2821: Words Crush Variety-Eight


The battle begins, the formation begins!

The Nine Gods Formation is a large-scale offensive and defensive integrated formation based on nine attributes.

The entire array possesses nine powerful attributes.

Nine attributes, each of which can fight against a god emperor, but if you want to be really entangled, it is safer to fight against eight.

“Then let me see, my original master still has a few percent strength.”

The emperor roared gloomily, and with a wave of his arm, the formations were formed one by one.

Next to them, the other three powerful witches of the witch formation waved their arms, throwing out the formation compass one by one, and attacked towards the Nine Gods formation.

“Boom boom boom!”

And at this time, a terrifying collision has come from a position above.

“Dragon King, relying on your eight god emperors at the first rank, you still want to contain me? Wishful thinking, I will kill you today.”

In the upper air position, the emperor held the scepter of light, and a huge light wing propped up a void.

Endless trial spears, attacked towards Wangxian and the others.


In an instant, Wang Xian’s faces changed slightly.

Only ten dragon palace god emperors could resist the emperor, and now the eight of them could only resist with all their strength.

“Boom boom boom!”

The Five Elements Great Mill appeared in front of him, Wang Xian’s Five Elements revolved, and an earth shield appeared in front of him!

Ao Qitian, Ao Yao, Ao Xingmu, and Ao Xie also released their defenses, superimposing them on the earth shield.


A series of collisions sounded, and the defenses quickly collapsed.

Fortunately, Wang Xian and the others resisted the emperor’s defense.

“Dragon King, no, there must be ten god emperors to be able to completely contend with him.”

Ao Qitian said with a slightly embarrassed face.

“Give them dozens of seconds!”

Wang Xian roared in a low voice.

“Starry sky behemoth, giant stone golden elephant, attack!”

“Witch Legion, go ahead!”

“Dark Legion, attack!”

“Witch Beast Legion, attack!”

At this moment, the order to attack sounded from the position below.

The entire Cheng Wuhui legion began to move.

“All the disciples of the Imperial Court, attack!”

At the location of the imperial court on both sides, the guardian of the imperial court roared, and also issued the order to attack.

“All Dragon Palace disciples, defend, defend with all your strength.”

From below, Prime Minister Turtle roared solemnly when he saw the army coming.


At the forefront position, a group of Yulong dragon species came directly to the forefront position, forming an indestructible defense.



In the upper air position, the Divine Emperor Abyss Seed and Xiao Lan issued an order towards the Abyss Seed, fully defending.

Compared to offense, defense is easier.

“Hahaha, if you want to defend, do you think that Dragon Palace has more than a dozen god emperors, can withstand our attack? Wishful thinking, die!”

The Great Guardian of the Emperor Court roared with a murderous face, his figure moved, his arm waved, and the god net appeared in front of him.

“Destroy them!”

He roared with a ferocious face, and at the side position, two guardians of the imperial court took out the sky net and the earth net!

Skynet Earthnet God Net, this is a treasure that can fight against two Void God Emperors.

“No, the Dragon Palace is a bit dangerous!”

“Dragon King and the others were suppressed by the emperor of the Imperial Court, and the combat effectiveness below the level of the emperor is much worse!”

“After all, it is the Imperial Court and the Cheng Wuhui. Both of them have existed for hundreds of millions of years, and their background is unfathomable!”

In the rear position, the Beichuan Sect and their powerful disciples turned pale when they saw this scene last month.

Although there are many god emperors in the Dragon Palace, the overall strength is obviously that the Emperor Court and Cheng Wu will be stronger.

In terms of combat power below the god emperor, Dragon Palace is also much worse.


Ahead, countless imperial court disciples and the strong men of the Cheng Wuhui began to move.

In the lower position, a figure suddenly rushed towards the imperial court guardian who was manipulating the gods’ net in the sky.


The Grand Guardian of the Emperor Court sensed that a disciple suddenly rushed towards him from below, and was slightly taken aback.

Sensing the strength and breath of this disciple, he frowned slightly.


But at this moment, the body of that disciple burst open suddenly.

A jet black shadow flew towards him at a terrifying speed.

This made his face changed wildly.


But that shadow was too fast and too fast, and it entered directly into his body in the next moment.

The great guardian of the Emperor Court didn’t react at all, his pupils quickly turned black, staying there completely.

The sudden scene made the two guardians who were controlling Skynet and Earthnet look shocked.

“Great Guardian!”

They yelled at the guardian with some alertness.

“Huh, it’s all right!”

The Great Guardian’s eyes recovered to clarity, shook his head, and said immediately.

“Kill, destroy the Dragon Palace!”

Immediately following, he continued to roar with a murderous face.

The two imperial court guards who controlled the skynet and ground net frowned, sensing the breath of the great guardian, thinking of the black shadow just now.

What’s happening here?

But now that the war has broken out, they simply cannot tolerate them.

The god net has spread all over the void, and the two of them waved their arms and flew towards the side of the guardian.

“Puff puff!”

However, when they first came to the side of the Great Protector, two jet-black claws emerged from the body of the Great Protector in an instant.

Unable to tolerate the slightest reaction from them, they opened their eyes wide and looked at the guardian in amazement, with blood vomiting in their mouths.

However, the great protector at this moment has no vitality.

“Jie Jie Jie!”

A gloomy voice came from the body of the Great Protector, and immediately following the body of the Great Protector split apart, a dark figure moved, and instantly put away the Skynet, Earth, God Net and the three corpses.

“No, the guardians were killed!”


When the Imperial Court guardian and the other two guardians were wiped out, some strong men sensed the situation here, and their faces were extremely ugly and roared.

“What! The Great Guardian was killed!”

“Hi, how is this possible!”

“Be careful, there are weird existences that may be hidden inside us.”

“That’s the god emperor, and there is also a god emperor in the Dragon Palace!”

In the rear, the disciples of the imperial court powerhouse roared with a trembling body.

In an instant, the entire Imperial Court team panicked a little.

Another god emperor emerged from the Dragon Palace.

“Jie Jie Jie, cut off Jinming, control Skynet, Earthnet, God, and fuck them!”

The black shadow is naturally Baqi. With a wave of his arm, he directly threw the Skynet and Earthnet God Net to Duan Jinming and the others.

They are now also practicing formations, and they will soon be able to control this precious artifact.

“Good good!”

Prime Minister Turtle looked excited when he saw Skynet and Earthnet were obtained by Dragon Palace.

Skynet, Earthnet, Godnet, is the most powerful method besides the Emperor Court God Emperor.

Now that the Dragon Palace has been acquired, one is going down and the other is growing, and this battle is even more beneficial to the Dragon Palace!

“Jie Jie Jie, Dragon King, I’m here, let’s do this dog thing as Emperor Court Emperor.”

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