Chapter 2844 Peerless Jiaozi’s invincible tactics? superior

“Here you are, thank you very much.”

Inside the pavilion, two hours later, the woman handed the holy feather to Wang Xian, her brows furrowed, she clearly understood something.

“Well, I can be here for two hours every day in the future.”

Wang Xian looked at her and said with a smile.

“Okay, thanks a lot!”

When the woman finished speaking, her figure disappeared, obviously she wanted to absorb what she had learned in these two hours.

“Quite witty.”

Wang Xian watched her disappear, muttered in his mouth, smiled and walked towards the room.

When he came to the room, he continued to nurture the holy feather.

For the next two days, Wang Xian spent two hours in the pavilion every day, which made the woman feel for two hours, and spent the rest of the time pregnant.


It wasn’t until five days later that the entire holy feather trembled violently, and there was a faint flickering wind god dragon phantom above.

“Are you going to succeed?”

A look of excitement appeared in Wang Xian’s eyes. Once he was successfully conceived and the Holy Feather merged with the Wushi Holy Wing, he would be able to have one more attribute.

Wind attributes!

At that time, his strength will also improve.

Today’s Saint Yu has changed greatly from the illusion when he first got it.

Especially just now, the entire holy feather slowly turned towards the appearance of the dragon scale, although it still looked like a feather, it was very close to the dragon scale.

Feng Shenlong revolved, Wang Xian’s heart moved, Wu Shi Sheng Wing appeared behind him.


When the Unstarted Holy Wing appeared, the Holy Feather and the Holy Wing trembled at the same time.


A faint and inaudible dragon roar sounded, and the entire holy feather was radiant and flew directly towards the holy wing.


Like a combination of mechas, the holy feather fell directly on the holy wing, and Wang Xian’s eyes burst with luster.


At the next moment, he sensed that he could touch the surrounding wind attributes and the laws of wind attributes.

With a wave of his arm, a wind blade law emerged, floating in front of him.

With joy in Wang Xian’s eyes, the wind blade slowly condensed.


However, the next moment, the wind blade law in front of him collapsed.

Wang Xian’s face was stunned, but when he sensed his position behind him, his face slowly darkened.

Wushi Sacred Wing is a bone wing with shiny bones on it.

However, at one corner of a bone wing, there was a holy feather floating on it, and then there was no more.

There is only one holy wing, and it looks very inconspicuous, but it is a bit obtrusive.

“This is?”

Wang Xian’s face went dark when he saw this situation.

“This is just a holy feather!”

“There are many holy feathers on the sacred wings of Wushi, and I only found one.”

He darkened his face and said inwardly.

In other words, there are still many holy feathers in the Windless Forest, but I haven’t found them all.

Only when all of them are found can the wind attribute wings be considered complete.

This changed Wang Xian’s face.

The last time he entered the Windless Forest, he only entered the edge of the Windless Forest Valley.

But even on the edge, he was almost killed.

If this were to enter the center, wouldn’t there be death or no life?

“Do you want to go in and search after your strength has improved?”

Wang Xian frowned, with a helpless look on his face.

“No, I remember that Tianzhen said a windless day, and that woman also said a windless day to her disciple.”

Wang Xian’s eyes flickered slightly, and with a move of his palm, Sheng Yu appeared in his hand.

Having completely conceived a holy feather, Wang Xian found that he could sense the law of wind attributes.

However, if the wind attribute is used, the attack power can reach the second-order immortal king at most, which is of no use.

“Ask the woman tomorrow.”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart, helplessly lying on the bed to rest.

“Huh, thanks for tea.”

When Wang Xian arrived at the pavilion the next day, the woman was already sitting there, with a pot of freshly brewed tea next to her.

“No, you like to drink tea, I happen to have a bit here.”

The woman shook her head.

Wang Xian smiled and sat aside, with a move of his palm, Sheng Yu flew towards her.


When she saw Sheng Yu, she was also slightly taken aback, and she was surprised: “It has changed?”


Wang Xian nodded and asked, “What is the situation on a windless day, can you tell me?”


“A windless day is a special case of a windless forest. Storms will occur in a windless forest every 10,000 years. At that time, the attacks of the trees in the windless forest will be much weaker.”

“At that time, it is the time when wind attribute cultivators are most excited. The treasures of the wind jade and the windless forest valley, the god emperor will be moved. Then there will be a god emperor, and some god emperors who are not wind attributes may also come. .”

The woman said.


Wang Xian raised his brows slightly, his eyes gleaming.

“The windless day is coming, just three months from now.”

The woman continued.

Wang Xian nodded slightly, he seemed to be lucky.

“I really don’t know how to get this kind of treasure with your strength. It’s really your luck not to die, but even if it’s a windless day, you don’t want to enter the windless forest valley. If it weakens, you can’t enter. .”

The woman glanced at her and continued.

Wang Xian smiled and changed the subject: “By the way, is there an interoperable platform here in Bahuang Liuhe, similar to that of a brain.”

“Yes, I’ll let someone give you one later.”

The woman nodded.


Wang Xian nodded, took a sip of tea, and tasted it.

The woman took out a communication stone tray and sent a few messages. Seeing that Wang Xian was not speaking, she looked at Sheng Yu and continued to feel enlightened.

“Handsome Wang Xian, come, this is what the master wants me to give you.”

Before long, a voice came into the ear.

He looked around and saw two women, a middle-aged woman in the front position. They looked at their master, and said cautiously.

The three of them are naturally Yeluying.


Wang Xian saw the communication stone plate in their hands and walked towards them.

“Thanks a lot.”

Taking the communication stone tray, he said with a smile.

“No, Master asked us to send it to you. This is a new Eight Desolate Formation Disk. I have added your friend. If you have anything you can come to me.”

Ye Luying said enthusiastically.


Wang Xian nodded.

“By the way, handsome Wang Xian, what are you doing with our master these past few days?”

“Are you going to worship our respected master as a teacher? I think you are pretty good. After you worship the respected master as a teacher, I will cover you in the future.”

Ye Luying asked with bright eyes.

They were surprised at how their master stayed with this young man for several days.

This kind of situation was only encountered when they were first admitted by the master.

Of course, they have not thought about other situations, nor have they thought about it or guessed it.

“No, I can’t stay here for long in Bahuang Liuhe.”

Wang Xian smiled and shook his head.

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