Chapter 2798 The war begins and makes the whole world quiet 6

“You guys who work with beasts, shut up to our emperor court, and it won’t be long before we will cut you all!”

“Dare to insult our Lord God Emperor, you all must die!”

“Little Dragon Palace, soon you will pay a heavy price for what you have done, and we will pull your tongue out!”

Over the abyss battlefield, the four god emperors in the Imperial Court heard the words of the Baqi Demon Evil Earth Grandchildren, and their eyes shot a terrifying murderous intent.

At the same time, the space around them was also affected.

The guardian of the emperor court and everyone in the court heard that they directly insulted their great ancestor, their god emperor, with an angry face, a famous emperor court guardian roared murderously.

“Jie Jie Jie, a group of decent things. Didn’t you think that this day would happen when you hunted down our dragon queen? I tell you, four old dogs’ puppies, today you died because of your four old dogs. , After I die, I will find your old dog to make sense!”

“It won’t take long for us to cut through all kinds of swords, jiejie, wait a while, the little master will send you to hell and kill all of you!”

The angry curses of the Emperor’s Law Guardian had just ended, and the two of Baqi Mosha yelled directly with their throats.

Even shameless rascals, Baqi and Mosha are professional.

“You guys are looking for death!”

Hearing the words of Baqi Demon Sha, everyone in the Imperial Court showed anger on their faces.

No one dares to say that the people in their Imperial Court are dogs?

At this moment, although they have a lot of doubts in their hearts, just relying on the people of the Dragon Palace to scold them, they will destroy the Dragon Palace!

The other disciples of the Emperor Court should not be allowed to swear, and the flame-shrouded Emperor Court God Emperor shouted coldly.

His voice overwhelmed everyone, and everyone in the Imperial Court was shocked, knowing that Taizu was a little angry.

“I’m looking for the ancestral graves of your ancestors for the eighteenth generation!”

However, the people in the Imperial Court were frightened, and the Eight Qi Demon Sha was not a bird of the Emperor Court God Emperor.

This is the enemy, so you don’t need to look at the strength or weakness, just shout with your throat.


The words of the Eight Qi Mosha and the others caused the two Divine Emperor Abyss Species above the abyss to turn their heads and look at them, and there was a flash of doubt in their eyes.

Is this the beginning of the human war?


The flame-shrouded Emperor Court God Emperor sounded blazing fire, his eyes staring sharply at Yaqi and Mosha.

“Do you see your father?”

The two raised their heads without shyness, and responded again.

Even some members of the Dragon Palace looked over at his words speechlessly.

“Roar, today, let me learn about the strength of your beasts!”

The flame-shrouded god emperor burned with anger, he roared, his figure moved, and he flew directly forward.

The mighty power and terrifying energy raged over the abyss.


That same flame-shrouded Divine Emperor Abyssal Seed, raised his hair and let out a roar, fluttering his huge wings, directly greeted him.

“All imperial court disciples, defense.”

A divine emperor shrouded in light in the center spoke.

After speaking, he rushed out with a move.


Kotaku’s huge pupils locked him, and directly greeted him.



In the next moment, Xiaolan and the other Divine Emperor Abyss Species rushed towards the other two Divine Emperors without hesitation.

Xiao Lan locked on another light-shrouded phantom in the center, carrying an endless wild power, and rushing away.

And Lan Qingyue on Xiaolan’s body moved towards Wang Xian’s side.



When Xiaolan and the others rushed over, all the abyss seeds in the lower position boiled, and they were extremely violent in an instant, their blood-red eyes staring at the imperial court disciple in front.


In an instant, the entire space seemed to undergo drastic changes, and the air instantly became dignified.

The overwhelming abyss species rushed over, and in the front position, all the people in the Imperial Court standing on the biological city wall also released their full power.

“All the disciples of the imperial court, this warlord defends, and the disciples in the rear carry out long-range attacks. In the next war, we will destroy them all!”

On the stage of the central command hall of the Imperial Court, the guardian stood there, holding a light scepter in his hand. With a wave of his arm, he was located in the front position. A huge light disk appeared in front, directly covering a radius of hundreds of millions of kilometers. Range.

“Boom boom boom!”

In the next moment, the defensive weapons of all kinds of war equipment were all opened, and it looked like an indestructible city wall at a glance.


Some of the other imperial court disciples roared, and a series of long-range attacks moved toward the abyssal attacks coming from the impact.



In front of the Abyss Seed, the existence of the peak of the god king directly raised their heads and issued a series of attacks.

Suddenly, the vast destruction, bombarded towards the front.

“The imperial court protector, intercept and stop the attacks of the gods and kings from the peak of the abyss!”

Seeing the attack from the abyss of the god king peak, the great guardian of the emperor court immediately ordered.


“Boom boom boom!”

In the next moment, all the imperial court guardians bombarded one by one from the attack of the God King Peak Abyss.

The sound of the collision sounded, and the mighty energy swept across the abyss.


However, at this time, an extremely violent bombardment sounded from the position above.

Fiery red light, white light, and black light shine in this space.

That is the color of the law.

Above, the four imperial court god emperors and Xiaolan also formally collided together.

In the case of four-to-four, and they are all at the same level, it is almost difficult to tell the winner.

Even if there is a difference in strength, it may take a day or two, or even longer, to be able to kill the opponent.

This is still the case when the other party does not escape.


In the lower position, after the first round of the attack of the God King Peak Abyss Seed was resisted, the second round of attack was issued again.

This time, at least a million Divine King Abyss Species launched a long-range attack at the same time, covering the front.

A scene of horror, shock, and incomparable across the abyss.


On the side of the imperial court, the order of the great guardian sounded again, and all the strong gods on the imperial court directly greeted them.


It was another collision, and the attack of the abyss was completely annihilated.

In the two rounds of attack, the distance between the two sides is getting closer.

“Guardians, be wary of the Dragon Palace side, they can explode the power of the first order of the god emperor!”

The great guardian spreads the voice to all the other guardians.

“Haha, don’t worry, the guardian, with our defense, without the Lord God Emperor taking action, we can at least withstand the attacks of the two God Emperors!”

A guardian responded with a big smile.

The god emperor is not a Chinese cabbage, it is rare to have one more.

Even if two appeared from the Dragon Palace, they were not afraid.

Even three of them will not be defeated in an instant.

After all, their heritage is there!

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