2820: Wordscapes Uncrossed Mountain-Crest 2 Answers



Nine, ten!


The sky array laughed, and the figure was divided into three directly, and each figure exuded the power of the god emperor.

Eleven, twelve, and thirteen.



In the position on the side, the two Divine Emperor Abyss Species felt the mighty power coming from the side, and let out a roar, and the same predominant aura rushed towards the surroundings.

With the addition of two Divine Emperor Abyss Species, there are a total of fifteen Divine Emperors.

Fifteen terrifying powers rushed straight into the sky.

Over the entire Imperial Court island, the terrifying energy stirred, this scene stunned everyone around.

“This…this is…this is the god emperor, this is all the god emperor!”

“Hey, is this the power of the Dragon Palace? There are more than a dozen god emperors, and there are more than a dozen, which is too strong.”

“No wonder Dragon Palace has the confidence to resist the joint attack of the Imperial Court and Cheng Wuhui, hahaha, great, great.”

In the rear position, last month’s Great Sect, Dragon Mang Group, Beichuan Zong Ancient Gods and the other forces, all the pale-faced members, at this moment saw the sudden burst of power from the Dragon Palace, their eyes widened.

They are full of shocking and incredible looks.

Thirteen god emperors, how many strong were the last time the Dragon Palace broke out in the Battle of the Abyss?


In addition, Xiaolan Xiaozhai is six, and now there are thirteen.

How many god emperors are there in the imperial court?

There are only three now.

This is more than four times the number of imperial courts.

With such a terrifying strength, Dragon Palace can easily destroy the Imperial Court.

Even destroyed into a witch society.

“How can this be!”

When the imperial court emperor, two god emperors, and all the strong disciples of the imperial court saw this scene, their faces showed unbelievable expressions.

There are a total of fifteen god emperors, fifteen in total.

This force completely exceeded their expectations.

From their point of view, even if Dragon Palace is strong and has a hole card, you can have at most one or two more god emperors, which is already shocking.

There are now more than a dozen.

This makes their look very wonderful, constantly changing there.

“How can this be? How can Dragon Palace and the others be so strong.”


A group of strong disciples in the Imperial Court stared at the front in disbelief, their bodies trembling.

The power of the Dragon Palace made them feel terrified.

“As expected of the sky formation, since you dare to wait for us here, you are ready.”

At the central location, the wizard’s face changed slightly when he saw this scene.

He stood up slowly, staring at a group of strong men.

“Hehe, based on your strengths, I am afraid that some are not enough.”

A painting appeared in front of him, the painting shone with luster, and it contained magical power.

There are dots and dots on the top, like a star map.

This is an array map, the world of purgatory.

“Then we just try!”

The sky array stared at the world of purgatory, with a cold expression in his eyes.

“Hehe, you are not my opponent, the only troublesome thing is that giant beast, but I will refine it!”

The wizard stared at Xiao Lan, and the light flickered.

During this period of time, he also knew a little about what happened in the Emperor Star Territory’s Imperial Court.

He has also heard of this behemoth.

This is the beginning of the Emperor Court disaster, and this behemoth is also a very terrifying existence.

Becoming a Big Mac in just a few short years made him very curious.

“Haha, when I was at my peak, you didn’t dare to be so arrogant in front of Laozi. Now there are some villains who have aspirations.”

When Tian Zhen heard the wizard’s words, his face was full of mockery.

“Hmph, it used to be able to kill you once, now it can also kill you a second time!”

The wizard roared with a cold face, and the image of the Purgatory World in the sky suddenly became larger and enveloped the void.

The entire piece of Void has undergone tremendous changes because of the array map.

“You have a lot of nonsense, Xiao Lan!”

Wang Xian stared at the wizard and immediately ordered Xiaolan.


The terrifying power on Xiao Lan trembled slightly, and the surrounding space instantly collapsed. Its entire body drifted between the void and reality, and instantly rushed to the front of the world of purgatory.


The void in front of the entire world of purgatory made a sound of collapse, and the array trembled violently.


When the wizard saw this scene, his face changed slightly, and he roared sharply.

“Hahaha, kill, kill, shaman, you entangle that giant beast, and leave the rest to this emperor.”

“Without that giant beast, this emperor is invincible.”

The emperor saw Xiaolan rushing towards the wizard, with a hideous expression on his face.

Although they are much less powerful than the Dragon Palace, he and the wizard are both second-tier god emperors.

As long as the wizard can completely contain the giant beast, then he will be invincible next.

“All disciples, kill me and destroy all of them in the Dragon Palace.”

An imperial court god emperor sternly ordered.


All the other disciples let out a murderous roar.

Although there are many powerful god kings in the Dragon Palace, there are two god emperors in the second rank, and the god emperors of the witch society are not comparable to ordinary god emperors.

What’s more, they still have 400,000 troops of the Cheng Wuhui.

“Invincible? Emperor Court Emperor, let us Dragon Palace come to learn about you.”

Wang Xian stared at the emperor, with a cold expression on his face.

When he moved, Ao Qitian and the seven emperors immediately followed Wang Xian behind him.

“Huh, didn’t you put us in your eyes?”

The other two god emperors in the Imperial Court stared at Wang Xian and the others with full face, and directly greeted them.


However, at this moment, the abyss of the two god emperor levels moved and directly attacked the two emperor court god emperors.

“We attacked the formation.”

The blood-red eyes of the five god emperors of the Cheng Wu Hui locked the sky array, and roared sternly.

When the five figures moved, they immediately rushed towards the sky formation.


The little house moved, and directly attacked a god emperor of Cheng Wuhui.

“Wushan will contain this behemoth and give it to us.”

A Cheng Wuhui god emperor roared, and the four of them attacked the heavenly formation.

“Hahaha, thousands of years ago, Laozi was able to fight against your entire witchcraft alone. Now Laozi can easily deal with the four of you.”

The three bodies of Tianzhen separated immediately and stood in three directions.

“Nine Gods Formation, open it!”

He roared, and the head of the dragon of every attribute on his body radiated a ray of light, instantly rushing towards the sky and the earth.

A formation that runs through the world covers the center of the Imperial Court island, and the vast formation exudes terrifying power.

“Although you will become a witch will have one more god emperor than I expected, but my traitor and good apprentice looks a little weak. I will guide you as a teacher today!”

Tianzhen roared coldly.

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