Chapter 2810 The emperor destroys the gods, occupying the center of the imperial court 3

“Kill it now!”

An icy voice came from Wang Xian’s mouth.

Dragon Palace cannot stay in the abyss forever.

Facing the imperial court, facing the Cheng Wu Hui, the Dragon Palace must be fully prepared.

After occupying the center of the imperial court, with the heavenly blessed land and huge energy on the imperial court, one person in the heavenly formation can resist six or seven god emperors.

What is this concept?

One person guards one domain!

If he can resist six or seven god emperors, even if the imperial court and Cheng Wuhui are united, the Dragon Palace will not be afraid!

“I will let Xiaolan communicate with the two Divine Emperor Abyss Species.”

Lan Qingyue said immediately, and flew onto Xiao Lan’s body with a move.


Soon, the voice of communication sounded.


The two Divine Emperor Abyss Seeds did not hesitate to some of Lan Qingyue’s proposals, and immediately agreed.

“Xiao Xian, they agreed. In the future, we will occupy the Emperor Star Territory, and they will occupy the Abyss, and we will also give them the Territory of the Sea of ​​Abyss.”

Soon, Lan Qingyue flew back and said to Wang Xian.

“Well, there is this group of abysses, and with our strength, the Imperial Court can’t resist it at all!”

Wang Xian’s eyes flickered and said.

He wanted to know now, when the Dragon Palace led the abyss and the army to the front of the imperial palace, how would they react?

How will the entire Emperor Star Region react?

“Hehe, the Emperor Star Region will change the king in the future!”

He muttered, his eyes swept around.

“Ao Yao, Ao Qitian, Ao Qi, Ao Xingmu, Baqi, Mosha, you lead the resources to return to the Dragon Palace immediately to increase the fighting power of the god!”

“The rest of the Dragon Palace disciples, go with this Dragon King!”

Wang Xian raised his arm and shouted loudly.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

The members of the Dragon Palace shouted immediately.



Nearby, the two god emperors uttered a roar in excitement, and gave orders to all their subordinates.



The sky’s response sounded.


Wang Xian gave a soft drink, and moved on to Xiaolan’s body.

The members of the Dragon Palace all flew towards Xiao Lan.

“Dragon King, I will bring the flame god star, and then let the heavenly thunder, fire, dragon and phoenix species control it, so that it can contend against a god emperor.”

The sky formation moved and flew towards the flame god star.

Around, the Flame God Star Emperor Court had no chance to take it away.

In addition, many large war equipment and large warships were not taken away.

Wang Xian put them away one by one.

Goal, Imperial Court!

“If you fly at full speed, it will take five days to reach the Imperial Court Center, which is enough.”

There is a small blue house to open the black hole, and all the abyssal species will be teleported away, and they will be able to reach it in five days.

Time is enough!

“Is there any news from the Cheng Wuhui?”

At the same time, in the vast palace in the center of the Imperial Court, the entire hall was filled with a solemn atmosphere.

The three figures were sitting on the seat of the gods, and there was no light covering them, they just sat there quietly.

In the front position, 21 imperial court guardians and more than 180 elders stood there with extremely embarrassed expressions.

They dare not breathe.

In the past, the elders of the Imperial Court were not qualified to stand here.

But this time, their imperial court guards lost more than forty people.


“Taizu, we are about to arrive at the witch club there, but if the witch club is ready to come over, it will take at least half a month!”

The imperial court guardian Shen Shenghui reports.

“Half a month!”

The god emperor on the left clasped his hands tightly on the god seat, his eyes full of murderous aura.

“Then we will wait for half a month. After half a month, that’s when the Dragon Palace perishes.”

The central emperor said without any emotion.

“It’s Taizu, I prepare all my disciples for revenge!”

The Grand Guardian of the Emperor Court nodded heavily.

“After half a month, use the heads of everyone in the Dragon Palace to sacrifice the spirit of Lao Yan in the sky!”

The Emperor Court God Emperor on the right said sternly.

“Wait for half a month!”

As the emperor of the Emperor Court spoke, his figure slowly disappeared.

The other two god emperors looked at each other and disappeared slowly.

The three great ancestors left, leaving the imperial court’s current peak powerhouse in the hall.

“Dharma Protector, what are we going to do now!”

The hall was silent for a while, and an elder couldn’t help but asked.

“Stabilize the disciple’s mentality and prepare for the battle in half a month!”

The Great Guardian said with a calm face.

“Now that our disciples have no aura, letting out some news to improve their fighting spirit and hatred is also a great motivation!”

A guardian next to him spoke.

“Then… on the Zhinao, now the Zhinao is completely confused.”

An elder next to him said.

“It’s the same as that of Wisdom Brain. Some news is released, and the others are ignored. After half a month, they will naturally witness everything.”

The guardian shook his head.

“After half a month, we will unite to form the Witch Association, and we must let the dragon palace die and be buried!”

“It would be too simple to kill them like this, imprison them and tortured them for thousands of years!”

“Yes, they can’t be killed so easily. In this battle, we have lost too much, and everyone in the Dragon Palace must survive and die!”

In the main hall, a group of guardian elders were full of stern faces and roared murderously.

Wait, wait for half a month!

Half a month later, it will be their day of revenge!

“It’s defeated, the Imperial Court is completely defeated, the number of imperial court guardians who died has reached at least dozens, and countless imperial court experts have been killed. It’s too tragic!”

“At the last time, I heard that the Dragon Palace besieged a god emperor in our emperor court. I don’t know what happened!”

“The Dragon Palace is too strong, they are simply too strong!”

“Our imperial court will be defeated!”

“There are too many dead people. Our Imperial Court is defeated. What will happen next? Will the abyss continue to expand? Will it devour our entire Imperial Star Territory?”

At this time, on the brain, the news of the defeat of the Imperial Court has spread throughout the brain.

Regarding the death of the imperial court powerhouse, the death of the protector-level existence, and the destruction of countless disciples, there are crazy talks on the brain.

Everyone felt a little crazy, a little weird.

The power of Dragon Palace made them feel numb and horrified.

The news that abused the Dragon Palace had completely disappeared, and there was only deep fear at this moment.

The belief of Emperor Invincible has collapsed, and some people feel that the belief is broken.

Panic spread in the Emperor Star Territory.

In the future, will the abyss swallow them?

Swallow the Emperor Star Domain?

The entire Emperor Star Region fell into panic.

In the main hall of the vast palace, some guardian elders flew out to appease the army of the imperial court.

Some elders who protect the law see the information on the brain, and their faces are also very ugly.

Some people are afraid, and some say that the imperial court is incompetent.

Someone asked, what does the woman in that terrifying beast in the abyss mean?

Is the imperial court powerhouse the first to provoke them?

“Dragon Palace, they have already guessed that we will unite into a witch society. They don’t have to cover up, and they directly indicate that they will appease the people of the Emperor Star Territory!”

A guardian said lightly.

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