Chapter 2893 The dazzling starry sky shakes

“Master, no no, give me a chance, don’t kill me, don’t kill me!”

In the center of the battlefield, the emperor’s horrified voice sounded. He was completely restrained by the chain. Seeing the killing intent in Tianzhen’s eyes, his body trembled violently, begging for mercy.

“Kill it directly, go over, let everything pass!”

Tianzhen stared at the disciple he had educated for thousands of years, slowly closed his eyes, and said to Ao Qitian and the others.

“Jie Jie Jie, to say that the old man of the sky formation, your heart is too soft, let me help you torture and torture!”

Baqi smiled strangely and moved to the side of the emperor. With a wave of his arm, he slapped his face directly with a slap.

“To deceive the master and destroy the ancestor is to disperse the soul!”

As Baqi said, with a wave of his arm, dark energy surged toward the emperor.


The painful screams sounded, and Tianyuan closed his eyes, without the slightest fluctuation.

The screaming sound added some horror to the entire battlefield.

Some of the strong men of the Witch Club shook their bodies when they heard the screams from their god emperor.

What kind of pain is this that can make a god emperor so miserable?

“Jie Jie Jie!”

The Baqi Monster screamed, and black flesh and blood gushing from his arms penetrated into his body, torturing him constantly.


The screams echoed, and in the entire battlefield, except for some strong kings who were still resisting, the rest were all kneeling on the ground.

The scream came into their ears, causing their bodies to tremble constantly.

“Prime Minister Turtle, it’s all done!”

In less than five minutes, all the powerful god kings of the witch society were all beheaded.

Ao Jian flew over and reported to Prime Minister Turtle with a smile.


At the side position, over the central battlefield, nine wind dragons roared excitedly, and their voices spread throughout Wushan.

Together, everyone kneeling on Wushan.

This means that the era of becoming a witch society is over, and a new era is about to begin.

“Baqi Demon Sha, your venom horned dragon species should have received a lot of information, take over this area, lead some members, and retrieve all the treasures!”

“The rest of the Dragon Palace disciples, clean up the battlefield!”

Prime Minister Turtle ordered immediately.


A group of Dragon Palace members responded immediately.


At this moment, Wang Xian slowly walked out of the Void God Realm above, looking towards the position below.


The nine wind gods roared, flew towards Wang Xian, hovering around him.

Everyone’s eyes focused on the Dragon King in the sky, and their eyes were filled with awe-inspiring expressions.

In this battle, apart from the emperor’s escape from the Imperial Court, all the others were left here.

All above the gods were killed!

The destruction of the imperial court and the destruction of the Cheng Wuhui were all created by the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace!

Destroy the two powerful forces and become a wizard sorcerer!

Leading the Dragon Palace to rise and dominate in a short period of time.

After the first battle today, the Dragon Palace will completely shock the entire shining sky.

The two great forces were wiped out in one fell swoop, and the era of the two pinnacle forces was ended. This is extremely terrifying!

“I am the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace. In the future, the Heavenly Witch Realm will be taken over by my Dragon Palace. Anyone who refuses to accept it will be killed without mercy!”

Wang Xian stood aloft, gazing at everyone below, sweeping across the surrounding void.



His voice fell, and a terrifying dragon roar shocked the world.

Announcing the position of Dragon Palace in this void.

“Hurry up and see the Dragon King!”

Mo Sha looked down at all the disciples of Cheng Wu Hui and Emperor Court who were kneeling on Wu Mountain, and shouted sharply.

“Meet the Dragon King!”

On Wushan, everyone trembled, and immediately shouted loudly.

“Meet the Dragon King!”

Shout after shout, resounded through this area.

“The Dragon King found us!”

“With the strength of the Dragon King, we can naturally sense our existence!”

“The Dragon Palace is going to take over our Heavenly Witch Realm. With the terrifying power of the Dragon Palace, surrender!”

The Heavenly Witch Domain powerhouse hiding in the void around him immediately appeared.

The Heavenly Witch Region was not unified by the Cheng Wuhui, just like the previous Emperor Star Region.

In addition to the Sky Witch Domain, there are also several huge forces. Although they do not have the existence of the god emperor level, there are many god king peaks.

At this moment, seeing the terrifying strength of the Dragon Palace, they dare not have the slightest chance of luck.

Show off your body shape one by one.

“Meet the Dragon King!”

They stood directly in the void and bowed to the Dragon King’s position to worship.


Wang Xian glanced over them and nodded faintly.

“Let’s go, let’s go to Chengwuhui Wushan Center!”

He looked at the members of the Dragon Palace, his figure moved and flew towards the front of Wushan Mountain.

According to the information he got from the wizard, Wushan is a huge treasure.

A strength that has stood for a billion years, and a nest that has been in business for a billion years.

Anything out of it will be contested by countless strong people.

It is no exaggeration to say that replacing all the treasures in it with resources can give birth to more than a dozen god emperors in the Dragon Palace.

Secondly, just now, he also obtained a lot of treasures in the wizard’s Void God Realm.

More precious is a substitute puppet, which can represent one’s own death.

The absolute treasure of life!

In addition, there are all kinds of treasures. The secrets of witches are a huge treasure house.

“In addition to these, this time the Dragon Palace hunted and killed seven god emperors, including the wizard. The wizard is the second-tier god emperor, and it can add a second-tier powerhouse to the dragon palace.”

“The remaining six corpses can increase by six. If the Void God Kingdom has excess, it can be absorbed by the Devouring Dragon. For other words, it may be absorbed by the Dragon Palace first. The Dragon Palace can absorb the Void God Kingdom with nine attributes, and it can reach eight. class!”

Wang Xian murmured, his eyes gleaming.

The harvest this time is absolutely terrifying.

His resources are only at the level of the god emperor.

There are still more than fifty corpses of the god king peak, as well as a large number of treasures in their gods.

In short, this time the strength of Dragon Palace can be greatly improved.

“The resources here are enough to get another promotion!”

He squinted his eyes slightly, and he was in a very good mood!

With a movement, he quickly came to the center of Wushan, glanced at the center of this big power, and smiled on his face.

“Dragon King and they went to Wushan Center!”

“Next, I’m afraid our entire Sky Witch Domain will boil!”

“In less than half an hour, the sorcerer will be defeated, the sorcerer was beheaded by the dragon king, and the emperor of the imperial court flees in horror!”

“It’s more than a big shock in the witchcraft society, and soon the entire bright starry sky will boil!”

“Dragon Palace, it’s going to be a real Megatron!”

The powerhouses of the Sky Witch Domain in the void looked at the back of the Dragon King leaving, muttering in their mouths.

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