Chapter 2840 a fan of hundreds of thousands of miles

Huge peaks stand on both sides, and each peak is at least a million kilometers high.

Above the mountain peaks are densely packed trees.

The central location is a canyon and an entrance.

“Passing through this billion-kilometer-long gorge, there should be a windless forest valley, the core of the entire windless forest.”

“It is said that the core of this windless forest is very dangerous, and the god emperor may fall into it if he enters it.”

Wang Xian stood in front of the peaks, staring inside, muttering in his mouth.

“Boom boom boom!”

Suddenly, at the location of the front entrance, the law of tornadoes condensed in an instant, exuding the sound of howling, rotating towards the inside of the canyon.

The terrifying power caused Wang Xian’s pupils to shrink slightly, and his face was full of surprise.

This terrifying tornado could threaten the god emperor.

He stood quietly at the entrance of the canyon. The entire canyon channel was irregular and chaotic. From time to time, terrible tornadoes, hurricanes, typhoons…

There are also wind spears and wind blades shuttle from time to time.

“It seems that I can only break through!”

Wang Xian frowned slightly, the beginningless holy wings spread out, and his figure moved and flew directly into it.

With the strength of his god emperor level, coupled with the beginningless holy wings, he can travel through the entire canyon in just ten seconds.


Wang Xian’s speed was very fast, and he was absorbing his surroundings with full concentration.

It may be that he had better luck and flew forward easily.

“It’s time to reach the entrance of the Windless Forest Valley!”

Wang Xian was overjoyed, and at the same time, the Unstarted Holy Wing behind him trembled, and a strong feeling came from above.

Holy feather is inside!


“all the best!”

Passing through the canyon smoothly, Wang Xian smiled on his face and looked at the position ahead.

A valley, an unusually huge valley.

There are still trees in the valley, but the trees here are bigger, taller, and more prosperous.

Wang Xian glanced over and saw a dozen Fengyu.

A wind jade the size of a human head contains terrifying energy.

At the entrance, the wind jade obtained by Wang Xian was comparable to the treasure of the 9th-order Immortal King.

The wind jade here is the lowest of the god king peak level.

Moreover, he also saw a wind jade, in the form of a bird, with two wings the size of an ordinary fan.

At a glance, it looks like a holy thing.

Wang Xian squinted his eyes slightly, her eyes gleaming.

But he didn’t move, the Yin Yang and Five Elements Dragon Eyes were still looking around.

The wings of Wu Shi Sheng Wing behind him trembled slightly.

“found it!”

At this moment, Wang Xian locked a tree ten million kilometers ahead.

This tree is a little different from the surrounding trees. Its tree leaves are the same as ordinary leaves.

However, the leaves of this tree are like feathers.

The roots below this tree are a feather, a cyan feather.

This feather is a bit illusory and not real, but Wang Xian can sense a powerful attraction on it.

This made his eyes hot.

“I found it, but why is there only one piece of this feather, is it only one piece, or is there only one piece here?”

Wang Xian was puzzled, glanced around, and flew forward.

“Put away these wind jades first. At the level of these trees, you shouldn’t be able to hurt yourself.”

Wang Xian murmured in his mouth, moved to the front of a Fengyu, stretched out his arm, and immediately grasped it in his hand.


“Swish swish!”

At the moment he took it off, countless leaves covered Wang Xian.

Dragon scales appeared on Wang Xian’s surface, easily resisting the attack of leaves.

After a round of attacks, it stopped.

Wang Xian’s face was happy.

“This is the rhythm of getting rich!”

His eyes shone, and the value of this Fengyu in his hand is comparable to the treasure of the peak of the Immortal King.

The resources acquired by this piece of Fengyu can make Dragon Palace add a god-king pinnacle powerhouse.

However, he was not going to sell, but to make Zhanxian Gourd absorb it.

When he moved his body, he came to the second Fengyu, followed the same pattern, and Wang Xian took it in his bag.

Next, one by one Fengyu was put away by him.

“This is the last one in this area, but this tree’s attack should be able to threaten oneself.”

Wang Xian looked at the bird-shaped Fengyu with a hesitant look on his face.

He flew over, his whole body covered with dragon scales, the five elements rotated, and a burst of earth-yellow energy covered his body.


Reaching out his hand, Wang Xian directly held the bird-shaped Fengyu in his hand.


In the next moment, countless leaves moved towards Wang Xian in an instant.

It’s not that he didn’t want to hide, but that the leaves’ attack didn’t give him time to hide.

The wind speed is the fastest among the nine attributes.


There were continuous impact sounds, and Wang Xian’s body kept retreating towards the rear.


A mouthful of blood was spit out from his mouth, the dragon scales on Wang Xian’s body collapsed little by little, and the blood gushed out.

His face changed wildly, preventing his figure from hitting other trees.


After a round of attacks, he spit out a mouthful of blood again, with an extremely solemn expression on his face.

Just in order to obtain this Fengyu, he has to withstand such a powerful attack. If he obtains that holy feather, wouldn’t the attack be even more terrifying.

“This is still because of the Holy Wing of Beginning. After not touching the trees, the trees will only attack for one round. If they are replaced by someone else, even the god emperor, facing the dense surrounding trees, they will fall down. here.”

Wang Xian said in his mouth, his face constantly changing, and his eyes fell on the holy feather.

“Unleash the strongest defense, withstand a single blow, you should not be able to die, but you will be hit hard, fight it!”

There was a firm look in Wang Xian’s eyes.

After obtaining this holy feather, his strength may be able to get a huge improvement.

After recovering from his injuries, Wang Xian cautiously approached the tree.

If you change to other people, walking and flying here can’t avoid the lack of wind. If the wind occurs, you will be attacked by terror.

When he arrived at the position of Sheng Yu, Wang Xian stared at the feather, and slowly stretched out his arm.

His arm became a small dragon claw.


When Wang Xian grabbed the holy feather, he immediately grabbed it into his hand.


At this time, Wang Xian’s body surged with surging energy, protecting his body.

But the next moment, his face changed.

This time it was not the leaves attacking him, but the branches and branches gathered together, like a large banana fan, carrying the power of the terrifying wind attribute law, and attacked towards the immortal king.



A terrifying attack power fell on Wang Xian’s body, and the strong wind caused his body to fly directly backwards.

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