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“This this this…”

“Hey, the imperial court has issued an order, what shall we do, what shall we do?”

“Dragon Palace, how many immortal god king peak powers are there, at least a dozen, right? Let’s deal with Dragon Palace?”

When everyone heard the imperial court guardian’s order and Wang Xian’s words, their expressions changed drastically.

Help the imperial court attack the Dragon Palace?

But when they saw the vast number of corpses in the imperial court, their hearts trembled violently.

There are more than a dozen immortal gods in the Dragon Palace. If Dragon Palace retaliates against them…

“This god emperor ordered that all forces immediately besie the Dragon Palace, immediately, whoever violates the order, this god emperor will destroy you by himself!”

But at this time, a vast voice filled with anger came from the uppermost position.

The night god emperor’s face was extremely embarrassed, resisting the violent attacks of the god emperor level in front of him, and his heart was extremely violent and irritable.

Dragon Palace Dragon King, must die, must die!


Ahead, the Divine Emperor Abyss Seed he was fighting against heard his words, and his three eyes filled with fireworks roared downward and issued a series of commands!




At this time, a group of immortal kings peak and abyss heard them, roaring in response and giving orders to all his men!


In the next moment, all the abysses retreated towards the rear in unison.

They must avoid this battle!

They have to watch human infighting!

“The Abyss Seed retreated, they retreated toward the back!”

At this time, everyone was slightly surprised when they saw the abyss race retreat.

But this is a good thing for the night clan emperor’s guardians.

But for Dragon Palace, it is also a good thing!

“All forces, immediately do it, do it, and destroy the Dragon Palace!”

The four imperial court guardians roared loudly.

All the forces heard this voice, their faces changed drastically!

“The Heavenly Demon Great teaches all the disciples to prepare to help the Imperial Court, help the Night Race, and fight the Dragon Palace!”

The ancestor of the Great Teacher of the Demon hesitated in his heart, and immediately shouted loudly.

The Emperor Court has already issued the order, and the Night God Emperor has also issued the order.

Once they don’t take action, the night god emperor imperial court may destroy them afterwards.

Now fighting against Dragon Palace, even if Dragon Palace is powerful beyond everyone’s expectations, they will not be destroyed as long as they are careful.

“Deal with Dragon Palace!”

“We are on the side of the Imperial Court and the Night Race, traitors who attack humanity!”

Some other forces on Ye Leng Island immediately followed Ying He Dao.

Devil Island Jiuxiao Breaks the Sky Last month, they heard the orders of the Emperor Court and the Night God Emperor, their expressions kept changing!

The leaders of the Beichuan Sect, the Dragon Mang Group, and the ancient gods were even more pale.

The threat of the Night God Emperor is too great!

“Hahaha, all those who are enemies of the Dragon Palace, kill!”

Upon seeing this scene, Wang Xian still showed a big smile on his face.

“Tsk tusk, it’s time to kill!”

The retreat of the abyss race, the sky formation does not need to open the formation to block, his eyes are full of fighting spirit and sorrow.

Very old and very old, there is no such a fun battle!

He drove Longfeng and immediately attacked the four guardians of the Imperial Court.

“Regardless of any forces, anyone, whoever offends my Dragon Palace, die!”

“Those who violated my Dragon Palace, die!”

“Boom boom boom!”

At this moment, a murderous voice came from the direction outside the abyss.

The roar of at least hundreds of thousands of people surprised everyone!

A fierce and violent murderous attack came!

All the forces, hundreds of millions of people, immediately looked towards the rear.

“This is!”

“Hi, my goodness, this is this…”

Shocked, an incoherent voice came, everyone widened their eyes, and opened their mouths slightly!

Even if it was Master Jiuxiao, Master Duantian, and Master last month, they were equally stunned.

From a position outside the abyss, a crowd of about 200,000 figures rushed towards this side.

There are galloping thunder, fire, dragon and phoenix species!

There are dragon species exuding earthy yellow light!

There is a violent blood-red energy entangled in the wild dragon dragon species!

There are dragon guards who are holding sharp swords and seem to have no emotions!

With a full 200,000 members, all of the powerful aura burst out.

They lined up in a row, and none of them was weaker than the first-order fighting power of the Immortal King.

Two hundred thousand members of the Dragon Palace God King rushed forward.

“All are the existence of the immortal king, all are, is this the full power of the Dragon Palace?”

“This… this time all of our forces have come to only 300,000 strong people, and this will also include the 70,000 in Dragon Palace. Now now…”

Looking at the Dragon Palace powerhouse who rushed over, all the forces felt their scalp numb.

In this way, there are nearly 300,000 immortal kings in Dragon Palace!

This fucking, terrifying!


All the strong men and disciples of the Great Master of Heaven Demon swallowed and spit, staring blankly at the strong dragon palace rushing over.

Dragon Palace already has a huge advantage in the field, and now there are two hundred thousand God Kings, how to play?

“Fuck, there is no Dragon Palace. Our Dragon Mang Group does not know if it is still there. Now those who don’t kill Dragon Palace will destroy us. Grass, our Dragon Mang Group is not ungrateful. Night clan!”

“We, the Dragon Mang Group, don’t have a guilty species!”

Several people at the helm of the Dragon Mang Group glanced at each other, gritted their teeth and shouted loudly.

In the current situation, either fight against the Dragon Palace or go back and be destroyed by the Night God Emperor.

But their Dragon Mang Group is not the kind of person who will avenge revenge!

What’s more, now that the Dragon Palace is so powerful, the Dragon King is launching a war against the Imperial Court and the Night Clan, and there may be other players.

Then fight for it, believe in Dragon Palace, believe in Dragon King!

“All the disciples of Beichuan Sect, the Emperor of the Night God killed our deputy suzerain, and the emperor didn’t care about it. In this battle, we will follow the Dragon King!”

Sect Master Beichuan raised his head and roared with a flushed face.

“Go on, teach all the disciples last month to fight with the Dragon King and fight with the Dragon Palace!”

“Ancient God Dynasty, fight for the Dragon Palace, fight for our comrades in the northern front!”

At this time, the leader of the ancient gods of the Great Teacher last month, directly shouted sharply.

At this time, they have a 90% chance of being killed in the battle against the Dragon Palace. After being killed, they will still bear the name of the ungrateful villain. Why not fight for the Dragon Palace!

Even if they died in battle, they still have a clear conscience!

Have a clear conscience! Fight once!

When they yelled out, they felt so happy!

“The battle of the abyss is about the survival of mankind. Our Nine Heavens Master can take action, but the civil war of mankind, the battle between the Imperial Court Night Clan and the Dragon Palace, has nothing to do with me. !”

“Master Jiuxiao teaches all the disciples of the strong, immediately return to the abyss!”

A great teacher last month, four fairly good forces directly fought for the Dragon Palace, and the ancestors of the Great Master Jiuxiao were astonished in their hearts.

They glanced at each other and shouted with a calm face!

They will not participate in this war!

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