Chapter 2814 The emperor destroys the gods, occupying the center of the imperial court 7

“Longgong issued a statement on Zhinao. Look at it, Longgong has issued a statement.”

At this moment, the chaotic imperial court realm is on the planets in disorder, and some people want to teleport towards the demon island through the teleportation array.

In the eyes of everyone now, the most dangerous place is their Imperial Court.

But at this moment, someone suddenly saw a statement from Dragon Palace on Zhi Brain.

After seeing this statement, they were taken aback for a moment, with a look of surprise on their faces.

“We don’t want to flee, don’t flee here, Dragon Palace issued a statement that they will not kill the innocent indiscriminately, and will restrain the Abyssal Seed.”

“The Dragon Palace declares: The Dragon Palace led an army of the Abyss Species to attack the Imperial Court, which will not harm ordinary people, and will also restrain the Abyss Species from hunting and killing humans.

In addition, because of this battle, the Emperor Court has always favored Tianya Dajiao and the Ye Clan, and because of the existence of the Ye God Emperor, the Emperor Court decided to destroy our Dragon Palace after the Abyss War is over. Some things should be clear to everyone.

In addition, our Dragon Queen of the Dragon Palace, now the mistress of the Giant Beast System, was chased by the Imperial Court after accidentally leaving the Dragon Palace a few years ago. After three years of fleeing, we were forced to enter the abyss and establish the Giant Beast System.

“Our Dragon Palace and the Imperial Court have a big feud, and one side will not be destroyed, and we will never give up.”

When the rest of the people heard that Dragon Palace had suddenly issued a statement, their faces showed a look of error and shock, and immediately turned on Zhinao to check.

Seeing the above information, all the faces of the people in the Imperial Court were extremely excited.

“The Dragon Palace will contain the Abyssal Seed, that’s good, that’s good, so that our lives are not in danger.”

“It turns out that, no wonder the Dragon Palace and the Emperor Court will never die. It turns out that the Emperor Court wanted to destroy the Dragon Palace, and the Dragon Queen of the Dragon Palace was hunted down by the Emperor Court.”

“The woman of that giant beast is able to control two god-emperor-level behemoths. I didn’t expect it to be the Dragon Queen of the Dragon Palace, the wife of the Dragon King.”

“No wonder the Abyss Species suddenly attacked us. It turned out that the Emperor Court wanted to destroy the Dragon Queen of the Dragon Palace, and it was the Dragon Queen’s revenge. All these disasters were caused by the Emperor Court.”

“Support the Dragon Palace, kill the Imperial Court, kill them, grass!”

People in the imperial court field are full of surprises in the discussion and reply.

Originally, some irritable people and some people who were dissatisfied with the imperial court directly began to support Dragon Palace.

Many more people are relieved that the Dragon Palace prohibits the Abyssal Seed from hunting them.

At the same time, I also learned a little about the grievances between the Emperor Court and the Dragon Palace, and the grievances between the abyss species.

If the statement made by the Dragon Palace is true, then the disaster this time was completely caused by the Emperor Court himself.

“Dharma protector, Dragon Palace and the others even issued a statement on Zhi Nao, wanting to win people’s hearts, should we delete their information.”

At this moment, located in a starry sky in the Imperial Court, the mighty void stretches for hundreds of millions of miles, all of which are powerful men and disciples of the Imperial Court.

An elder flew to the front of the imperial court guardian, and said with a gloomy face.

“Huh? Don’t worry about it, just delete it directly and the description gets darker. Our Imperial Court has been standing in the Imperial Star Territory for more than 600 million years. As long as we return again, these are trivial things. How can a Dragon Palace be shaken in a short time? ”

The Grand Guardian of the Emperor Court said with a cold face.

The guardians next to him also nodded slightly.

They didn’t see this statement from Dragon Palace at all.

They have more than 600 million years of background in the Emperor Star Region. As long as they can return again, some news on the brain will disappear immediately.

“Some stupid things, this time after we return, we will search for them through the brain information, and send them to the Lingmai Star one by one to work.”

However, several guardians looked at some information on Zhi Nao and said with cold expressions.

Although some dead fish and shrimps were not in their eyes, they were in a bad mood. After they decided to deal with the Dragon Palace, let the disciples of the Emperor Court deal with the group of people who were slanderous in their brains and let them know the consequences.

There was a boil on the brain, and a group of strong disciples in the Imperial Court quickly evacuated.

The Dragon Palace is getting closer and closer to the center of the Imperial Court.

After dozens of hours, Wang Xian and the others came to the front of the Imperial Court Island.

Imperial Court Island, the largest island in the entire Imperial Star Territory, it takes a month for the peak power of God King to fly from one side to the other.

How vast is this?

The entire Emperor Court Island is a huge treasure.

There are a lot of caves and blessings on it, and under the island, there are countless spiritual stones and divine stones.

The spiritual energy on this is very abundant.

As the Emperor Star Territory has stood for more than 600 million years, how can their territory be ordinary.

At the moment, there were no people on the Imperial Court Island, and it was a little bit deadly.

Those who can live on the Imperial Court Island are all the core disciples and elite disciples of the Imperial Court.

Not to mention the inner island of the island, where only the strong above the god king can enter.

Xiaolan gradually flew over the Imperial Court Island, overlooking the entire country.

“This imperial court island can also be ranked in the entire bright starry sky.”

The sky array stared at the position below with blinking eyes, and said in his mouth.

“Let’s go to the central location, first check if there are any traps in this island, and take over their vast palace.”

“This imperial court didn’t destroy any treasures here, maybe it was thinking that they would be able to retake this place in half a month.”

Wang Xian glanced down and said with a smile on his face.

“It’s totally impossible to take it back, Dragon King, I’ll go to the center to take a look.”

Tian Zhen smiled and moved his body and looked directly at the location of the vast palace in the center.

“Qingyue, let Xiaolan Xiaozhai and the others suppress the Abyssal Seed. Let’s go over and take a look.”

When they approached the central island, Wang Xian said towards Lan Qingyue.


Lan Qingyue nodded, and immediately ordered the little blue house.

“Go, let’s fly down, the old nest of the Imperial Court, but it is very beautiful and vast.”

Soon, Wang Xian led Lan Qingyue and they flew towards the vast palace below.

The mountains, running water, and white clouds are so beautiful.

The inner island of the entire Imperial Court is completely comparable to a large planet.

Following the fluctuations of spiritual energy, Wang Xian came to the places of the emperor’s cave and heaven, and looked at the treasures.

The entire Imperial Court island is huge, even the location of the vast palace in the center is huge.

It took him two full hours to browse through it all.

The entire vast palace is magnificent and majestic. This is the most shocking palace Wang Xian has ever seen.

“Dragon King, there is a blessed land here, located under the mountain peak of the vast palace.”

At this time, the voice of Tianzhen suddenly came.

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