Chapter 275 Up (four more, ask for a monthly pass!)

The stage of the concert is located in Liancheng Central Stadium, a stadium filled with 80,000 people.

Wang Xianmo Qinglong Moyuan followed Tang Yinxuan.

This made Wang Xian speechless, and followed a girl.

But in order to find the murderer who killed the two dragon men, he can only do this.

The gay young man in front kept talking to Tang Yinxuan in the car, ordering something.

It can be seen that this young man should be Tang Yinxuan’s agent.

“Yinxuan, when the meeting is for dinner, the organizer will ask you to play a few guqin and take a picture at most. You can’t refuse at that time. You can eat for up to an hour. After eating, let’s go back and rest!”

The young man kept admonishing Tang Yinxuan, apparently he also knew the coldness of the eldest lady in front of him.

“Don’t worry, as long as they are not too much, everything is fine!”

Tang Yinxuan said lightly.

“No, no, I will show you next to you!”

The young man said quickly.

It was about seven o’clock in the evening when they walked out of the stadium, and a crowd of people drove toward a five-star hotel in Liancheng in a car.

Qingmu International Hotel is the best hotel in Jiangcheng. It is located in the city center and has a strong strength.

When we walked to the hotel box, there were four young men in suits standing on either side of the doorway, standing there with expressionless expressions.

“Three, why don’t you go to another place in the hotel for dinner first, and I will call you later!”

Tang Yinxuan turned her head, looked at Wang Xian and the three of them, and said.

There are two innate strong men among them, even if it is her bodyguard now, she dare not neglect, and ask respectfully.

“Okay, we will wait for you at this door after we finish our meal!”

Mo Qinglong nodded, and with a movement of his palm, a faint black air fell directly on Tang Yinxuan’s body.

“Don’t worry, as long as you run your spiritual power, we can sense it!”

Mo Qinglong said with a smile to Tang Yinxuan who was slightly confused.

“Well, trouble three!”

Tang Yinxuan nodded.

The young man on the side looked at the three Wang Xian in surprise, and Tang Yinxuan’s attitude towards them made him a little puzzled.

Isn’t it a good attitude to treat the three bodyguards?

Tang Yinxuan and the young man entered the box. Wang Xian scanned the inside and found four or five young men and two middle-aged men sitting inside. There were ancient warriors, but none of them were very strong, so they would not be Tang Yinxuan’s opponents. .

“Let’s go!”

Wang Xian and Mo Qinglong Moyuan walked towards the public restaurant of the hotel.

“You don’t have eyes when you walk!”

Just as the three of them turned a corner, a dozen people ran into them head-on.

Before he could escape, a young man slammed directly into the body of the Demon Qinglong, his body being bounced back a few steps.


Mo Qinglong turned his head impatiently, and looked at the young man coldly.

“What the hell are you staring at…”

“To shut up!”


The youth saw Mo Qinglong staring at him with cold eyes, and immediately cursed at him.

However, before he could say anything, a middle-aged voice suddenly came from the side.

Moreover, the middle-aged not only stopped, but also slapped the young man’s head.

Immediately make her head dazed, feeling the sky spinning.


The youth turned dark, followed by a look of horror on his face.

“Doctor Wang, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, this kid has eyes but doesn’t know Mount Tai, please forgive me for offending, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”

“Sorry to a few, our Qingmu faction apologizes to you, but we didn’t discipline it!”

“I’m sorry, sorry, please forgive me!”

At this moment, the young man suddenly found that his master hadn’t paid attention to him at all, instead he kept apologizing to the three people in front of him.

The look of sincerity and fear shocked him deeply!

This is their place, my master and even an elder are so terrified!

who are they?

“Be careful next time!”

Mo Yuan coldly said to the disciples of the Qingmu faction, and walked directly inside.

“Yes, I must pay attention, I must pay attention!”

A group of people nodded quickly in response, bowed, and respected as much as they could.

The three Wang Xian didn’t pay any attention to them at all, and left without seeing them.

“How did you meet them?”

Seeing Wang Xian and the others leave, several middle-aged men wiped the cold sweat on their foreheads, still with horror in their eyes.

“Master…Master, who are they?”

The young man who had just spoken was a little confused, and asked with some horror on his face.

“Who? Don’t fucking be so arrogant, you kid!”

When the middle-aged saw the young man, his face was embarrassed and he shouted directly.

“They are people we can’t provoke. From now on, we will keep a low profile and be so arrogant. I don’t know when we will be slapped to death by someone who is strong.”

The middle-aged taught coldly and looked at the black-clothed middle-aged in the center.

“Unexpectedly, they came to our Liancheng. Let me know that all the disciples of the Qingmu faction must not provoke them, otherwise, abolish the cultivation base and drive out the Qingmu faction!”

The black-clothed middle-aged said with blinking eyes.

Not long ago, their heads and deputy heads had to respectfully apologize and retreat in the face of such a terrifying existence, let alone them.

If there are children who irritate them recklessly, then their Qingmu faction is over.


The young man was slightly startled, his face showing shock.

What a terrifying existence can make their Qingmu faction issue such an order?

“Qingmu International Hotel, I didn’t expect it to be from the Qingmu faction. It turns out that their lair is in Liancheng!”

Wang Xian said with a smile on his face.

“The Qingmu School is also a good school, and its strength is among the best in the entire province!”

Mo Qinglong said lightly.

However, even if it is such an existence, I dare not be arrogant when encountering them.

The three came to the restaurant and ordered some dishes.

After eating, the three of them walked towards the box. Wang Xian glanced inside and saw that he was still eating, standing by and waiting.

After waiting for about an hour, Wang Xian and the others were a little boring.


At this moment, there was a sudden sound of falling objects inside.

“Grass, you fucking dare to do it!”

An angry shout came from inside, and the four bodyguards standing at the door glanced at each other and immediately pushed the door in.

“A second-line little bitch still pretends to be damn high, even so disdainful to let you accompany wine, I think you fucking don’t want to be mixed up!”

“Today, Laozi will tell you, if you can’t accompany us happily, you don’t want to get out of Liancheng!”

An arrogant and domineering voice came from inside, and four bodyguards entered inside, staring coldly at Tang Yinxuan in the room.

Wang Xian and Mo Qinglong looked at each other and looked inside.

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