The 2680th chapter grab monsters? superior

“Dragon King, we are going to set off!”

The next day, last month, I taught them to come over and inform them.

“Let’s go!”

Wang Xian looked inside Longfeng and said with a smile on his face.


Longfeng opened, and soon came to the land plate where they taught them last month.

There are densely crowded people standing on a land plate with a radius of tens of millions of kilometers.

This is the strongest of the forces on the northern line.

“I hope I can have a good harvest this time.”

Wang Xian murmured, with a smile on his face.

This time there are 60,000 Dragon Palace disciples in Longfeng, and all of the 60,000 are immortal kings.

Thirty-five thousand members of the Sky Eye Arrow Club, all possessing the fighting power of the Immortal King.

In addition, there are 12,000 god-king level treacherous monsters, and 10,000 immortal god-king level star wood dragon species.

The rest are the powerhouses of the Firehammer clan.

Such a powerful strength is absolutely comparable to the two masters of Tianya and Jiuxiao.

“Is that Dragon Peak the strength of Dragon Palace? The power emanating from the entire Dragon Peak is so strong!”

“It is very strong. The Dragon Peak is the Dragon Palace war machine. It is very powerful. I heard that it can trap the existence of three immortal kings of the ninth order.”

“No matter how strong it is, it can be stronger than our end of the world, one foot of the end of the world will kill the devil.”

“It is naturally incomparable with Tianya Chi, but Longfeng is also very powerful!”

When Longfeng was moving forward, there were also many forces in the side position.

The strong disciples of every force are standing on large aircrafts.

There is the whole planet moving forward, and there is a void ocean that crosses the void.

There are also science and technology warships that are thousands of kilometers in size.

The most striking thing is a powerful treasure that looks like a ruler. The ruler is not very long, only about 10,000 meters, but there are tens of millions of people standing on the ruler. Those people look very small, like ants.

Tianya Chi, with a space within easy reach, the whole ruler is also an extremely powerful treasure.

The treasure of Zhenyao, belonging to Tianya Dajiao.

A group of powerful men and disciples scanned the surroundings and started talking.

Especially for the Dragon Palace, which has recently become famous on the Northern Line, is full of curiosity.

“Dragon King, the journey will take five days. Five days will be able to completely build Longfeng!”

Standing on the podium, Tianzhen said with a smile on his face.

“That’s better.”

Wang Xian smiled on the sidelines and glanced at the surrounding forces.

Because the two powerful forces of Jiuxiao and Duantian are in the eastern abyss, the surrounding forces are the central forces of the Devil Island.

The strongest is naturally Tianya Dajiao.

There are five other forces at the level of Beichuan Sect, and hundreds of weaker ones.

This time there were hundreds of millions of people, and there were still many war machines, so the forces did not choose to pass through the teleportation array.

“That Tianya ruler is very strong.”

Wang Xian looked at it and said lightly.

“It’s a pretty good weapon. It can be controlled by a strong man to rival the peak combat effectiveness of the Immortal King.”

Tianma nodded.

In the next few days, a group of forces quickly rushed towards the abyss east of the demon island.

Because now the Devil Island has been swallowed by two-fifths of the abyss, especially in the eastern and northern regions, five days later, Wang Xian and the others came to the front of the abyss.

The same as the original northern line is that in front of the battle line is a prosperous area, surrounded by at least tens of thousands of life planets, here is a more prosperous area than the northern line.

But here is similar to the northern line, everyone is in a hurry, with evil spirits on their bodies.

“Everyone is here, let’s discuss the offensive matter!”

In the void, dozens of figures appeared, and said towards Wang Xian and the other forces.

“Haha, well, slaughtered these beasts!”

Within each of the large war machines, the powerful of the forces flew out directly.

“We will pass too!”

Wang Xian said towards the sky array, flew out of the dragon peak, and flew towards the front of the abyss.

“Boom boom boom!”

A top-notch powerhouse hovered in the void, his eyes swept forward.

Here, part of the abyss can be seen.

“Two immortal kings peak and abyss species.”

Wang Xian looked at the center and saw two powerful Abyssal Seeds being guarded by a group of men.

“We will settle with Jiuxiao in the central area, and you will allocate the rest of the area by yourself.”

From the position on the side, the ancestor of the Great Teacher of the End of the World said undoubtedly.

“Leave it to us on the right side of the center, no support is needed!”

The head teacher of Duantian Grandmaster looked at them and said directly.

“Then the right hand will be handed over to last month and the rest of the forces.”

The ancestor of the End of the World said lightly when he looked at the Master of the Moon and the Immortal Wang.

This time the encirclement and suppression is not very difficult for the forces of the entire Devil Island.

It can be said that the abyss species in the abyss ahead are huge resources.

There is no danger, and countless crystals of the abyss can be obtained, and all the forces are naturally competing.

Especially for big teachers.

The Abyss Crystal is a very powerful training treasure.

“Last month, we and the Dragon Palace were close to the center on the left, and the rest of you are divided among the forces.”

The head teacher frowned slightly last month, but he could only choose that way.

Tianya and Jiuxiao are stronger than them, and Heavenly Master is the host here, so they can only choose what they choose.

“The harvest this time may be far from satisfactory.”

Wang Xian murmured.

“Okay, the allocation will be done in ten minutes. All the disciples will gather in front of the abyss in ten minutes and attack in a unified manner. Don’t let this group of beasts escape.”

Old Ancestor Jiuxiao said coldly.


The leaders of the forces responded and immediately began to prepare.

“Bring Longfeng over here!”

Wang Xian said towards the sky formation.

The sky formation nodded, and moved back into the dragon peak quickly. Soon, the huge dragon peak came to the front of the abyss.

“Boom boom boom!”

Soon, the surrounding forces gathered one by one.

A group of strong men and disciples of the Great Master last month also flew over, more than 10 million, all of whom were the elites of the Great Master last month.

“Dragon King, we are clearing the abyss species in this area. There are two immortal kings of the ninth order. Lao Feng has not fully recovered his strength. These two will be handed over to the Dragon Palace. We will clean up 100 million kilometers away.”

The head teacher and ancestor flew over last month and said towards Wang Xian.

“Huh? Thank you for wanting to teach me last month!”

Wang Xian was taken aback for a moment and said to them.

“Haha, compared to Dragon Palace’s previous help, this is a trivial matter.”

Last month Zhang taught them to smile, not paying attention.

The ninth-order abyss seed crystals are extremely precious to them, and there are even powerful immortal kings of the eighth-order powerhouse who have made breakthroughs because of the opportunity of the ninth-order abyss seed crystallization.

The three Immortal King Ninth-Order Abyss Seeds that arrived in the previous month were enough to destroy one.

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