Chapter 2799 The war begins and makes the whole world quiet 7

“Boom boom boom!”

“Boom boom boom!”

In the abyss battlefield, the terrifying collision sounded continuously, and countless abyss species launched an attack and bombarded the imperial court.

However, relying on the incomparably powerful background, the Imperial Court formed an indestructible city wall.

The battle broke out, and apart from the deaths of many Abyssal Species, no one died in the Imperial Court.

All the attacks were resisted by the imperial court’s defenses.

“Huh? Dragon King, the imperial court didn’t take the initiative to attack, all defended.”

When the people in the Dragon Palace in the rear saw that they were only defending and conducting long-range attacks, they were slightly surprised.

Prime Minister Turtle frowned slightly, and said with blinking eyes.

“It’s a little strange.”

Wang Xian also raised his brows slightly.

Abyssal invasion, this kind of thing cannot be solved by just defending.

In the battle of the abyss, you have to kill the abyss seed wildly to prevent it from forming a threat.

If you only defend, the Abyss will never be severely damaged. If this is the case, it will not be able to solve the threat of the abyss after all.

This kind of meaningless defense has no effect at all.

“Emperor Court announced on Zhinao not long ago that they will destroy our Dragon Palace within a month, and now about half a month has passed.”

“Perhaps, the Imperial Court and the others have some secret weapons to wait, or they will invite a stronger existence.”

Prime Minister Turtle stood there with a pensive expression on his face.

The imperial court was so abnormal and so confident that they were puzzled.

Wang Xian nodded slightly.

The imperial court in front only defended and did not conduct a full-scale attack, which indeed exceeded their expectations.

“However, no matter what calculations the Imperial Court has, we will cause them heavy losses in this battle!”

“All Dragon Palace members, long-range attacks, all long-range attacks.”

A cold expression appeared in Wang Xian’s eyes, and he ordered all the members of the Dragon Palace.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

The leaders of the Dragon Palace nodded.


Prime Minister Turtle waved his arm, and the Dragon Palace Legion flew towards the front position.

“Enter into the attack range, the sky’s eye arrow, shoot!”

A group of arrow dragons were holding bows and arrows, and Mou Zesen stared at the front, and immediately roared loudly.


“Swish swish!”

The next moment, numerous arrows attacked toward the front.

“The rest of the Dragon Palace members, carry out a long-range attack!”

Prime Minister Turtle ordered immediately.

“Boom boom boom!”

All the remaining members of the Dragon Palace immediately released the attack.

Even the mad dragon species that is not good at long-range combat has a blood-red spear condensed in his hand and threw it directly forward.

The only thing that didn’t do it was the thorn dragon dragon seed hidden in the void.

“The Dragon Palace is doing it, ready to resist!”

When all the members of the Dragon Palace started their hands, the five guardians of the Imperial Court were already ready.

“Boom boom boom!”

When they moved their bodies, their palms blasted towards a flaming star in the sky above.

The flame star revolved, revealing a huge black hole in the center.

The entire entrance of the cave released a terrifying high temperature.

“Control the Flame God!”

An imperial court guardian shouted and flew directly above the flame god star.

Behind him, three imperial court guardians followed him.

Immediately following, tens of millions of imperial court disciples flew towards the flame god star at the same time.

Each of them exudes extremely hot flames.

A group of tens of thousands of people fell on the flame god, and the black hole in the center of the entire planet appeared red lights!

“Boom boom boom!”

In the next moment, flames resembling meteorites directly met the attack released by Dragon Palace.

The terrifying meteorite completely covered the arrow attack of the sky’s eye arrow.


The sound of the violent collision sounded, and all the attacks of the Dragon Palace were blocked.

“Dragon King, the power of this flame god, with the blessing of more than 10 million imperial court disciples, can explode the power of the god emperor. It seems that the imperial court and the others are already ready.”

Seeing the flame god star in front of the sky array, he narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

“Hehe, all the Dragon Palace are attacking with all their strength, but I want to see how they can resist our Dragon Palace’s attack with this flame god!”

A faint smile appeared in Wang Xian’s eyes.

He didn’t make a move with the Tianzhen. At this time, he still wanted to see how much the Emperor Court had.

“It’s the Dragon King, all the Dragon Palace disciples, aim at the flame god, attack!”

Prime Minister Kame immediately nodded in response, and shouted commands to all the members.

“Swish swish!”

“Boom boom boom!”

In an instant, the 360,000 Dragon Palace God King powerhouses burst out their strongest attacks together, attacking the Flame God Star.

The terrifying power made some of the surrounding abysses look slightly.

“Unleash the power of the Flame God with all your strength.”

On the flame god star, the guardian of the Imperial Court saw the full blow of the Dragon Palace, his face changed drastically, and he immediately roared loudly.


The entire god star trembled slightly, and a vast flame power condensed in the black hole.

A pillar of fire with a diameter of tens of millions of kilometers slowly flew out from the flame god star to meet the attack of Dragon Palace.


The endless flames collided with the attacks of more than 300,000 god kings gathered in the Dragon Palace, and the huge pillar of fire slowly collapsed.


“The strength of Dragon Palace is stronger than imagined!”

“There are fifteen or six strong god king peaks!”

When the flame god star’s attack slowly collapsed, the complexions of the several imperial guardians on the flame god star changed drastically.

This flame god star was obtained by their god emperor with great opportunity, and with the blessing of their fire attribute powerhouses and disciples, it can burst out of the power of god emperor level.

But now, facing the full blow of all members of the Dragon Palace, they could not resist it.

This changed their expressions slightly.

You know, in their calculations, the Flame Star is enough to fight the entire Dragon Palace.

“Huh, do you really think that with just one treasure, thousands of people can fight our entire Dragon Palace?”

Wang Xian stared at the front with a mocking look in his eyes.


At this time, Prime Minister Turtle’s order sounded again.

“Swish swish!”

“Boom boom boom!”

Dragon Palace’s third round of attacks, once again attacked towards the flame god.

“Great Guardian, ask for support, a flame god is not Dragon Palace’s opponent!”

The guardian on the flame god saw the attack coming again, and immediately asked for support from the great guardian of the imperial court.

“Start the sky-shielding fan!”

The Great Protector swept his eyes, frowned slightly, and immediately shouted softly.

“Leave it to me!”

In the command hall, a bodyguard holding a folding fan moved and flew directly toward this side.


With a wave of his arm, the folding fan in his hand immediately became larger, covering a void!

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