Chapter 2772 The emperor star field is terrified when the war begins 8

It’s boiling!

It’s completely boiling!

On the Ye Clan’s side, everyone panicked.

The three ancestors of the Ye Clan elders were suddenly killed, and the elders of the Tianya Dajiao attacked and killed three elders. The three elders betrayed and attacked their three elders.

At this time, screams and horrified sounds came from the rear.

A strong night clan attacked his own people.

At this moment, many Ye Clan people were dumbfounded!

What happened, did they have hallucinations?

“The three elders betrayed, the Great Master Tianya betrayed, there are still people in our Ye Clan who betrayed, retreated, retreated!”

The nine elders scanned the surroundings with blood-red eyes, and said loudly with some collapse in their hearts.

Even the elders can betray, so how many of their disciples still betrayed?

Among the nine elders, is anyone betrayed?

It’s messed up, it’s totally messed up!

Especially at this time, the Abyss Seed in front had already rushed over.

Internal chaos, Tianya Dajiao fights with Ye Clan, and the elders betrayal.

How to fight at this time?

In the sky above, the three immortal kings peak and the abyss were slightly confused. What happened? The five people who had just fought against them now fought inwardly?

Three more people were killed directly!


“Destroy everyone in the Night Race!”

At this time, the Eight Qi Demon Sha and the others moved, their eyes locked on the nine elders of the Ye Clan, carrying a terrifying power, and rushing directly.

With a wave of Demon Sha’s arm, a series of terrifying flames went directly towards the night clan covering.

“The Great Master Tianya and Dragon Palace have jointly rebelled and killed our patriarch and two ancestors, the guardian of the Imperial Court, and ask for support!”

An ancestor of the night clan saw the attacking Eight Qi Demon Sha, his heart beating violently, and he roared sharply.

“Something happened to the Ye Clan!”

“No, Tianya Grandmaster and Dragon Palace are united, is this?”

At this time, the Imperial Court on the right side of Longfeng had already sensed the changes on the Ye Clan’s side.

Especially the roar of the night clan chief, the angry command of the night clan elder.

This made them suddenly have a bad feeling.


At this time, a cold voice came to the ears of the powerful men and disciples in the Imperial Court.

“Swish swish!”

The arrow rain all over the sky suddenly attacked them.

The complexion of all imperial court experts and disciples changed dramatically.

At this time, they are fighting with the abyss ahead!


“Dragon Palace, are you going to rebel? Dragon King, are you looking for death?”

“You dare to attack the people in our Imperial Court, do you know what you are doing?”

In the upper air position, the four guardians of the Imperial Court were entangled with the four immortal kings, peak and abyss species, sensing the arrows all over the sky below, their expressions were extremely ugly and roared wildly.

This little dragon palace dared to fight against those who attacked their imperial court!

Are they tired of living?

“Hahaha, all the Dragon Palace disciples, kill me, kill everyone in the Imperial Court today!”

The sound of wild laughter came, and rushed out directly with each figure.

Wang Xian was the first to be among them, his palms turned into dragon claws, and he rushed towards the imperial court!

Next to him, Ao Qitian, Ao Qi, Ao Xingmu, Ao Jian, and three Dragon Guards control the End of the World Ruler, and a Dragon Palace powerhouse controls the Dragon Weapon, Ao Phoenix, and Ao Tu. They also carry terrifying power. Rushed towards the imperial court on the side.

The sky formation was standing on the command platform, manipulating the formation, blocking the abyss race in front of it.

“No, the strong from Dragon Palace rushed over!”

“Hi, what a terrifying power, the peak of the Immortal King, the Dragon King, they are all the peak powers of the Immortal King!”

“Lord Guardian!”

When Wang Xian and the others rushed past, some strong men sensed their power, their eyes widened, and their expressions were full of shock.

That terrifying power is all the pinnacle of the immortal king!

One, two, three… nine, nine in total!

“This… how is this possible!”

The four imperial guardians who were fighting against the immortal king of the peak and abyss species sensed the power of Wang Xian and their power, their eyes swept over, and their hearts beat fiercely!


The extremely cold voice resounded through the world, and the terrifying dragon claws attacked all the strong disciples of the Imperial Court.


Next to him, the attacks of Ao Qitian, Ao Qi, Ao Xingmu and the rest of them also covered the front.

The devastating attack directly covered everyone.

“Stop the dragon king, stop you, as long as you dare to kill the disciples of our imperial court, our imperial court will not let you go, and your dragon palace will not be let go!”

“All of you in the Dragon Palace, all of you will be avenged by our imperial court, stop!”

A guardian of the Imperial Court swept away his eyes and roared in horror.

His voice resounded throughout the battlefield!

“Hahaha, Imperial Court, today we are killing your Imperial Court people. Don’t even want to leave today!”

“Do you think that our Dragon Palace does not know the calculations of your Emperor Court and the Night God Emperor? Let our Dragon Palace fight desperately against the Abyss Seed, and even if it succeeds in the end, your Emperor Court will punish us in the future!”

“Hahaha, today is when your Imperial Court pays the price, all of you! All of you are dead!”


It’s going to die!

Wang Xian roared murderously!

It had been a long time since Wang Xian had such a killing intent, and his apprentice Bei Shuang was killed directly.

Emperor Ting Ye God calculated the Dragon Palace and wanted to destroy the Dragon Palace!

All in all, Wang Xian has decided to tear his face with the Imperial Court!

This time, as many imperial court people can be killed, as many imperial court people can be killed.

Moreover, Wang Xian was very satisfied with the start of today.

“What’s the matter? Dragon Palace is making a move towards the Ye Clan Emperor’s Court?”

“Hey, what are they doing in Dragon Palace? Are you going to die?”

“Damn it, this Dragon Palace suddenly moved towards the Emperor Court and the Ye Clan at this time, and all the disciples are ready to withdraw from the abyss at any time!”

Around, some of the other forces heard the roar here, their expressions changed drastically.

Someone was shocked!

Someone is so angry!

Others are extremely frightened!

Dragon Palace actually moved towards the Imperial Court Night Clan!

Great Master Tianya will join forces with Dragon Palace!


“The law protector, help!”

“Help, protect the law, no, no, I don’t want to die!”

“Boom boom boom!”

Panic came, despair came, and the 20 million disciples of the Imperial Court looked at the attacks falling towards them with fear on their faces.

The full blow of the nine immortal king peak powerhouses covered all of them.

Can’t resist!

It can’t be resisted at all.

Even if they are fully greeted, they can at most resist the attack of two immortal king powerhouses, but this time, it is really too much.

A devastating attack like the doomsday, fell towards them.

Countless disciples shouted wildly, countless disciples asked for help!

Those emperors and sons who were once proud of the Great Imperial Court are also full of despair at this moment.

“Do not!”

The four guardians of the Imperial Court swept their gazes and roared unwillingly!

“Emperor Ye God, save our people from the Imperial Court!”

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