2823.Chapter 2823 The birth of a new king (4)

“It’s starting to show the cards!”

When Prime Minister Turtle and the others saw the terrifying monster attacking them, his face showed a solemn expression.

“This is just the beginning!”

The old man with a blood-colored cloth around his neck said coldly, and slowly untied the blood-red cloth on his neck.

The cloth strip was taken down and suspended in front of the old man, giving people a very bloody feeling.


He stretched out his finger, a stream of blood rushed toward the blood-red cloth strip, and three large characters appeared on it, destroying the dragon palace.


The whole cloth strip trembled, as if possessing spirituality.

When the three characters were completed, the blood-red cloth strip seemed to be activated, and instantly swept towards the Dragon Palace.

“Scar of the Venerable, kill!”

His eyes were full of blood-red light, and he roared loudly.

“The sound waves on the Dragon Palace are a bit weird, and the khaki-colored defenses look very strong. Let them see the control of the earth.”

The last old man holding a flute looked ahead and put the flute next to his mouth!


The sound of the flute sounded, and in front of him, a khaki-colored energy law appeared out of thin air, and the energy law immediately condensed into a terrifying monster.

The monsters condensed by the laws are full of terrifying power.

The whole is like a huge boulder monster, huge in size, one hundred thousand meters in size.

This is another existence that can contend against the god emperor.

“Boom boom boom!”

The earth-yellow law monster moved its feet, stepped on the void and made a roaring sound, and also attacked towards the Dragon Palace.

The mighty witch Gu, the weird blood-red cloth strip of the Mark of the Venerable, and the mighty khaki monster.

This is the foundation of the Cheng Wuhui, one by one, the existence of a powerful person comparable to the first-order god emperor.

These three treasures are not all the hole cards of the Wushu Society, but there are two other cards that guard the foundation of the Wushu Society.

“Hiss, Cheng Wuhui has begun to show its hole cards!”

“It’s terrifying, that hideous and terrifying monster is a god emperor-level existence, and the monster condensed by the laws of earth attributes also has the power of a god emperor, and the blood-red cloth strip is even more weird.”

At the Dragon Palace, the Beichuan Sect watching the battle from the back last month saw the powerful trump card of the Cheng Wuhui, and their hearts beat violently.

In this battle, their spectators felt extremely exciting.

The heart can’t stand it.

After all, this is also related to their life and death.

“Prepare to resist!”

Prime Minister Turtle looked at two monsters at the Divine Emperor level, a weird cloth strip, his pupils shrank slightly, and he reminded all Dragon Palace members.

“Take it to death, with your strength, you can’t resist it.”

The three elders stood in the center with a slight smile on their faces.


Suddenly, in the front position, a strong man of the Dark Legion vomited blood, and his body flew upside down here.


The old man holding the bottle saw, with a wave of his arm, a gentle force fell on him, preventing him from flying backwards.

“Thank you, Lord Wu servant.”

The middle-aged man with two black horns quickly turned his head and said to the old man.

The old man nodded slightly, staring at the front, and ignored him.


But at this moment, a black shadow suddenly emerged from the middle-aged body of the dark legion.

In a flash, he came directly to the three witch servants.

“Jie Jie Jie!”

The strange and harsh voice sounded, causing the pupils of the three witch servants to shrink slightly, and a look of horror appeared in their eyes.


“Die, become a witchcraft dog thing!”

The strange black shadow and the black claws directly covered the three of them, carrying the coercion that belongs to the god emperor.


The trio’s faces were full of horror, without the slightest hesitation, they wanted to flee to the side.

However, after all, they are still far from the god emperor.

The terrifying attack fell on them, and sharp thorns changed directly in the palm of their hands, piercing them towards them.

A look of despair appeared on the faces of the three of them.

The old man holding the treasure bottle in his hand poured a burst of energy into the treasure bottle madly, and the ocher monster attacking towards the Dragon Palace in front of him dissipated directly, and a burst of ocher law covered the whole body of the old man.

“Puff puff!”

Penetrating sound came.


However, Mo Sha frowned slightly and let out a surprise.

The next moment, he felt a terrifying energy rushing from his palm.

Mo Sha waved his arm, put away the other two corpses, and flew directly backwards.

“Jie Jie Jie!”

When he exited tens of thousands of kilometers, he found that the old man holding the aquarium was wrapped in the law of soil properties, making a harsh cry.

“Awesome, what an amazing treasure!”

Mo Sha smiled, his body moved, and he immediately flew in the direction of Dragon Palace.

“Jie Jie Jie, another good harvest!”

He looked forward, where there was a weird aura just now, and the blood-red cloth strip full of mighty power slowly shrank and floated downward.

His figure flashed, holding the cloth strips and instantly came to Prime Turtle and the others, and waved his arm.

“Research this weird thing to see if it can be used, Jie Jie Jie, Dragon King, here I am!”

The evil spirit laughed wildly, and directly joined the battlefield to besiege the emperor.

Everything, just in a flash.

From Mosha’s shot to rushing into Wangxian’s side, everything was done in an instant.

There was a noticeable pause in the entire battlefield. At this time, both the imperial court and the witches’ members had their eyes widened and their bodies trembled.

“Two witch servants were killed!”

“There is another god emperor in the Dragon Palace, and another god emperor has appeared!”

“How is this possible? How many god emperors are there in the Dragon Palace, they…they…”

At this time, the people in the Imperial Court were a little broken.

Ten god emperors burst out at the beginning, far exceeding the power of their imperial court, and now two god emperors burst out one after another.

The most terrible thing is that a weird Dragon Palace god emperor hides among their emperor court disciples, and directly takes away the three nets of heaven, earth and gods.

One who turned into a strong witch guild instantly destroyed two witch servants and took away a treasure that could fight against the god emperor.

How do they fight after this situation occurs one after another?

Some imperial court disciples are a little desperate.

They felt that it would be difficult to destroy the Dragon Palace today.

Not to mention the imperial court, even the faces of all the strong men of the Cheng Wuhui were very embarrassed.

When they came, they would never think that this dragon palace would be so terrifying.

Even more terrifying than the heavenly formation god emperor.

“Dragon Palace, you… how come you have so many god emperors?”

The emperor shook his body again when he saw the evil spirit flying over, and saw the changes appearing below, he roared sharply.

They want to ask the sky and the earth, how can there be so many powerful people in the Dragon Palace?

They are very clear about the development of the Dragon Palace. The woman outside this is already scary enough, but they didn’t expect this Dragon Palace to be even more scary.

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