Chapter 2775 When the god emperor falls, the day is shocked 3

“The battle of the abyss is about the survival of mankind. Our Heavenly Sect Master can take action, but the civil war of mankind, the battle between the Imperial Court Night Clan and the Dragon Palace, has nothing to do with me, and I don’t want to be involved in it!”

“Broken Heaven teaches all the disciples of the strong, immediately return to the abyss!”

When the ancestor of the Great Master of Nine Heavens announced that they would not participate in this battle, there was no hesitation from the Great Master of Heavenly Heaven. They almost repeated the words of the ancestor of the Great Master of Nine Heavens, and their eyes scanned all the disciples!

“return to!”

One voice sounded again, and everyone moved directly towards the abyss.

Especially with Great Sect of Jiuxiao and Great Sect of Heaven, they did not hesitate at all, and all the disciples flew directly out of the abyss.

“Go, let’s go outside too!”

“Grass, now there are another two hundred thousand powerful gods in the Dragon Palace flying over. Our resistance here is purely looking for death. We will not participate in this matter!”

“We are not involved in this matter. This is the grievance between the Dragon Palace and the Night Clan of the Emperor, and the Dragon Palace has already prepared in advance. Nearly 300,000 God Kings, this is the person who needs to destroy the Emperor and the Night Clan today. !”

Around, some small forces looked extremely embarrassed when they saw this scene.

At this time, they no longer care about the imperial court’s orders and the night god emperor’s orders.

Dragon Palace, these two hundred and seventy thousand god kings, more than a dozen immortal god king peak powers, how many people can fight against Dragon Palace to ensure that they can survive?

not a lot!

At least now they are withdrawing, the Night God Emperor really wants to annihilate them, and they can run away directly.

They still don’t believe that with so many people and so many forces, they will not be able to escape the pursuit of the Emperor Court and the Ye Clan.

Big deal to go to other star regions.

It’s better than dying now!

“This this…”

Everyone in the Great Master of Heavenly Demon saw that most of the forces receded directly out of the abyss, and their expressions kept changing.

“Nine Heavens, Broken Sky, you didn’t follow the order of the God Emperor, you have escaped this time, and what is waiting for you is still perish!”

The ancestor of the Great Master of Heaven Demon roared with an extremely embarrassed expression.

Now he is a little bit hard to ride a tiger. Just now he said he would obey the order of the Imperial Court Night Clan, and now the Dragon Palace suddenly rushed out of 200,000 God Kings, this f*ck…

In particular, several other great teachers have been withdrawn directly, they have been withdrawn!

At this time, he did not retreat, nor did he retreat!

However, Jiu Xiao and Duan Tian ignored the words of the ancestor of the Great Master of Heaven Demon.

The strong men of the two great teachings led the disciples to fly outside.

Hundreds of large and small forces followed behind!

“Everyone of Dragon Palace, we will not participate in this matter!”

When welcoming the two hundred thousand murderous Dragon Palace members, the ancestors of the Great Master of Nine Heavens immediately arched their hands and walked around.

“Today, we only kill the enemy!”

Ao Xie glanced across them and said lightly.

“Thank you!”

The ancestors of the Great Teacher of Nine Heavens, they immediately gestured to the disciples, bypassed the people in the Dragon Palace, and flew outside.


“It’s horrible, two hundred thousand god king, there was a feeling of suffocation just now!”

“The Dragon Palace is too strong, the Dragon Palace may have been prepared for this battle long ago, it is to destroy the Emperor Court and the Night Clan!”

“Who could have thought that this would be the case, if someone in the brain knew it, it would definitely shake the entire Emperor Star Region!”

The disciples of a group of forces passed by the Dragon Palace’s two hundred thousand god king powerhouses, and they all sighed in relief, talking with fear on their faces.

“Hi, this…this…”

At this moment, in the front position, the four guardians of the imperial court saw the two hundred thousand powerful gods and kings rushing over from the Dragon Palace, and their bodies trembled.

“How come there are so many strong men in this Dragon Palace, damn it, everyone immediately flees, escapes back to the abyss, as long as we escape, we will notify Taizu to destroy them directly!”

“Get out!”

An imperial court guardian roared with an extremely embarrassed expression.

“Escape, escape, hurry up!”

“Teaching all the disciples of the Heavenly Demon, run away, run away!”

All the forces of the Heavenly Demon Great Sect, the few hundred people left in the Imperial Court, and the entire group of Ye Clan people, they all flew towards the outside with full of panic.

“Want to escape? None of you can escape today!”

Standing on Longfeng, Tianzhen’s eyes were filled with cold murderous aura!

With a move of his palm, three thorn monsters immediately gathered!

“Kill the four guardians of the Imperial Court first!”

Wang Xian also gave a low growl, and commanded everyone around him.

“Boom boom boom!”

In an instant, Ao Qitian, Ao Qi Ao Xingmu and the others quickly besieged the four guardians of the Imperial Court.

The monster formed by the three thorns also attacked the four of them.

“Want to kill us, delusion, Dragon King, Dragon Palace, you are waiting for sanctions!”

The four imperial court guardians roared violently with blood red eyes.

“Boom boom boom!”

However, what greeted them was a wave of terrorist attacks!


Three thorn monsters condensed by the formation method besieged the past, and the thorns swept away directly.


Countless thorns attacked the four, and the four immediately chopped off with their weapons!

“not good!”

But soon, the complexion of the four of them changed drastically, and their bodies flew out directly toward the rear.

There was a look of horror in his pupils.

In just a moment of collision, they could perceive that they were definitely not the opponent of the three thorn monsters!


At this time, the leaders of the Dragon Palace besieged.

A trace of horror flashed in the eyes of the four imperial court guardians.

“Escape, get out immediately!”

“As long as you escape, it will be the end of the Dragon Palace!”

They gritted their teeth and shouted harshly!

“Ha ha!”

However, they were greeted by a violent attack from a member of the Dragon Palace.

“Jie Jie Jie, the trash of the Ye Clan, you still want to escape, brothers besie them!”

From the side position, the Eight Qi Demon Sha was raging on the Ye Clan’s side.

There are tens of thousands of people in the Ye Clan, and now even half of those killed by the Eight Qi Demon Sha are left.

At this time, they desperately wanted to escape out of the abyss.

When they saw the Baqi Demon Sha, their faces were full of mockery.

“Ao Xie, stop them, don’t keep one!”

Yaqi roared, and shouted at the Ao Xie who led the two hundred thousand members of the King of Gods.

“Don’t worry, none of them want to escape today, and none of the guys who want to deal with us want to escape!”

“Kill me!”

The back road of the Ye Clan people was completely blocked by Ao Xie and the others.

The power emanating from the two hundred thousand god kings is extremely terrifying.

Everyone in the Ye Clan faces fear and despair.

If they want to escape from the abyss, they must break through the defense of the two hundred thousand strong in Dragon Palace.

If you want to break through, the odds are too small!

“Teaching all the strong, go with me!”

The ancestor of the Heavenly Demon Great Sect roared with blood-red eyes, gritted his teeth and led the powerful members of the Heavenly Demon Great Sect to fly forward.

They want to break through.

The ancestor of the Heavenly Demon Great Teacher couldn’t think of it, because one of his own decisions made them into a desperate situation.

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