Chapter 2811 The emperor destroys the gods and occupies the center of the imperial court 4

“In the battle of the abyss, the heavenly formation god emperor in the dragon palace was born, helping the dragon palace to defeat our emperor court, hundreds of millions of disciples were killed, a great ancestor fell, and more than forty guardians stayed in the abyss forever.”

“Our imperial court was defeated in this battle, but the enemy of this battle, our imperial court will return ten times a hundred times in half a month.”

“We will unite the Sky Witch Realm to form the Witch Guild, punish the Dragon Palace, the Heavenly Formation God Emperor, all the abyss species, and put down everything!”

“As long as half a month!”

On the panicking and chaotic brain, the Emperor Court issued a message.

When they saw this information, everyone’s faces were shocked.

“The Heavenly Formation God Emperor? It is the Heavenly Formation God Emperor on the battlefield of the Emperor’s Fall. Isn’t he dead? He actually helped the Dragon Palace fight against us!”

“Oh my God, a great ancestor of the Imperial Court has fallen, that is a god emperor-level existence, it has fallen, and more than forty guards have fallen, hiss!”

“The Divine Emperor Formation that day was a well-known strong man in our Bright Star Territory. He didn’t even die and joined the Dragon Palace. No wonder our Emperor Court would lose. This is the Divine Formation Divine Emperor who swept the wasteland and Liuhe!”

“The formation of the god emperor hasn’t fully recovered his strength that day. After the witchcraft society arrives, our imperial court and the witchcraft society will unite and we can easily destroy them.”

“They will come to the witch meeting in half a month. As long as half a month, it is time for us to take revenge!”

“Huh, it turned out to be like this. In the Battle of the Abyss, I saw the imperial court guardians desperately resisting the Dragon King and the Heavenly Formation, and let the ordinary disciples escape first. They are our imperial court heroes. After half a month, they must smash the dragon palace. Thousands of paragraphs!”

“For half a month, I hope that this half month will pass as soon as possible, and I hope to see the Dragon Palace and their destruction as soon as possible.”

This message from the Emperor Court also completely stabilized the hearts of everyone in the Emperor Star Region.

However, the fierceness of this battle also made the entire Emperor Star Territory tremble.

God emperors were all damaged, and more than forty guardians died.

so horrible!

This made everyone in the Emperor Star Territory look forward to the arrival in half a month.

Looking forward to the punishment of the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace and the God Emperor of the Heavenly Formation.

The people of the Emperor Star Territory quickly stabilized.

The disciples and powerhouses of the Imperial Court were naturally stabilized.

The flame of revenge makes them stronger.

Everyone is looking forward to the arrival in half a month.

“Boom boom boom!”

However, the entire Emperor Court, the entire Emperor Star Territory, two giants, leading countless abyss species, have already flown out of the abyss and crossed the void.

Their speed is very fast.

It is not uncommon for the abyss species to fly out of the abyss, but all flying out of the abyss and flying towards the center of the imperial court is probably something that no one can think of.

In their view, at this time, the Abyssal Seed is expanding the abyss and expanding its territory.

“It will take our lives in half a month, haha.”

On Xiaolan’s body, Tianzhen stood beside Wang Xian, looking at the messages on Zhi Nao, his face was full of mockery.

“I’m afraid they will run away desperately after waiting less than half a month.”

Wang Xian looked at it and said mockingly.

In half a month, Dragon Palace can do a lot of things.

Ao Qitian and they were able to break through.

They can capture the central palace of the imperial court.

Formation, able to lay down…

Half a month is enough.


Time passed quickly, and two days later, Xiao Lan let out a roar.

A huge black hole appeared in the front position.

Its body slowly drilled into the black hole.

In the rear position, countless abyssal seeds followed, and drilled towards the black hole.

“Hi, look, what is that? What is that?”

Hantian Water Peak, a huge mountain peak, a mountain comparable to the planet.

On the mountain peaks, endless waterfalls flow down, forming a rainbow in the sky.

Here is a very famous tourist attraction in the Emperor Star Region.

At this moment, the cold sky water peak, because of the influence of the battle of the abyss, the number of people is not very large.

But even if not many, there are hundreds of millions of people.

Suddenly, a middle-aged man stared at the void ahead, and shouted with wide eyes and shocked face.

In the front position, a black hole covering a range of hundreds of millions of kilometers appeared directly in the void.

Inside the deep black hole, there was a panic.

“Huh? What’s the matter? Why did a black hole suddenly appear?”

“What’s happening here?”

The middle-aged words attracted the attention of many people. When they saw it, their eyes widened, and their pupils were full of shock.


At this time, an ancient voice came from inside, and everyone trembled, feeling a great terror coming.

Immediately afterwards, a huge figure emerged from the inside.

When everyone saw this behemoth, they felt a little tingling on their scalp.

“This is… what is this? Is this a star behemoth?”

A young man said with a trembling body.

Everyone in the cold sky water peak looked over here, staring wide-eyed.


The next moment, another behemoth came out of it, and the breath exuding from it was equally alarming and terrifying.

“There is someone on that giant beast, look, look at it.”

Suddenly, a strong man pointed at the top of the giant beast, his eyes widened and roared.


But then, a scene that made them tremble all over appeared.

Inside the black hole, the abyss species exuding powerful evil aura and bloody aura came out of it.

One by one, densely packed!

“This is…this is…”

Everyone on Hantian Water Peak looked at them with horror.

It took a full minute for all the abyss seeds in the black hole to fly out.

Can’t see the edge at a glance.

Tens of billions? Hundreds of billions? even more.


The terrifying existence did not linger, and continued to fly forward.


Until the two giant beasts disappeared from the line of sight, until all the abyss species disappeared from the line of sight, everyone swallowed and spit.

Before they knew it, their backs were already full of cold sweat!

“That is the Dragon Palace, that is the abyss seed in the abyss, where did they go? Where did they go?”

A middle-aged man was a little excited and said with a trembling voice.

“That is the direction of the imperial court, the direction of the imperial court, they actually flew out of the abyss to attack the imperial court!”

An old man roared loudly.


Everyone took a deep breath, their expressions constantly changing.

Dragon Palace led all the abyss species, ready to attack the imperial court.

Emperor Court, how to resist?

“Dragon King, we have entered the densely populated area of ​​the planet. It is estimated that our news will reach the imperial court soon.”

At this moment, on Xiaolan’s body, Prime Minister Turtle looked at the map on Zhi Nao and said to Wang Xian.

“It doesn’t matter if you spread it over there, I just want to know, do they dare to resist us?”

Wang Xian narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a smile on his face.

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