Chapter 2839 Holy Wing Holy Feather

“Dragon King, did you feel anything?”

Seeing Wu Shi Sacred Wing appearing behind Wang Xian, Tianzhen and the others immediately asked Wang Xian.

“Well, the feather of Unbeginning Holy Wing is inside.”

Wang Xian narrowed his eyes slightly and looked inside.

“Dragon King, the windless forest is very dangerous, even in the realm of the god emperor, you can’t underestimate it.”

“The seemingly calm windless forest is very scary. People who enter cannot create the slightest wind. Once there is wind, these trees with wind attributes will directly attack it.”

“But as long as something enters it, unless it is illusory, it will definitely bring wind. That is to say, once it enters it, it will be attacked by the trees inside. The greater the wind, the more trees it will attack.”

“Some people say that this is a holy place for cultivators of ancient race wind attributes.”

Tianzhen reminded.

Wang Xian nodded slightly, and flew towards the inside with a movement.

“Swish swish!”

Baqi Demon Sha and the others moved and followed closely behind.


“Swish swish!”

When they first entered the windless forest, the leaves of the surrounding trees trembled slightly, making a rattling sound, as if the wind was blowing.

In the next moment, countless leaves attacked them directly on those trees.

Trees in windless forests are as high as tens of thousands of meters, and a tree has several million branches and leaves.

Dense and countless leaves attacked and directly covered them.

“Huh, how can a small attack stop us?”

The evil spirit snorted coldly, and the whole body was dark-attributed, and the leaves fell on them and were directly offset.


At this time, Wang Xian, who was standing aside, let out a startled suspicion.

He looked around and found that there was not the slightest leaf attacking him.

Wang Xian moved his mind, sensing the Unstarting Holy Wing behind him, thinking of a characteristic of this Unstarting Holy Wing.

Wushi Sacred Wing is located in the body, which can make him have no resistance in the water and some energy tides.

But this characteristic is a bit tasteless for Wang Xian.

He is a dragon himself and possesses seven attributes, so he can adapt to most environments.

“Hey, Dragon King, why haven’t you been attacked? Is it because of the Holy Wing without Beginning.”

Tian Zhen looked over and asked with surprise on his face.

“should be.”

Wang Xian nodded and flew straight ahead.

The surrounding branches and leaves still did not attack him, he hesitated, and with a wave of his arm, a wave of energy attacked the tree beside him.


“Swish swish!”

In the next moment, branches and leaves attacked Wang Xian.

Wang Xian shook his body and resisted the attack of the leaves.

After a round of attacks, the surrounding attacks stopped.

“It seems that if I do it, I will still be attacked.”

Wang Xian murmured.


At the rear, Tianzhen Baqi and the others flew over, and the surrounding branches and leaves were constantly attacking.

The attack power of this leaf can threaten the God King’s first-order powerhouse, but for them, even if it is not deliberately resisted, it can’t hurt.

“Go elsewhere, I will look for it here myself.”

Wang Xian looked at them constantly being attacked, hesitated and said.

“Dragon King, it’s more dangerous here, it’s better for us to be by your side.”

Tianzhen they said quickly.

“Here, if you encounter danger, I may not be able to encounter danger.”

“You go out, there should be no problem with the Holy Wing without Beginning. After I find the Holy Wing and Feather, I will contact you.”

Wang Xian said directly.

They looked at each other and nodded slowly.

“Dragon King, you must be careful!”

“rest assured!”

Wang Xian replied, and immediately flew towards the inside according to the induction on the Holy Wing of No Beginning.

With Unstarted Sacred Wings that are not attacked, Wang Xian just needs to pay attention not to be touched by these branches when flying.

In comparison, it was much easier than the Heavenly Formation Demon Sha and the others being by their side.

“Let’s go out, I will take you to a treasure hunt.”

Tian Zhen they watched Wang Xian’s figure disappear quickly, and said.

“Jiejie, do you know where there are treasures?”

Mosha Baqi beamed in front of his eyes and asked immediately.

“I know more than you guys, just follow me.”

Tianzhen said lightly, and a group of four turned and left the Windless Forest.

“Huh? Is this? There are treasures?”

On the other side, after flying for two hours, Wang Xian stared at a tree in front of him, with a surprised look on his face.

“This should be the wind jade in the mouth of the sky array, like jade, condensed from pure wind attribute laws, with special abilities, which is of great benefit to wind attribute cultivators.”

Wang Xian murmured, looking at the Fengyu growing on the trees in front of him, his figure moved and came to him.

Reaching out, Wang Xian picked off Fengyu directly.

“Swish swish!”

When Fengyu was picked off, a trail of sharp leaves covered Wang Xian.

A crowd of millions of moments fell on him.

“It seems that the trees here have a higher attack power, and they can already threaten the second-order powerhouse of the Immortal King.”

Wang Xian sensed the attack falling on him, calculating in his heart.

Looking at Fengyu with his palm, he hesitated and placed it on his chest.

The trees in the windless forest belonged to plants, and he wanted to see if they had any special feelings for the ancestor trees.


Under his temptation, there really were some responses.

However, this response did not come from the ancestor tree, but from the slashing gourd on the ancestral tree.

Zhanxian Gourd was originally a treasure obtained by Wangxian in the imperial court.

This is indeed a treasure, but now there are hundreds of swords that can be comparable to the peak of the gods in the Slashing Immortal Gourd, but there is no one that can threaten the level of the gods.

According to Wang Xian’s guess, perhaps when the Dragon Palace is upgraded again, and the ancestor tree is upgraded again, Zhan Xian Gourd will be able to reach that level.

The current Zhanxian Gourd is a bit tasteless.

“Is this Fengyu useful for Zhanxian Gourd?”

Wang Xian raised his eyebrows and thought, Zhanxian Gourd immediately appeared in his hands.


Slowly, Fengyu was absorbed by Immortal Slashing Gourd, and within two seconds, Fengyu was completely absorbed.

However, Wang Xian did not sense any changes in Zhanxian Gourd.

“Maybe, this Fengyu can evolve Immortal Calabash Gourd?”

Wang Xian guessed in his heart, he continued to fly towards the inside with a movement.

Under the guidance of the sacred wings of the beginning, the sacred feather of the sacred wings should be in the deep place of the windless forest.

During the fast flight, he encountered a lot of Fengyu, all of which were picked up by him to make Zhanxian Gourd absorb.

The deeper it goes, the stronger the attack of the leaves becomes. To the back, the attack of the leaves of the terrifying wind attribute law is enough to threaten the powerhouse of the ninth rank of God King.


Three days later, Wang Xian stopped and stared at the front.

The area ahead has changed, not densely packed with countless trees, but a huge mountain.

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