Chapter 2813 The emperor destroys the gods and occupies the center of the imperial court 6

Three important pieces of information spread throughout the entire Emperor Star Territory, and spread throughout the entire intellectual brain.

When everyone saw these three messages, everyone was confused.

Especially for the people in the imperial court realm, they only feel numb all over and their eyes are black.

“The Imperial Court unexpectedly decided to evacuate, and they only led the elite and core disciples to evacuate, and ordinary people let them stay here!”

“Hi, the news that the Dragon Palace and the Abyss Seed rushed over just broke out, and the Emperor Court is about to withdraw, this…”

“Only the core disciples and elite disciples followed and fled, what about the rest of the Imperial Court? That is the Abyss Seed, they are irrational, only bloody, bloodthirsty, and without the protection of the imperial court, they may be seeded by the Abyss. Devour!”

“Is the imperial court trying to abandon ordinary people and only protect the lives of elite disciples? This is too chilling!”

“This time the Dragon Palace and countless Abyss Species’ invasion, the Imperial Court cannot resist at all. If it cannot resist, it is impossible to take everyone in the Imperial Court away. This is a population of tens of trillions. How could it be possible to flee with them all? So the Imperial Court chose to give up part of it, which is also expected.”

“I am afraid that the abandoned people will be worse off, the abyss is kind, bloodthirsty, alas, I am afraid that a disaster is about to come.”

Some people are discussing and analyzing on the intellectual brain.

The ordinary people in the imperial court realm felt a little bit chilly and desperate.

They became abandoned sons, people abandoned by the imperial court.

Their future, I’m afraid there will be more bad luck, after all, it is an abyss kind.

The ordinary people in the imperial court realm were a little frightened and wanted to flee to other places.

But since they are all ordinary people, it proves that their strength is not very strong.

With their strength, where can they escape?

This caused many timid people to collapse.

There are trillions of people in the Imperial Court Realm, and it is impossible to escape.

Now they can only wait for the arrival of fate, whether it is life or death, they don’t know.

But one thing is that they are already chilling with the Imperial Court, and they have lost their sense of belonging to the Imperial Court.

Because the Imperial Court didn’t take them seriously.

On the intellectual brain, countless people began to question the emperor court.

At this time, someone turned up some questions.

The hostess of the behemoth is a human, why is it an enemy of the Imperial Court?

The hostess said that the imperial court had chased them for several years and almost died several times. Now they are taking revenge. Is this true or false?

The Dragon King said that the Imperial Court wanted to destroy their Dragon Palace. Is this true or false?

The first point and the second point may not be able to be confirmed, but the third point, Dragon Palace said that the Imperial Court would destroy them, but it was guessed that it might be true.

Master Tianya violated the rules, attacked and killed the apprentice of Dragon Palace, and the Emperor Court guarded Master Tianya!

The night god emperor directly killed the Dragon King apprentice in the Dragon Palace, but the emperor court ignored it, obviously favoring the night clan.

From various points of view, if the Emperor Court hadn’t had an opinion on the Dragon Palace, it would be impossible not to stop it.

No matter how strong the night god emperor is, he must give face to the emperor court. The emperor court said that he would not kill the Dragon King apprentice, and the night god emperor would not dare to kill him.

There are so many people in the Imperial Court that many people in the Imperial Court think that it is because the Imperial Court wants to destroy the Dragon Palace, and the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace will retaliate.

And this kind of voice is increasing.

The reason for this voice is because the imperial court abandoned ordinary people.

Several trillions of people, even if percent of the people were dissatisfied with the imperial court’s practices, it was enough to cause a mighty turmoil.

The Imperial Court does not regard them as his own, so why do they help the Imperial Court to speak?

Especially when it’s about your own life.

The entire intellectual brain, as if rioted, countless fearful people in the Imperial Court domain sent out various messages, and even a lot of abuse against the Imperial Court.

“Dharma protector, now the brain is completely chaotic. I heard that riots have also occurred on some planets.”

“Many people are dissatisfied with our approach.”

In the sky above the central area of ​​the Imperial Court, countless Divine Kingdoms are suspended, and there are countless disciples of the Imperial Court around them.

Located in the foremost position, a guardian said towards the great guardian.

“Don’t worry about it, our background is not these ordinary people, just let them clamor, after half a month we come back, they still have to obey.”

The Grand Guardian of the Emperor Court said indifferently.

The few people next to him nodded slightly and scanned the surroundings.

All the disciples of the Imperial Court are preparing, carrying their own kingdom and relatives, preparing to escape.


Before long, three vast figures appeared in the void ahead.

When the guardians saw it, they flew over.

“Tao Zu!”

They yelled respectfully.


The leading emperor nodded lightly and looked at everything below.

Today, it is a shame for their imperial court.

“Unfortunately, our imperial court island cannot be taken away.”

The god emperor on the right spoke.

“It doesn’t matter whether we take it or not. We will be back in at most half a month.”

The god emperor on the left said lightly.

“I hope that the Dragon Palace will not destroy this place, otherwise I will make them suffer thousands of tortures.”

The god emperor on the right looked at the vast buildings below.

The Emperor Court islands are too large, even if they are god emperors, they can’t take them away.

They couldn’t take away the building above.

They couldn’t even take away even the heaven and blessed land here.

But it doesn’t matter, they will return in half a month.

“I hope that the strongest in the witch society will come as soon as possible.”

Around, a group of imperial court guardians and strong men clenched their fists and spoke.

“Prepare, evacuate!”

It took a full day for all the disciples and strong men of the Imperial Court to completely clean up.

Too many people!

There are too many things to bring.

Over the imperial court’s island, there is a dense and numerous divine kingdom suspended.

Every kingdom of God exudes powerful power.

When the order to evacuate was sounded, the entire team flew in the direction of the Heavenly Witch Domain.

Three god emperors headed.

The imperial court today is the dog of the mourning family.

On the intellectual brain, this scene was also passed on to it by some people.

This picture has caused the shock of countless people.

“Dragon King, the imperial court and their people have escaped.”

In the void of the Imperial Court Realm, on Xiao Lan, Prime Minister Turtle looked at the brain in his hand and said with a smile on his face.

“Really a wise choice.”

Wang Xian smiled and turned on Zhinao to take a look.

Seeing some of the above, a smile appeared on his face.

Especially the people in the imperial court field commented on the imperial court, replies, and chilled.

“Prime Minister Turtle, first release a message in the name of Dragon Palace.”

“The Dragon Palace will not kill ordinary people. At the same time, the Dragon Palace will also restrict the Abyssal Species to prohibit them from killing ordinary people!”

“In addition, let’s talk about all the grudges between our Dragon Palace and Qingyue and the Emperor Court.”

Wang Xian said lightly.

The old saying of the earth wins the hearts of the people and the world. Although it is not very applicable in this cosmic starry sky where the weak and the strong, Wang Xian does not want to be scolded by the humans of the Emperor Star Territory.

To win the hearts of the people, in the long run, the benefits are also great.

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