Chapter 274 Tang Yinxuan (three shifts, ask for a monthly pass!)

“Three, let’s sign a contract!”

Entering the magnificent villa, Tang Jiuchao said to Wang Xian with a smile on his face.


Wang Xian and the others nodded, Moyuan checked the content of the contract and signed it after confirming that it was correct.

“Two seniors!”

At this moment, a clear voice came, and the voice sounded as sweet as a spiritual bird, ringing in their ears.

“This voice is worthy of being from Tianyinmen.”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart, looking at Tang Yinxuan who was carrying a guqin.

“The two seniors are extremely powerful, and I am afraid they are not comparable to ordinary innate powers.”

Tang Yinxuan looked at them faintly, her eyelashes were very long, and she moved slightly when she spoke, as if her eyes could speak.

The voice is nice, glamorous and indispensable, really a generation of beauties.

Looking at their puzzled expressions, Tang Yinxuan continued to slowly say: “I saw the two shots just now, and there is a sense of deja vu, and with the strength of the two, there is really no need to take on this task!”

She said, her eyes gleaming with wisdom.


Tang Jiuchao was taken aback for a moment, and looked closely at the three of Wang Xian and the others.

“Hehe, the beauty is very smart, and she deserves to be a powerful competitor for the Saintess of Tianyinmen!”

Mo Yuan looked at Tang Yinxuan and said with a smile, that they were not too surprised by being pierced.

When they revealed their true strength, they had already considered.

Tang Yinxuan’s eyes narrowed slightly, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Few people know the identity of her Tianyinmen disciple.

“Do you know who killed Jihemu?”

Jihemu is a pseudonym for Mo Twenty-Three and Mo Thirty-one.

“Jihemu?” Tang Yinxuan understood in her heart, but then slowly shook her head with bitterness on her face: “To be honest, I don’t know who moved the hand last time!”

“Our Tianyinmen Saint Child Saintess selection is a bit cruel, two years of experience, the strongest, or the person with the most masters can become a saint!”

“During this period, although there are regulations in the gate that disciples are forbidden to kill each other, there will always be people who cross the line, and there are some rivals in my father’s business!”

She said, with a hint of helplessness in her eyes: “There are still two months to reach the deadline. My cultivation base has reached a shackle, and I am in urgent need of a breakthrough. I must seek a breakthrough in these two months, so I hired a bodyguard with a lot of money, and Ji He Shi died. , I’m sorry too!”

When Tang Yinxuan spoke, Mo Yuan and Mo Qinglong kept staring at her.

“We don’t blame you for their death, but the murderer must die!”

Wang Xian said coldly on the side, regardless of the cause of death of Demon Twenty-Three and Demon Thirty-One, but the murderer must pay for his life.

“The killer’s attack method is a bit like a killer organization, but I can’t guarantee it!”

Tang Yinxuan shook her head slowly.

“Since they were unsuccessful last time, they will definitely continue to do it, then we wait, and naturally we will wait for the murderer!”

Mo Qinglong said with a calm face.

Tang Yinxuan thought slightly: “I can’t guarantee that, after all, the protection of two innate powerhouses around me has spread.”

The trio of Wang Xianmo Qinglong Moyuan frowned slightly.

“Then let’s wait, we have taken this task, and we will protect you in the next two months!”

Wang Xian thought for a while and said.

If he can’t wait for the murderer for a long time, he can leave first and let the two of Demon Azure Dragon and Demon Yuan complete this task.

“Well, there are three of you, Yinxuan thanked me again, I am afraid you will be busy with me for a while!”

A smile appeared on Tang Yinxuan’s face.

“It doesn’t matter, we will guarantee your safety, you can rest assured!”

Mo Qinglong promised to her.


Tang Yinxuan nodded.

“Haha, three people, we have prepared a luncheon, the three are coming from afar, let’s go have something to eat!”

Tang Jiuchao stood up and smiled at the invitation of Wang Xian.

The three nodded and went to a special banquet hall in the villa.

After lunch, a servant walked over and handed them an itinerary.

It is also Tang Yinxuan’s next itinerary.

“There will be four concerts in the next two months. It seems that the task of protection is really troublesome!”

Wang Xian looked at Tang Yinxuan’s schedule and shook his head slowly.

Four concerts are going to four different cities.

This is very troublesome.

“It seems that she wants to break through her own cultivation base through the concert!”

Mo Qinglong thought slightly.

Tianyin gatekeeper’s cultivation method was added to the musical instrument, which is a very difficult cultivation method.

Not only must have the strength, but also the level of the instrument.

Use your own spiritual power as a medium and use musical instruments as weapons to attack.

It is fine when the cultivation base is weak, and when the cultivation base is high, it is even more pursue a realm of disturbing people with sound.

The powerful Tianyinmen innate powerhouse, one person can even challenge two existences of the same level.

This is also the horror of Tianyinmen.

“I will leave tomorrow, and stay with her during this time. It would be better if a killer comes over!”

Wang Xian stood up and walked towards the guest room Tang Jiu Chao arranged for them.

When he walked to the door, he heard a light guqin sound from upstairs.

The voice was sweet, pointing straight into his heart, making him a little dazed.

“What a great chord!”

Wang Xian was slightly surprised, looked up, and narrowed his eyes.

The wall in front slowly disappeared, and Tang Yinxuan’s figure sitting in the music room playing the piano appeared in sight.

Various musical instruments are placed in the music room.

Wang Xian retracted his gaze and walked into the room.

In the afternoon of the next day, Wang Xianmo Qinglong and Mo Yuan followed Tang Yinxuan by plane to Lianshi.

Lianshi is a second-tier city with a relatively large population. It takes nearly two hours to fly by plane, but it is only a few hundred kilometers away from Jiangcheng.

Like other stars, Tang Yinxuan wears a pair of big sunglasses and a hat. With her strength, it is difficult for outsiders to recognize her.

“Oh, Yinxuan, you are finally here!”

Walking out of the airport, a young man dressed up and dressed up and walked over with enthusiasm in small steps.

“Walking around, let’s go and take a look at the scene now. Tonight, have a meal with the sponsors here!”

The youth spoke sharply, his eyes swept across the three of Wang Xian and the others.

“Are these three bodyguards? Sit back, Yinxuan, let’s go quickly, time is urgent!”

The young man said eagerly.

“Qingqing, don’t worry about it!” Tang Yinxuan said lightly, “Just put away the dinner with the organizer.”

“No way, Miss, this is someone’s site. Others have indicated that they want to have a meal together in the evening. If you don’t go, they will give us a messenger, and the concert will be pornographic!”

Qingqing said quickly.

Tang Yinxuan frowned slightly: “Well then!”

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