Chapter 2729 the shelter of the imperial court (1)



In the main hall of the Emperor Court, the head teacher of Tianya and the three elders flew over, seeing the gloomy face of the ancestor, they were slightly startled and hurriedly shouted.

“You ancestor Wu failed, and you were attacked by the three immortal king peak powerhouses in the Dragon Palace. People in the Imperial Court saw the action. Our Master Tianya violated the rules.”

Tianya ancestor Feng Yazi said with a calm face.

“What! The ancestor failed!”

“The ancestors were discovered by the imperial court experts, what should we do now, ancestors!”

As soon as his words fell, the Master Tianya and the three elders asked with fear.

“I’m going to find the emperor’s guardian. You will take charge of the affairs here, gather all the disciples, and be careful that the Dragon King sends people to attack!”

The ancestor Tianya immediately ordered.

“It’s the ancestor!”

Master Tianya nodded their heads.


The ancestor Tianya didn’t hesitate, he moved away instantly.

“Master, we are now…”

An elder Tianya looked at the head teacher on the side, looking at him with embarrassment.

“Let all the disciples above the god king gather in the hall to wait for news, and send disciples outside to guard.”

Master Tianya clenched his fist and said.


The three elders immediately said, ordering all the disciples to wait here, and ordering a few disciples to guard their surroundings.

Afterwards, Master Tianya and the elders sat in the back of the hall and waited quietly.

And a group of powerful experts from Tianya University gathered together, and there were a lot of uneasy discussions.

They knew that this time Great Teacher Tianya seemed to be in crisis again.

For the strong men and disciples of Tianya Dajiao, this is extremely awkward.

Since they were defeated by the Dragon Palace, they have lost their former glory.

Back then, they were in the Devil Island, who would dare to provoke them?

Anyone who dared to provoke them Tianya Dajiao must die.

As the strong and core disciples of Tianya Dajiao, they enjoy all the glory and wealth, and women and wealth are at your fingertips.

Now they are like bereaved dogs…

“They are all dragon kings, all damn dragon palaces. One day they will take revenge, kill all of them, and abuse all their women.”

In the main hall, there was a tyrannical roar from Tianya Great Teacher’s disciple.

“Well, that is? What a powerful artifact, what is this artifact?”

“Who is on it, so fast, so powerful.”

At the same time, Tian Ya Chi was flying at a terrifying speed among the planets on the front line of the Imperial Court.

Some experts from the surrounding Imperial Court Ye Leng Island looked at Tian Ya Chi, with surprised expressions on their faces.

“Dragon King, the one in front is the planet where Great Master Tianya is located.”

After dozens of minutes, Tianya Chi appeared in front of the planet where the Great Teacher Tianya was located.

“Do it, just destroy it!”

Wang Xian showed a cold look in his eyes, and immediately ordered.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

In the next moment, Ao Qitian jumped up directly and turned into an extremely violent dragon species.

Dinghai Shenzhen appeared in his hand and waved it directly, smashing it towards the star where the Great Master Tianya was located.


He roared wildly, and he could hear clearly in a radius of hundreds of millions of kilometers!


At the same time, Tianya Chi also issued a devastating attack.

“Fuck, what’s the situation!”

“This is?”

Originally, the surrounding people paid attention to the powerful and powerful disciples of Tian Ya Chi, but now they saw Ao Qitian and Tian Ya Chi attacking, their expressions changed drastically.

“The destructive power of the Immortal King Peak, what are they doing!”

An eighth-order immortal king’s strong eyes widened, and his face looked shocked.


Two terrifying attacks came to the sky above the Great Education Planet Tianya in an instant.

The guarded Tianya Great Teachers are all dumbfounded.

“The attack of the immortal king peak powerhouse, escape!”

A strong man from Tianya Dajia couldn’t help but roar.

“No, hide!”

And behind the planet hall, an elder instantly pulled up the Master Tianya next to him and hurriedly hid in the distance.

“Flee, escape back to the immortal kingdom of God!”

At this time, Master Tianya also reacted, feeling the devastating attack and shouting in horror.


At this time, the vast energy fell on the planet, and some strong people who did not react were dumbfounded.

The destructive power of the peak powers of the two immortal kings fell on the planet, and the entire planet collapsed instantly.

In the main hall, a group of god kings and powerful men were full of amazement, and the quick-reacting figures disappeared in an instant.

But there are more of them who have not reacted.

The vast energy fell in front of them, and in an instant, tens of thousands of immortal king-level powerhouses were bombarded and killed.

And under this energy, a famous strong man still fell at a terrifying speed.

Around, some strong people nearby watched this scene blankly.

The entire planet was directly blown up!

“Who are they? That is the planet of the Imperial Court, who are they who dare to be here and make trouble at this time?”

An exclamation came from a strong man around him.

The vast energy made their hearts tremble.

A planet is instantly destroyed, and they can sense that there are many powerful people on the planet.

“Ao Yao, you quickly put away all the corpses inside.”

Watching the destruction of the stars, Wang Xian raised his mouth slightly.

After this blow, except for the dead, all the others fled back to their own gods.

However, he was able to sense that today’s Great Master Tianya, the immortal king and powerhouse who escaped, at most tens of thousands.

In other words, thirty or forty thousand strong men died under the attack of Ao Qitian and Tian Yachi.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Ao Yao and the others moved immediately and flew forward.

“Who dares to make trouble in our imperial court!”

At this moment, there was a strong voice from the surrounding planets.

Wang Xian glanced around and saw a famous emperor court expert flying over here.

“what sound?”

At the same time, on a planet not far away, Tianya ancestor Feng Yazi stood in front of the emperor’s guardian with his head down.

The emperor guardian in front of him frowned slightly, listening to the report of the ancestor Tianya.

The sudden voice surprised the two of them slightly.

This terrifying power is not something that ordinary strong men can break out.

“Look first!”

When the emperor’s body moved, he immediately appeared above the planet.

Tianya Old Ancestor Feng hesitated and followed behind him.

But when he just flew out and looked over there, his eyes instantly turned blood red.

“Dragon Palace! Dragon King!”

He roared extremely angry, and flew directly over his body full of blood.

“Damn it!”

When the Emperor Guardian saw this scene, his face changed slightly, and his figure moved and flew over.

“Hehe, Tianya Great Teacher, you are a bit late, but our grievances are not over yet, and the attack on my apprentice is not over!”

Wang Xian said lightly when he saw him flying over.

“Dragon King? Dragon Palace Dragon King!”

“Master Tianya? What’s the matter!”

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