Chapter 2845 Peerless Jiaozi’s tactics are invincible? Down

After chatting with Ye Luying and the others, Wang Xian returned to the pavilion.

The three of them did not dare to follow to the pavilion, and could see that they were still in awe of their master.

Wang Xian returned to the pavilion, took out the communication stone tray, opened it and checked it.

The role of this communication stone disk is no different from the intellectual brain of the Emperor Star Territory.

Entertainment and current affairs are generally the same.

There are not many humans on the Bahuang Liuhe side, and even less than one-hundredth, or even one-thousandth, or even one-tenth of the other star regions.

There are only tens of thousands of continental planets inhabited by humans.

The communication stone plate is made by the biggest power here, Yahuang.

Wang Xian looked at some of the above information, various, information about various secret realms in the Eight Desolations, and information about a certain powerhouse breaking into the Eight Desolations and Liuhe.

There are also situations of wars in some places.

The Bahuang Liuhe is very small, but there are a large number of strong people gathered here.

So the interesting thing here is not small.

“Shangshui God Emperor’s apprentices are invincible and peerless peerless. Once they were born, they have defeated several core disciples in a row, and they are invincible to the younger generation.”

“The peerless Jiaozi has invincible tactics and is extremely handsome. She is a disciple of the God Emperor of Shangshui, who is the brightest star in the future Bahuang Liuhe.”

When Wang Xian browsed the information one by one, he suddenly saw two posts.

When he saw the name above, he was taken aback for a moment, and his whole body showed an expression of incomparable stunned error.

Invincible tactics?

What a familiar name, especially the titles of these two posts, how do you think it resembles someone’s own operation at the time.

The tactics are invincible, the narcissistic and coquettish guy from the tactical clan of the Tianze Continent.

It is also the guy that Wang Xian has the best relationship with when he enters this dazzling world.

Invincible Warfare has a strong bloodline, and was taken away by a powerful force.

At that time, Wang Xian thought he was taken away by a strong man in the imperial court.

But then he also used Dragon Palace’s power to inquire about it, and there was no such person in the Imperial Court.

This made him slightly curious, and after a long time, Wang Xian was about to forget this guy.

Seeing this familiar name now, he was surprised at the same time but also a little surprised.

Clicking on the two posts, Wang Xian took a look, and at a glance, he could see that these were the posts posted by the invincible.

This guy had done this before when he was in Tianze Continent.

The post is nothing more than boasting that he is a peerless Jiaozi, the brightest star in the future in the land of the eight wilds and Liuhe, and the invincible divine emperor in the future.

He looked at it, couldn’t help but smiled, then searched again and found the personal homepage of Invincible Fighting.

“If the sky is not born, I am invincible, and the eight wastes and six ties are like a long night!”

Looking at the introduction on the personal homepage, Wang Xian can already be 100% sure that he is this narcissistic guy.

“But how did this guy ran from the Emperor Star Territory to Bahuang Liuhe? Could it be that the Shangshui God Emperor was the one who took him as his disciple?”

Wang Xian showed a curious look on his face, and said in his heart.

Becoming a disciple of a god emperor, this tactical invincibility is very good.

Moreover, he got a message from those two posts that Invincible Warfare now possesses the strength of the seventh-order Immortal King.

At this age, this kind of strength can be said to be very strong.

With a strong master and strong strength, the invincibility of tactics has also become wild.

However, the information on the homepage was only updated half a year ago, and it should have started to become active only half a year ago.

“Haha, it’s really fate!”

Speaking of which, seeing the message of invincible tactics, he somewhat missed this guy.

Find a time to reminisce with this guy.

“Ah Qiu!”

At the same time, in an extremely luxurious palace, the handsome and powerful young man raised his head slightly and sneezed.

“Which pretty girl is thinking about Xiaoye.”

He murmured in his mouth, tossed his long hair, and walked towards the crowd with a gentle smile on his face, his eyes falling on a very beautiful woman.

Inside the Blue Moon planet, Wang Xian took the holy feather and walked towards the room.

Blue Moon Star, which Wang Xian learned from the communication disk, is the name of the planet he is currently on.

Entering the room and nurturing the holy feather, Wang Xian has nothing to do, and continues to look at the various information on the communication stone tray.

“Is Little Brother Wang Xian here?”

Not long after, a voice came.

Wang Xian’s heart moved, and he sensed that it was Ye Luying’s three people, opened the door of the room and walked out.

“How many people, don’t know what’s the matter?”

Looking at the three of them, Wang Xian asked.

“It’s okay, handsome Wang Xian, you are really a boring gourd, walk around, we will take you to supper, and take you around!”

“Blue Moon Star’s night is the most beautiful!”

Ye Luying beckoned to her and said with a smile.

Wang Xian hesitated for a moment and nodded: “Okay, then thank you three.”

“Little Brother Wang Xian, don’t have to be so polite.”

The steady fifth senior said with a smile.

“Go, go!”

Ye Luying urged towards Wang Xian and walked outside excitedly.

In the night sky outside, a blue moon hangs on it, which cannot be called the moon.

The so-called blue moon in the sky is Tianyinghai, a void ocean.

Under the shining of Tianyinghai, the night is indeed very beautiful.

“Walk around, we will take you to eat something very delicious.”

Ye Luying said happily, and walked around with him.

Wang Xian was also idle and was fine, and followed to eat some delicious food.

In the next period of time, the familiar Ye Luying pulled him out to play with him from time to time.

From time to time, he persuaded Wang Xian to worship his master as a teacher, so that he would not be a junior sister.

The three of them had very good temperaments, and Wang Xian gradually became acquainted with them.

During the day, Ye Luying’s master comprehended Sheng Yu for two hours a day, and Wang Xian was able to sense some changes in her body.

Perhaps, this woman can really break through to the realm of the god emperor.

“Are you going to enter the windless forest on a windless day five days from now?”

Nearly three months passed quickly. On this day, the woman surnamed Hongfeng under Tingxie suddenly said to Wang Xian.

Hongfeng is the woman’s surname. Wang Xian heard what Ye Luying said. I don’t know what it is called.


Wang Xian nodded. He stayed here for so long just to wait for the windless day to come and enter the windless forest again.

“This time you followed a few of my apprentices, and I asked them to take care of you.”

The woman continued.

“No need for this.”

Wang Xian shook his head.

The woman frowned when she heard him refuse, and she felt that the young man in front of her was a bit stubborn.

“Well, you control the wind, let me see your strength and understanding of the wind.”

After a few seconds of silence, the woman spoke.


Wang Xian looked at her, a little surprised.

“It’s okay, you show it, let me see!”

The woman stared at him and said again.

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