fengluan and the others!”

Wang Xian ordered to Prime Minister Turtle.

“It is the Dragon King, I will assist the dragon queens to take over the entire Celestial Witch Domain as soon as possible!”

Prime Minister Turtle nodded.

“At that time, the nine wind gods can cooperate, and the speed will be faster.”

Wang Xian smiled and said.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Gui Cheng said accordingly.

The Heavenly Witch Territory is different from the Emperor Star Territory. The order of this star Territory is incomparable to the Emperor Star Territory, let alone the Holy Territory.

Although it is not like the ancient heaven of Heaven’s Punishment, it is also full of killings.

There are many things such as human experimentation, killing people and making treasures.

Since Dragon Palace wants to take over this star field, it must be rectified.

As for whether anyone resisted, they killed it directly.

With the strength of the Dragon Palace, it is not too simple to clean them up.

There is a heavenly formation, and there is a wind god dragon, and you can’t escape even if you want to escape.

“After controlling the two domains, the speed of Dragon Palace’s improvement in the future will be even more terrifying.”

Wang Xian murmured, with a smile on his face.

After this time, more than one million god emperors were hunted and killed, and the strength of the ordinary members of the Dragon Palace was also greatly improved.

At least it can make the strength of the weakest of Dragon Palace reach the fourth and fifth ranks of the Immortal King.

“I don’t know, at Bahuang Liuhe, how would Bahuang react if he knew the situation here?”

The corner of Wang Xian’s mouth was slightly tilted, his gaze looked down at the mountains and rivers.

Next, a huge ocean was quickly carried over by the Nine Dragons of the Dragon Palace and the Heaven Array.

The huge ocean carried hundreds of millions of miles and caused a huge sensation in the entire Sky Witch Domain.

It’s so powerful and terrifying!


The ocean was transported to a place in Wushan, and it fell in the middle of Wushan.

Wang Xian immediately established a dragon palace and opened up the connection with the main dragon palace of the emperor star region.

“Xiao Xian? The Sky Witch Domain has been attacked?”

A group of girls received the message and immediately sent it over and asked Wang Xian.


Wang Xian nodded and smiled on his face.

“Next, you can develop the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty to the Heavenly Witch Realm and take charge of it, but it may take some time here, which is more troublesome than the Emperor Star Realm!”

“This time I have obtained a lot of treasures. Qingyue and Fengluan will raise your strength to the realm of the god emperor first.”

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