2633: Wordscapes Uncrossed Mountain-Fjord 7 Answers

“So strong!”

“too horrible!”

“Instantly kill the Tier 8 Abyssal Seed!”

When that immortal king’s eighth-order Abyss Seed was beheaded, it was in the rear position!

The people of Beichuan Sect rushed out first because of the Dragon Palace and Dragon Peak, and they have not yet collided with the Abyss Species!

Now, a group of Immortal Kings with better eyesight saw the terrifying attack of the Dragon Palace in front of them, and they fell directly on that Immortal King’s Eighth-Order Abyss Species!

Two attacks, plus the weird black and white shadow, will kill them in seconds!

The immortal king of the eighth-order abyss was killed in seconds, this strength is really terrifying!

Even if all the powerhouses of their Beichuan Sect gather, it is difficult to do it!

“Swish swish!”

But soon, they saw a series of terrifying arrows, heading towards the countless abyssal attacks!

“Puff puff!”

The next moment they saw that each powerful arrow pierced through each powerful abyss species!

In just one round of attack, at least hundreds of thousands of Abyssal Species were shot and killed!

Moreover, several powerful elders of the Beichuan Sect discovered that in the previous round of arrow attacks, more than two hundred immortal kings of abyss species were shot and killed!

This strength?

“Hey, this Dragon Palace is stronger than the strength it showed last time. Can we Beichuan Sect compare this strength?”

Some Beichuan sect masters stared blankly!

“Swish swish!”

At the beginning of the second round of attacks, countless arrows penetrated the abyss species!

In the Sky Eye Arrow Department, there are two thousand immortal king-level powerhouses. With a round of shooting, even the immortal king abyss can’t resist it!

Arrows are harvesting the lives of the immortal king of the abyss!

On the side, the immortal king of the eighth-order abyss species saw such a terrifying attack power of Longfeng, and his face showed a look of horror!

It gave a low growl in a flustered manner, and immediately fled towards the distance!

“Ran away?”

Standing on the podium, Wang Xian frowned slightly when he saw this scene!

“The treacherous monsters are dispatched, don’t let them all run away!”

Wang Xian groaned for a moment, then ordered!

“It’s the Dragon King!”

A voice came, and the thorn dragon dragon seed immediately flew out of the dragon peak, flew towards the outside, and killed the abyss seed that wanted to escape!

“There are thirteen immortal kings in the seventh-order abyss, and they can’t be allowed to escape!”

Tianzhen murmured, controlling Longfeng to fly towards the Abyss Seed!

“This… so strong!”

Bei Shuang, who was standing next to Wang Xian, saw this scene, and a trace of shock flashed in his eyes!

She did not expect that Dragon Palace could be so powerful!



When the Dragon Palace rushed towards the densely populated place of the abyss, it caused the anger of countless abysses!

They went directly towards Longfeng to besiege. If it was said that it was one or two million just now, then it is now that five or six million are besieging the same!

Above, below, nearly 70% of the Immortal Kings of the Abyss came from the attack!

“very good!”

Tianzhen saw most of the abyss species attacking towards them, with a smile on his face!

“The Fire Hammers are ready to attack!”

“The Sky Eye Arrow will first kill the abyss of the immortal king level!”

Tianzhen immediately issued the order!

“Swish swish!”

In the next moment, the Firehammer clan created the thousand fiery golden swords comparable to the immortal king’s level and immediately opened!

Under the leadership of Mu Zesen, the Sky Eye Arrows will target a group of immortal kings and powerhouses!

With the existence of his immortal god king’s eighth-tier combat power, it is too simple to kill the abyss species that is lower than his strength!

Without being able to instantly return to his own god’s country, the immortal king of the seventh-order abyss, he shot one with one arrow!

Next, the abyss species were slaughtered at a terrifying speed!

Facing the dragon palace powerhouses in Longfeng, the abyss species in this area has no resistance at all!

“It’s too strong, this doesn’t require us to act at all!”

“It’s very strong, we… basically we don’t need to shoot!”

In the rear, the disciples of Beichuan Sect were a little dumbfounded when they saw Longfeng resisting most of the abyss species!

Especially, the group of Abyssal Seed was slaughtered frantically, and in just a few minutes, the Abyssal Seed who came to attack had already been beheaded by a half!

This strength is a bit against the sky!

“So strong, we don’t need to be guarded here at all!”

The elder Beichuan Sect was shocked, he hesitated, and reported the situation here to other places in the Sect!

If other places need support, they can go there!

“Huh? Is the strength of the Dragon Palace so strong? It actually resisted the Abyss Seed on the Star Wen planet, and massacred it?”

At the same time, in front of a planet on the northern line close to the central area, an old man from the Beichuan sect saw this information and his face was surprised!

He looked at the war ahead, and the three ancestors of the suzerain all attacked, against the seven immortal kings of the eighth-order abyss species in front of them!

“Elder Bei, if you can support, immediately bring the strong to the center to support. We have too many varieties in the abyss and too strong!”

The old man immediately sent a message to Elder Bei!

“Leave a quarter of the disciples to guard here, and the other strong disciples will follow me to the center!”

Elder Bei received the message, looked at the Dragon Palace and Dragon Peak, which was showing great power in front of him, and immediately said to the strong disciples around him!


When a crowd of people moved, they immediately rushed in another direction!

They are no longer needed here!

“Swish swish!”

“Puff puff!”

Around the dragon peak, the members of the dragon palace quickly hunted down the abyss species!

After the monsters were dispatched, the speed of hunting was even more terrifying!

Five or six million Abyss species seem to be many, but the Sky Eye Arrow can shoot thousands of arrows in one second. Even if it kills one in a second, 35,000 Sky Eye Arrow members can be killed in one minute. Nearly two million!

“Hehehe, after obtaining these resources, Dragon Palace can get crazy improvements again!”

With the battle to raise the battle, the speed of Dragon Palace’s improvement is even more terrifying!

With just these corpses in front, Dragon Palace can also increase the combat effectiveness of the two immortal kings of rank eight!

The rest, let alone!

In the next five minutes, Dragon Palace destroyed seven or eight million Abyssal Seeds!

A corpse was collected by the wicked monsters!

“It’s solved, you can go to other places!”

Wang Xian glanced over and squinted slightly!

“Bei Shuang, you can ask the Beichuan Sect where there are more species in the abyss, we will kill them immediately!”

He looked at Bei Shuang next to him and said with a smile!

“Good master!”

Bei Shuang nodded, feeling a little grateful!

Dragon Palace’s shot is a huge help to Beichuan Sect!

Otherwise, just here, I don’t know how many Beichuan Sect disciples will fall!

“Master? We are in danger at the center of Beichuan Sect. There are seven immortal kings of the eighth-order abyss species!”

Soon, Bei Shuang said to Wang Xian with a solemn expression!

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