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“All forces are ready!”

In front of Abyss Seed, the mighty five to six billion people stared coldly at the front.

Everyone exudes a strong fighting spirit.

Different from previous battles, this time all the strong and disciples have their eyes shining.

The alliance of the entire Devil Island forces made this war without the slightest suspense.

Now every powerhouse and disciple are thinking about hunting down more Abyss Seed to obtain the Crystal of Abyss Seed.

When an order came from the central location, the strong and disciples of all forces immediately prepared.

“Attack, kill these beasts!”


The order to attack sounded from the position of the center battlefield.

“Hahaha, kill, kill them!”

“All disciples, kill, kill the abyss seeds all belong to me, kill!”

The power leaders shouted loudly at once.


On the Dragon Peak, Wang Xian also gave a soft sigh, and the huge Dragon Peak immediately moved into motion, rushing towards the abyss in front of him.

“All members of the Sky Eye and Arrows Department are ready!”

Wang Xian gave a soft drink, staring at the Dragon Palace, which is a radius of hundreds of millions of kilometers.

In this area, there are about seven or eight million Abyssal species, two of the 9th order, and twelve of the 8th order.

With the strength of the Dragon Palace, it would be effortless to destroy it.

“This is simply because there are more wolves and less meat.”

“Although there are many abyss species in the central region, we are dealing with Tianya and Jiuxiao together. There are not many abyss species at all!”

“Elder Hua, a few of us will solve those few immortal kings of the eighth-order abyss seed, and share them equally.”

In the central position, the disciples of the two forces, Tianya and Jiuxiao, also rushed directly into the abyss.

Some strong men and disciples full of fighting spirit saw this scene, frowned slightly, and said helplessly.

The two forces possess the strength to absolutely crush this abyssal race group.

“Elder, we are too many powerful people. If you want to divide up some immortal kings of the eighth-order abyss, you have to divide them among several people!”

In the front position, the eyes of a group of strong men are locked in the abyss species.

At the edge, a deacon of Great Master Tianya said helplessly.

Even the elders are going to be evenly divided, and it is even more difficult for them to get more gains.

“It is true, but there is no way.”

The elder Tianya also shook his head and looked forward: “Do it, although we are stronger, we still have to fight for a while.”

“Elder, the Abyss Seed here can be easily killed by other experts in the End of the World. Or we can go to the next location and kill a few Tier 8 Abyss Seeds next to us, which is more rewarding than here.”

As soon as the elder Tianya finished speaking, a deacon raised his eyebrows and suggested.


The elder Tianya Grandmaster paused, and his eyes flickered: “Next to him is the battle range between the Grandmaster last month and the Dragon Palace.”

“It’s the Dragon Palace. Their Dragon Peak is right by our side. Elder, that Dragon Palace came from the empty glove white wolf. We will help them in the past. What can they say?”

The deacon whispered.

“Furthermore, elder, we only kill a few Tier 8 Abyssal Seeds, and the Dragon Palace has nothing to do with us.”

He continued to speak.

This made the elder Tianya feel slightly moved.

“Go, let’s go over.”

When he glanced at the situation here, he moved and flew to the left immediately.

“Go, we follow the elders.”

The deacon of Master Tianya beckoned to the crowd behind him, and followed behind excitedly.

“Haha, follow the elders, we don’t ask for too many crystals from the abyss, two or three immortal kings of the sixth rank are enough!”

“I’m satisfied if I can get a Tier 5 one.”

“Absolutely, we are fifty or sixty people. It would be helpful to help them kill some Abyssal Species, and at most a hundred or so, what can they say? There is no big problem at all.”

In an instant, fifty or sixty people immediately followed behind the elder Tianya Great Master, flying towards the left with all their faces excited.

Here, one of them can be divided into the abyss crystals that are two levels lower than their level at most, but if you follow the elder to the right, you can get two abyss crystals that are one level lower than yourself.

And if there are elders, they have nothing to worry about.

After all, the strength of the elders of their Tianya Great Sect is the existence of the 9th-order Immortal King.

The strongest person in the Dragon Palace was no more than the ninth rank, and with the power of the end of the world, they did not dare to say anything to help them kill some abyss seeds.

The war has already begun, so what about such behavior in order to improve some strength?

The road to the strong is the road to struggle.

“Auntie? They?”

Around, some people were slightly confused when they saw them all flying towards the left, but they didn’t follow it rashly.

After all, their group has elders taking the lead.

“Swish swish!”

“Swish swish!”

When they just passed, they heard the sound of arrows breaking through the air.

Immediately following them, they saw that the Abyssal Seeds were quickly harvested in front of them, and there was no resistance at all.

Even in the front position, a monster entwined with thorns attacked the two immortal kings of the Ninth-order Abyss Species.

“Huh? The strength of this Dragon Palace is really well-deserved.”

“What a strong archer! Dragon Palace has cultivated so many immortal king-level archers.”

They looked forward, their faces filled with surprise.

In the front position, the elder of the Great Master Tianya also flickered slightly.

“Dragon Palace, we are here to help you.”

With a movement of his figure, his eyes locked on an eighth-order abyssal immortal king, and he attacked and killed him.

“Go, let’s do it too!”

In the rear position, the rest of the experts in Tianya University also moved their bodies and quickly hunted towards the Abyss Seed.

Each of them showed excitement in their eyes.

As long as you kill a few, you will gain a lot more than in the middle of them.


At this time, Wang Xian, who was located on Longfeng, was taken aback for a while, staring at the powerhouses rushing towards the abyss.

When his gaze fell on the old man in the front, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

“Dragon King, that is the strong man of Great Master Tianya, they want to snatch the abyss seed from our side!”

The sky array on the side frowned slightly and said.

He said in his mouth to support them, but his behavior was obviously to snatch the Abyss Seed, wanting to get the Crystal of the Abyss Seed.

Like the crystallization of the eighth-order abyss, it is indeed worthy of the ninth-order powerhouse of the god king.

It’s just that Wang Xian didn’t expect that these people from Tianya Great Sect were so arrogant and arrogant that they didn’t put Dragon Palace in their eyes at all.

“Haha, everyone in the Dragon Palace, don’t worry, we will help you withstand more than a hundred Immortal King Abyss Seeds, share some for you, you go hunting down other Abyss Seeds!”

At this time, the deacon who followed the elder Tianya laughed and said.

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