2824: Words Crush Variety-Embodiment?

“This Dragon Palace…”

At the side position, the wizard who was confronting Xiaolan saw another god emperor emerge from the Dragon Palace, his face was also sinking, his eyes swept over the emperor, and there was a bad expectation in his heart.

The emergence of this situation in succession not only caused a huge blow to their morale, but also greatly weakened their strength.

The imperial court’s most treasured heaven, earth and gods have three nets, and they become the scars of the witches’ treasures.

Venerable’s Scar, a treasure of existence, has now been taken away by the Dragon Palace, and his heart is bleeding.

Under the circumstances, the Dragon Palace and the countless abyss species were already able to contend with them.

“Damn it!”

The wizard roared, and the sky above the Purgatory World Array sent out a series of devastating attacks towards Xiaolan.


The gray energy shocked Xiao Lan’s body, completely unafraid of his attack.

However, Xiaolan couldn’t suppress the wizard in front of him like the imperial court emperor.

In terms of strength, the gap between him and the wizards of the Wizarding Society is not too big.

On Wang Xian’s side, with the addition of the evil spirit, the ten emperors of the Dragon Palace against the emperor of the imperial court have not fallen below at all, and even surrounded them to counterattack.

The two divine emperors of the Emperor Court antagonized the two divine emperors of the Abyss, and they were also completely entangled.

In the heavenly formation, he controlled the formation against the four god emperors of the Cheng Wu Hui, fighting against them from a distance, not at all disadvantaged.

Even the small house can handle the god emperor who became the witch club.

The situation has completely stabilized.

“Resisted, the Dragon Palace resisted the joint attack of the Imperial Court and Cheng Wuhui, too strong, hahaha!”

“Great, great!”

At this time, the most excited was the great disciples of Beichuan Sect and the others who taught them last month.

The current situation has stabilized, and such a powerful Dragon Palace, the Imperial Court and the Cheng Wuhui will no longer be able to destroy them.

As long as the Dragon Palace is there, they will not be in any danger.

“All Dragon Palace disciples, prepare to fight back!”

At this time, Prime Minister Turtle looked at the situation in front of him, his eyes burst with a strong luster, and he shouted excitedly.

It’s time to fight back!

With the trump cards currently displayed by the Witch Club, the Mark of the Venerable was obtained by the Dragon Palace, leaving only the bloody and ferocious Witch Gu and the earth-attribute monster condensed from the treasure bottle.

The existence of these two god emperors can be completely entangled by the three nets of heaven, earth and gods.

The entire witch army can be completely suppressed by the flame god.

The remaining Witch Beast Legion and the Dark Legion, the Dragon Palace is not afraid.

In addition to the countless abyssal species, the power on the Dragon Palace side is stronger than the Imperial Court and the Cheng Wu Hui.


In the upper air position, Xiaolan ordered all the Abyssal Species to issue an offensive order.



The other two Divine Emperor Abyss Species issued a roar and commanded all the Abyss Species to attack.


“Swish swish!”

“Boom boom boom!”

Prime Minister Tortoise issued the order, and the Yulong Dragon Seed held an earth shield and rushed directly forward.

In the rear position, a series of arrows from the Sky Eye’s arrow head directly attacked forward.

Dragon Palace Crazy Dragon, Heavenly Thunder, Fire Dragon and Phoenix, Stinging Dragon, Xingmu Dragon, etc., followed closely behind the Yulong Dragon and rushed towards the enemy in front.


In the position on the side, with the command of the leader, countless Abyssal Seeds rushed directly forward, full of bloodthirsty and rage.

The entire battlefield went crazy in an instant.

“Kill kill kill!”

The imperial court experts and their disciples saw the Dragon Palace and Abyss Seed conduct a thorough counterattack, and their hearts beat violently.

A group of imperial court guardians can only grit their teeth and give orders to attack.


Countless imperial court disciples and strong men can only bite the bullet and fight towards the abyss ahead.

A real tragic attack.

This kind of war did not break out in the abyss last time, but it broke out completely on their imperial court islands and in their lair.

There was a momentary collision, and blood splattered.

The truly tragic battle, completely opened.

An abyss species that is not afraid of death, a disciple of the imperial court who has no choice but to fight.


“Sorcerer, do you have any hole cards for the witch club.”

The Emperor of the Emperor Court saw the complete outbreak of the war below, and hundreds of thousands of Emperor Court disciples fell to death every second, his heart sank, and he immediately roared loudly.

“Boom boom boom!”

The Cheng Wuhui wizard didn’t speak, and bombarded Xiaolan one by one.

Now he is very embarrassed.

According to the news from the Imperial Court, there are only four god emperors in the Dragon Palace, plus two god emperors of the abyss, six!

But now? This dragon palace has thirteen in total, plus the Divine Emperor Abyss Seed, there are fifteen.

This is still not the case of the Heavenly Formation God Emperor.

There were nine more messages than the Emperor Court gave them.

Nine god emperors!

In a grand battle, often a god emperor can change the situation of a battle.

But now? There are nine more.

These are nine god emperors, and each of them is a famous existence in this bright starry sky.

With nine more people, Dragon Palace could contend with them. It is conceivable how much preparation they would make to kill the Heavenly Formation God Emperor.

In their opinion, there is a 10,000% chance of destroying the sky array.

now what?

They became the witch club. Although they didn’t bring all their hole cards, the two remaining cards were too big to carry, and could only be regarded as the treasure of the town club.

Under this circumstance, not only didn’t take the Dragon Palace down, didn’t suppress the sky formation, but was counterattacked by the opponent, it would be impossible to destroy the sky formation.

It can also be said that this time, they lost.

Moreover, seeing such a powerful force in the Dragon Palace, it will be very difficult to destroy the sky formation in the future.

When he thought of this, his body trembled. Once the heavenly formation returns to its peak, the Cheng Wuhui will surely usher in disaster.

But now, they have no solution.

He didn’t blame the Emperor Court either. He also knew that the Emperor Court didn’t know the strength of the Dragon Palace either. They were the ones who lost the most this time.

The wizard of Cheng Wuhui did not speak, making the emperor’s face sink. He knew that there was no trump card in Cheng Wuhui.


The imperial court emperor roared violently, holding a light scepter, and attacking violently.

It failed, and the union with the Cheng Wuhui failed.

How will they compete with the Dragon Palace in the future?

Even this entire Emperor Star Territory will be occupied by the Dragon Palace, and the Emperor Court Island will become the territory of the Dragon Palace.

Moreover, they must prevent the Dragon Palace from attacking them.

With the strength of the Dragon Palace, it was already possible to annihilate their imperial court.

Defeat, a complete defeat.

“Hahaha, you can’t become a witch club, even if it is to add God’s Court, you can’t do it.”

“The four of you, even I can’t stand up to you alone, it’s too weak, hahaha!”

At the center of the Nine Gods Formation, Tian Formation burst into laughter after seeing this scene.

In the front position, the other three god emperors of the Heavenly Son and Cheng Wu Society, their faces were as black as ink.

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