Chapter 2730 the shelter of the imperial court (2)

“The entire star was bombarded by the Dragon King and the Dragon King. With that terrifying power, Dragon Palace has dispatched more than one immortal king peak powerhouse this time.”

“The imperial court stipulates that fighting is forbidden, and offenders will directly kill without pardon. Now Dragon Palace is actively attacking Tianya Dajiao, this…”

“Dragon Palace’s attack directly destroyed the stars, and many experts from Tianya University were definitely dead on it. Now Tianya Ancestor is here, are you going to fight?”

Around the front line of the Imperial Court Abyss battlefield, the terrifying roar caused a violent shock, which instantly attracted countless people.

In just a few minutes, billions of people gathered around.

At first glance, there are densely packed, all the discussions with shocked faces.

Everyone knows the grudge between Tianya Great Master and Dragon Palace. Tianya Great Master was defeated by Dragon Palace and killed nearly 20,000 immortal king-level powerhouses.

Now the two major forces are fighting again.

“Dragon King, I want to kill you!”

Feng Yazi, the ancestor of Tianya, heard Wang Xian’s words, with an extremely angry look on his face. He swept across the broken stars, his body trembled, and his blood-red eyes stared at him. A god axe appeared in front of him, directly attacking violently Come.

“Hahaha, the bereaved dog dare to be arrogant!”


Seeing his attack, Ao Qitian raised the Dinghai Shen Needle in his hand and greeted his body heavily.

The aftermath of the terrifying collision quickly swayed around.

“No, rewind, this is a collision between the two great kings of the pinnacle.”

The faces of some people nearby changed wildly, and hurriedly hid in the distance.



At this moment, a terrifying big hand appeared, directly resisting the aftermath of the collision between Ao Qitian and Feng Yazi.

“Dragon Palace, if you dare to break the rules of our imperial court, and dare to kill people here, do you not put our imperial court in his eyes?”

An icy shout sounded from behind.

“This is? It’s our imperial court guardian!”

Hearing this voice, everyone’s face changed slightly.

They knew that the powerhouse of the Imperial Court was here.

“This guardian of the Imperial Court, an ancestor of the Great Master Tianya attacked my apprentice openly. His Great Master Tianya violated the law first. Can’t we let the Dragon Palace take revenge?”

“Anyone who attacks the same kind in the imperial court will be sanctioned by the imperial court. I want to know how to convict Tianya Great Master for such behavior?”

Wang Xian looked at the guardian of the imperial court, and asked with gleaming eyes.

The reason why he dared to do it this time was also because Dragon Palace had enough evidence.

Tianya Dajiao violated the rules of the Imperial Court first, and it was Tianya Dajiao who was dealt with.

“In any case, this is not the reason why your Dragon Palace directly blasted a planet and killed countless people.”

The emperor guardian said blankly.

Wang Xian frowned slightly when he heard what he said.

“Huh, something happened here, did Dragon Palace do it?”

“That’s the emperor’s guardian. It seems that we have finally caught up. Let’s go.”

At this moment, near the abyss, a group of more than a dozen people arrived in a special aircraft.

When they saw countless people gathered in front of them, they were slightly surprised and hurried toward the inside.

“Lord Guardian, an ancestor of Tianya just attacked Sister Beishuang when we were heading into the abyss, which violated our imperial court rules.”

The Emperor Star Girl glanced across the center and immediately said loudly.

“Lord Guardian, as the Emperor Star Girl said, the dignified ancestor of Tianya Great Sect attacked an eighth-tier immortal king, and violated the rules of our imperial court.”

“We and Deacon Ying have seen it with our own eyes.”

Next to the emperor girl, the emperor who was in the same team with them also spoke.

“Huh? That is the emperor of the Imperial Court!”

“That is the emperor, the contemporary emperor, and the other is talking about the former emperor, and there are the deacons of the emperor beside them.”

“The dignified ancestor of the Great Master of the End of the World actually attacked a Tier 8 powerhouse and the apprentice of the Dragon King. This is too despicable!”

When the people around heard what the Emperor Star Girl said, they were slightly startled and began to talk.

“It was your Dragon Palace who first attacked and assassinated our Tianya Dajia disciple. We Tianya Dajia’s four elders and more than 10,000 immortal kings were all killed by you. You deserve to die!”

The ancestor Tianya roared violently.

“Hehe, our Dragon Palace will assassinate you first? If you can show evidence that our Dragon Palace is willing to accept sanctions, if you don’t have evidence, don’t talk nonsense.”

“The guardian of the Emperor Court, in accordance with the rules of the Emperor Court, I also ask you to deal with it fairly.”

Wang Xian looked at the protector and said.

The guardian of the emperor frowned slightly, and glanced at Feng Masako with an unhappy expression.

“Master Tianya has done this before, but Master Nianya used to do things for my emperor, let them spare their lives, if there is another time, it will be destroyed.”

The Emperor Guardian faintly announced.


The words of the emperor’s guardian made countless people around him slightly startled, their eyes flickering.


When Wang Xian heard his words, a cold color flashed in his eyes, and he said something directly.


The Tianya Ruler revolved, and Wang Xian and the others flew towards the distance in an instant.


Seeing the Dragon King of Dragon Palace and the others left directly, everyone around was taken aback again.

“This…why does the law protector want to shelter Great Master Tianya? It is obviously Great Master Tianya who has violated the rules.”

The emperor star women were slightly surprised when they heard the words of the emperor’s guardian, their expressions a little ugly.

The other emperor Ying Deacon also frowned.

“The law protector must have his own thoughts in his decision. Let’s not try to doubt it.”

The deacon Ying said.

“The Emperor Guardian of the Emperor Court actually sheltered Great Master Tianya, and Great Master Tianya is a mortal enemy of the Dragon Palace. What does the guardian of the Emperor mean?”

“Is the emperor’s guardian dissatisfied with the Dragon Palace?”

Some strong men from other forces around saw this scene, and their hearts turned.

The move of the emperor protector revealed a lot of information.

It can be said that a guardian can represent the attitude of the imperial court.

Especially seeing the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace and the others leave directly, it is even more intriguing.

“Dragon King, the guardian of the imperial court is obviously to protect the Great Master Tianya, fuck, do we want to fuck them.”

At the same time, Tianya Chi was far away from the area just now.

Above, Baqi said with a furious expression.

Wang Xian calmly said nothing.

According to his calculations, the ancestor Tianya attacked them and violated the rules of the imperial court and would be punished by the imperial court.

But the emperor court protector blatantly favored Tianya Dajiao.

Especially when the guardian of Tianya flew over to question, he noticed something was wrong.

As the saying goes, the enemy’s enemy is a friend, but the enemy’s friend is very likely also an enemy.

The imperial court is so openly partial to shelter, then…

A trace of killing intent flashed in Wang Xian’s eyes.

“Baqi, tell the evil spirits that the next target is not only on the abyss seed, but also the people of the imperial court.”

He said coldly.

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