Chapter 2771 The emperor star field is terrified when the war begins 7


“Damn it, Master Tianya, what are you doing!”

When the Baqi and the evil spirits attacked, when the arrows and the three sharp swords attacked, the Ye Clan chief and the three of them changed wildly and shouted with horror!


But everything is too fast too fast!

They had just taken action to withstand the attack from the abyss of the immortal king peak, and at this time they faced the attack of the Eight Qi Demon Sha.

The arrow came from Mou Zesen’s kill, and the same immortal king’s peak powerhouse attack.

As for the three sharp swords, they were three attacks in the Immortal Gourd.

Zhanxian Gourd has not been used for several months, and a dozen sharp swords have been accumulated in it.

And in terms of power, it is much stronger than before.

It can be said that at this moment, the three of them, the head of the night clan, faced the attack of nine immortal king peak powerhouses.

Still a sudden attack.

“Boom boom boom!”

The attacks of the Eight Qi Demon Sha and Mou Zesen instantly fell on them, with their extremely powerful destructive power, causing them to shoot out a large amount of blood instantly, and their bodies flew backwards.


The attack of the three sharp swords followed immediately, without the slightest pause!


The three of them, the head of the Ye Clan, saw this terrifying attack, and their bodies bloomed with great power, and they propped up a series of defenses in front of them.


However, the emergency release defense did not withstand the attack of the three sharp swords.


The sharp sword penetrated the defense and immediately fell on them, making them more injured.


Eight Qi Demon Sha, their eyes burst into violent murderous intent, deceive them and continue to attack!

Mou Zesen’s arrows also attacked again!


“not good!”

The three were attacked one after another, and their hearts sank when they saw the Baqi Demon Sha who attacked again.



When their attack came, two screams sounded.

An ancestor of the Ye Clan was pierced by Mou Zesen’s arrow, and his body trembled violently.

An ancestor was directly beheaded by the evil spirit!

However, a sky-blue shield bloomed on the chest of the patriarch of the Ye Clan, resisting the attack of Yaqi.

“No, Master Tianya, you are actually united with Dragon Palace, you are looking for death!”

The patriarch of the Ye Clan resisted the fatal attack, looked at his father and an ancestor’s vitality disappearing quickly, and shouted with a ferocious face.

Until now, he didn’t understand why the two ancestors of Tianya University attacked them.

Why would the two ancestors of Tianya University join forces with the Dragon Palace powerhouse!

Are they not dead enemies?

The death of his own father, the death of an ancestor of the Ye Clan, made his chest very angry.

“Those who violated my Dragon Palace, die!”

But at this moment, a black and white phantom suddenly appeared behind him, and a cold voice came into the head of the night clan chief.


The next moment, a sharp claw pierced his chest directly, and the sickle-like arm cut off his head.

The patriarch of the night clan who was still furious just now died instantly!

“What…what’s going on?”

The battle just now only took place within ten seconds, and ten seconds was too short and too short.

The sudden change prevented all the strong disciples of the lower night clan from having time to react.

When those two screams came, when the Ye Clan chief screamed in rage, and when the Ye Clan chief was killed, everyone reacted.

“The two ancestors of Tianya University, why did they attack our patriarch and them, why would they unite with the Dragon Palace and the others!”

“We… our patriarch ancestor was killed, Tianya ancestor and Dragon Palace, how could this be, how could this be!”

At this time, all the strongmen and disciples of the Ye Clan roared in horror when they saw the fall of their ancestor patriarch.


How could this happen?

Who could have imagined that the ancestors of Tianya Great Sect and Dragon Palace would suddenly attack the patriarch of their ancestors.

The death of the patriarch’s ancestor made their hearts tremble violently.

“Dragon Palace and Tianya University taught them to kill our patriarch and ancestor, be careful, be careful!”

A night clan elder reacted and immediately shouted at everyone.

“Go back, we go back immediately!”

A night clan elder quickly roared.

In front of them were a group of abyssal species, but the sudden change and the killing of the patriarch and ancestor made them extremely frightened.

At this time, you can no longer fight!


But at this moment, there was a cold roar from a side position.

“Puff puff!”

On the side, the venom horned dragon seed that parasitized on some powerful people of Tianya University moved at this moment.

Because of the union of Tianya and Ye Clan, they are all in the same line.

The sudden shot caught many Ye Clan people off guard!


In an instant, tens of thousands of Ye Clan strong disciples were killed.

Especially the venom horned dragon seed parasitic on the three elders of Tianya University. When the Ye Clan was still furious and frightened, it attacked the three elders of the Ye Clan next to him, killing him instantly!

“The Great Master Tianya rebelled, killed them, killed them!”

An elder of the Ye Clan saw that the three elders of Tianya Dajiao killed their three elders, his eyes were blood red, and he roared wildly.

But at this time, most of the Tianya Great Teachers were also very dumbfounded.

Why did the ancestors attack and assassinate the ancestors of the Ye Clan patriarchs?

Why did their elder suddenly attack the people of the Night Clan?

However, watching the surrounding night clan powerhouses locked them with murderous aura, their faces changed drastically.

“Boom boom boom!”

A series of attacks went towards them to cover.


Seeing this attack, they can only counterattack. If they don’t counterattack, they will perish.

But once it counterattacked, it was completely messed up.

“Kill them!”

At the center, a dozen or so Ye Clan elders looked at the three elders of Tianya Dajiao, clenched their fists, and roared wildly.

They all attacked the three elders of Tianya University.

“Puff puff!”

Abruptly, a penetrating sound came.

“Six elders, eight elders, and thirteen elders!”

“Fifth elders, what are you doing, what are you doing!”

The dozen or so elders who rushed over felt that they suddenly heard the changes next to them. Among them, nine elders looked at them, their eyes widened instantly, full of incredible expressions.

“Hahaha, Dragon Palace is invincible, all of you must die!”

Excited voices came from the mouth of the three night clan elders, beside them, there were three corpses.

“You guys… you guys are… unexpectedly…”

The remaining nine elders couldn’t believe that their Ye Clan elders, with such a core existence, were betrayed.

Their children and grandchildren are all Ye Clan people, but they are bleeding with the Ye Clan’s blood!


“Why are you killing me, why?”

“Our night clan has an insider!”

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