Chapter 2746 Dragon Palace’s Merit

When everyone saw the ten guardians of the Imperial Court standing on both sides, when they saw the seat in the center empty, everyone was slightly surprised.

They were stunned and watched quietly.

When Wang Xian looked at the seat, his pupils shrank, just as he expected.

Today, there will be a shocking scene of the god emperor in the imperial court.


At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared on the seat.

The white light enveloped the whole body, and the fuzzy figure made people look unreal.

There was no strong pressure dissipating to the surroundings, but at this time, everyone was shocked to find that the surrounding scenes seemed to have changed.

Surrounded by white light, full of sacred light.

The figure sitting on the chair is like the Lord of Light, and they are its followers.

The entire area is under his control.

This is the power of supernatural powers.

This magical power is different from the magical powers in the weak realm. This is the magical powers that can truly change the world.

The peak of the god king can touch the point of magical powers. If you truly master the magical powers, it is also a key to unlock the promotion to the void god emperor.

“Meet the Lord God Emperor!”

In the next moment, the leaders and strong men of all the forces also reacted and immediately worshipped respectfully.

“This time I called you to come here for the survival of the Emperor Star Territory human race. This time the crisis is not as simple as you think.”

“Black Law System Abyss Species, Giant Beast System Abyss Species, they are threatening our Emperor Star Region, once the Emperor Court is defeated, the entire Emperor Star Region will fall, and humans will become the food of the Abyss Seed!”

The divine emperor who was shrouded in light sat there and spoke directly.


Hearing his words, all the strong were slightly surprised.

“My Lord God Emperor, what does the Black Law System Giant Beast System Abyss Seed mean? The Abyss Seed is really so powerful?”

The divine emperor’s voice shrouded in light paused, and an ancestor of the Great Sect of Nine Heavens couldn’t help shaking in his heart and asked.

“The Black Law System Giant Beast System is our collective term for the two groups of the Abyss Species. The Giant Beast System is a newly-rising abyss species family with two Void God Emperor-level existences. As for the Black Law System, there are two groups in the Abyss. The ancient Void God Emperor Abyss is collectively called!”

“The battlefield here is only controlled by an abyssal god emperor of the Black Law System!”

The god emperor shrouded in light introduced in a calm voice.

“Hi, this…”

Everyone was slightly startled when they heard this god emperor’s words, and their faces were full of shock.

Today’s battlefield is only controlled by a Void God Emperor Abyss, and there are three more like this!

“The battlefield at the junction of Pingyi Island and the Imperial Court will soon break out. There is a giant beast attack battlefield. The situation is ten times more dangerous than here. At that time, a real void god emperor level battle will break out.”

The divine emperor shrouded in light opened his mouth and continued.

At this moment, everyone is aware of the seriousness of the problem.

At first they thought that it was the Imperial Court to reduce their losses, but now it seems that the Imperial Court felt the crisis.

“Next, we must stabilize the battlefield here as soon as possible and call all forces into the abyss to hunt down the abyss species!”

“You will also receive the courtesy of heroes. Hunting the Abyss can be exchanged for merits, and merits can be exchanged for treasures!”

“Also, the Imperial Court may organize a large-scale offensive, and all forces must participate in that time!”

After the light-shrouded god emperor said this sentence, his figure immediately disappeared.

It seems that his body didn’t come just now, but only a phantom came.

“Our great ancestor also said the basic thing. If you recruit you to hunt down the Abyss, you can also get the merits of our Imperial Court.”

“But since we have recruited you, we are not for you to mix in. We will formulate tasks according to the strength of each force and accumulate the necessary merits, otherwise our imperial court will force you to perform some tasks!”

The god emperor in the imperial court disappeared, and a guardian took two steps forward and said.

The power leaders and the strong nodded slightly.

This, they have been able to predict.


With a wave of the old man’s arm, each hand flew towards the leaders of the forces.

There were more than 200 major forces present, and according to their strength, the Emperor Court allocated different points.

Wang Xian took the hand that flew in front of him and looked at it lightly.

“One billion meritorious deeds means hunting down ten immortal kings of the Ninth-tier Abyss Species.”

He muttered in his mouth and smiled faintly.

“Dragon King, do we have a billion feats?”

Du Jiu stood aside and saw, raising his brows slightly.

Wang Xian nodded slightly.

“Achievements, you must all know that as long as you complete the corresponding merits, you are completing the task. You can accumulate merits in the name of your own forces and get on the list of heroes!”

An imperial court protector spoke, and pointed his finger to the right.

There, there is a huge monument of meritorious service.

There are eye-catching names and rankings on it, this is the hero list.

As long as you get on this list, you will be famous throughout the Emperor Star Territory.

Unlike before, the current hero list has been slightly changed, adding a power hero list!

The major forces hunted down the ranking of the abyss species.

If a force can be on this list, it will naturally be the best publicity.

“Heroes list?”

Wang Xian looked at it and raised his brow.

The leaders of some other forces around are also a little eager to try.

If they can be on the list of heroes, it will be a huge publicity for their forces.

“Some power disciples may have come to the Imperial Court long ago. Just change their name on the brain and add a power prefix, such as Ye Clan XX. This feat will not only increase personally, but the entire power will also increase. Of course, merit redemption. Items can only be consumed once.”

The guardian continued.


As soon as his voice fell, Du Jiu raised his eyebrows slightly, took out his intellectual brain directly, and looked at it.

A smile appeared on his face, and he moved slightly.

After the operation, he looked towards the position of the hero list.

Sure enough, the No. 1 Poison Nine on the hero list has changed, Dragon Palace Poison Nine, Merit 46210001.

“Dragon King, look!”

Du Jiu split his mouth and pointed to the first position in the hero list and said to Wang Xian.


Wang Xian looked over with a smile on his face.

“Hey, look, the name of the No. 1 Poison Jiu in the hero list has changed, and it has become the Poison Jiu of the Dragon Palace! The first ranked person turned out to be from the Dragon Palace!”

At this time, many strong people around were watching the hero list. Seeing the change in the number one position, they were immediately discovered by everyone, and some people exclaimed.

“More than 400 million points, it means that Dragon Palace has already killed four Immortal King Ninth-Order Abyss Species, this…”

A strong master of the Great Teacher said in surprise.

The faces of the other forces also changed slightly.


In the front position, the two ancestors of the Tianya University and the powerful Ye Clan also looked at them, and raised their brows slightly.

But they didn’t notice, the palms of the head teacher Tianya and the three elders moved, and a brain flashed past.

As a result, the leaderboard has changed again.

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