Chapter 2745 Emperor Court Void God Emperor

“Look, that is the Dragon Peak of the Dragon Palace. I heard that the Dragon Peak of the Dragon Palace is extremely powerful. It relied on this Dragon Peak to suppress the Great Teacher of the End of the World!”

“That is the Nine Heavens Palace of the Great Sect of the Nine Heavens, and it is also an extremely powerful treasure. I didn’t expect that this time the Nine Heavens Palace also sent someone over.”

“That’s the broken sky of Pingyi Island. All the great sects of the Devil Island have arrived!”

“Now there is no abyssal war on the Devil Island. I heard that there is also a situation on the Pingyi Island. The Great Church of Pingyi Island is suppressing it there.”

Four days of time passed in a flash, located at the front line of the battlefield of the Imperial Court Abyss, one by one, huge warfare equipment drove over.

No power in the entire Emperor Star Region dared to disobey an order from the Emperor Court.

Especially when the Imperial Court directly stated the number of powerful people like you, it represented a warning and a reminder.

Unless you want to escape to another star field, you will be bound by the Imperial Court.

On the Devil Island, plus the Dragon Palace, it can be regarded as four great masters, and hundreds of other powerful forces have also come.

There are hundreds of immortal kings’ forces, and they will all receive the imperial court’s call-up order.

“Dragon King, only the strong god king who came from the Devil Island, we have almost 100,000 people in our Dragon Palace, and there are tens of thousands of strong god kings on the Pingyi Island besides the three great teachers who have not come.”

Wang Xian and several people from Tianzhen flew towards a planet, Tianzhen scanned the surroundings and whispered.

“There should be two hundred thousand immortal kings and powerful people coming.”

Wang Xian said lightly.

Two hundred thousand immortal kings of power, this is not even the people of Ye Leng Island.

Here is the junction of Ye Leng Island and the Imperial Court. The Ye Clan of Ye Leng Island and the people of another Great Sect are on the battlefield.

But when Wang Xian scanned the surroundings, he could see people from the Night Clan flying towards the planet ahead.

The planet in front is a planet convened by the Imperial Court, where all the forces will gather four days later.

Wang Xian and Tianzhen came to a square.

When they arrived, many people had already arrived in the square.

Their arrival has attracted the attention of many forces.

The strength of the Dragon Palace is obvious to all. When placed in the Dajiao, only the Ye Clan may be better than that.

Of course, other forces still don’t know that an ancestor of the Ye Clan is about to become a god emperor.

The power of the Dragon Palace is beyond doubt, some powerful men can’t help but look over here.

Last month the Great Teacher Beichuan Sect and their forces had also arrived, and when they saw Wang Xian and them, they showed hesitation on their faces.

But they did not come to say hello.

They all understood what Bei Shuang said to them.

Being able to let Bei Shuang convey to them personally, a little farther away from the Dragon Palace, definitely has the deep meaning of the Dragon King.

None of the forces came forward.

In addition to Dragon Palace, Jiuxiao is considered a relatively powerful force.

“Hey, some forces from Ye Leng Island have also arrived.”

At this moment, a message came from the side.

Wang Xian looked around and saw many powerful men flying towards this side.

“Dragon King, Baqi and the others are here!”

From a nearby location, Du Jiu’s voice came.

Wang Xian swept his eyes and nodded slightly. He was beside the powerful Ye Clan, the two ancestors of Tianya Great Teacher, the head of Tianya, and the three elders flying over here.

“Old Ancestor, it’s the Dragon King!”

Baqi and the others sensed Wang Xian’s breath, and said in a deep voice to the ancestor beside them.

Parasitic Tianya’s head teacher, Baqi has completely taken over this role, and the two Tianya ancestors did not have any doubts.


The two of them looked at them, and immediately shot out killing intent in their eyes, staring at Wang Xian firmly.

“That’s the Dragon King?”

At the side position, a puzzled voice sounded.

“My father is him, that guy, who made me kneel down directly at the hero meeting!”

A young angry voice responded.

The position on the side is the current patriarch of the Ye Clan, and the young man next to him is the Ye Shaohuang!

“The brothers of Great Master Tianya, don’t worry, at most two months, our ancestors will completely achieve the throne, and then a dragon palace will be wiped out!”

The patriarch of the Ye Clan said lightly, and patted his son at the same time.

This sentence was also said to his son.

“Yes, as long as my ancestor of the night clan achieves the throne, a dragon palace, if it is destroyed, it will be destroyed, then the dragon king can kill it!”

Ye Shaohuang’s eyes shone with lustre, the corners of his mouth cocked, and he said excitedly.

“Hehe, thanks to Patriarch Ye and Young Master Ye.”

When the two elders of Tianya University heard what they said, the killing intent in their eyes slowly disappeared, and smiles appeared on their faces.

“No thanks, I will be my own people from now on.”

The patriarch of the Ye Clan said with a smile.

“Hehe, then we will fight side by side with the night clan in the abyss.”

The two elders of Tianya University spoke.

“Haha, we also hope to fight side by side with Master Tianya.”

The patriarch of the Ye Clan also laughed.

This also shows that Tianya Dajiao is willing to stand on the side of the Ye Clan.

Their night clan is about to have the birth of the Void God Emperor, but there are not many peak powers of the God King. There are two ancestors of Tianya Dajiao who can supplement their peak level combat power.

As the crowd said, they walked straight to the foremost position.

“Huh? How did Master Tianya have such a good relationship with Ye Clan?”

“What’s the situation, Master Tianya seems to be very close to the Ye Clan!”

The arrival of all of them instantly attracted the attention of all forces.

After all, it is the strongest power outside the Imperial Court.

And the Ye Clan mixed with the people of Tianya Dajiao, then there are some other meanings.

Everyone understands the situation of Tianya Dajiao and Dragon Palace, and it can almost be said to be endless.

Now Tianya Dajiao and Yezu are close now, what about Dragon Palace?

The enemy’s enemy is a friend, but what about the enemy’s friend? Although it is not a 100% enemy, it is also 70%!

Everyone was slightly surprised!

“Huh? The Dragon King didn’t let us get close to them. Is it because of the night clan? The Dragon King got some news.”

Beichuan Sect, the Dragon Mang Group and even the Great Teacher last month looked at each other and frowned slightly.

They looked in the direction of the Dragon King and saw that the Dragon King was not surprised by this scene, and his eyes flickered slightly.


At this time, the Ye Clan and Tianya Dajiao all walked straight to the forefront.

When Wang Xian and the others were closer, Ye Shaohuang looked over here and snorted coldly.

Wang Xian looked at him without the slightest change on his face.

“The imperial court is here!”

But at this moment, a voice sounded, making everyone look forward.

In the most forward position, ten old men appeared out of thin air.

When they saw these ten old men, everyone felt a little bitter.

The emperor court protector, the peak power of the god king.

The ten guardians appeared without speaking. They stood in a row from left to right, leaving the most central position.

In the center, there is a seat!

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