Chapter 2632 Prestige of the Dragon Palace (1)

The location of the northern line of the Devil Island has ushered in a rare half-month of calm!

However, the quiet half a month did not relax the powerful forces!

A lot of treasures appeared in the exchange meeting of the Great Teachers last month!

In the exchange meeting, other powerful forces also realized the master of the Frost Goddess!

Everyone was extremely surprised for the Frost Goddess to protect her shortcomings!

After all, the Frost Goddess at the time was completely disregarding the prestige of the Great Master last month and questioned the elders of the Great Master last month!

Fortunately, last month, the Great Teacher was also in a bad position, so he lowered his head!

The master of the Frost Goddess, the Dragon King of the Star Southern Galaxy Dragon Palace has also entered the sight of some forces!

When all the forces learned that the Dragon Palace and Dragon King led a group of powerhouses, driving a powerful war machine to kill the immortal king of the eighth-order abyss, they were also shocked!

The strength of the Dragon Palace Dragon King is not as weak as they imagined!

After half a month, Wang Xian has been staying in Longfeng!

The powerhouses of Dragon Palace are also located in Dragon Peak, waiting for the outbreak of the next war!

“It is estimated that the war will break out soon!”

Longfeng, Wang Xian was standing on the podium, looking at the situation in the abyss, muttering!

“It’s going to be fast. In the past few days, a lot of Abyssal Seeds have gathered here again, and these Abyssal Seeds are getting stronger and stronger!”

From a side position, the sky array stared into the abyss and said!

“I always feel that there is a powerful presence behind these Abyssal Species directing them!”

Wang Xian frowned slightly!

The abyss came in batches, why not rush all at once?

In that case, the forces on the northern line may not be able to resist!

“It’s a little strange, these Abyssal Seeds seem to be doing this deliberately to cultivate powerful Abyssal Seeds!”

Tian Zhen nodded slightly!

“Now the abyss species here is getting stronger and stronger. Last time the weakest one was the first rank of the eternal god, and now the weakest is no less than the third rank of the eternal god!”

He continued!

The breakthrough speed of the Abyssal Species is very fast. They can devour humans and the same kind, and they can evolve quickly!

The battle between humans and the abyss species, in general, the abyss species has always become stronger, although the human side has also become stronger, but the speed is several times slower!

If the war for more than ten years is really maintained, if there are a steady stream of Abyss Species, it is estimated that by then the weakest of the Abyss Species will have the level of Immortal Kings!

“I heard that the central island of the Emperor Star Territory, there is also an abnormal movement in the abyss in the Emperor Court, I don’t know if it is true or not!”

Wang Xian murmured, thinking of some information he had read on Zhinao these days!


At this time, there was a roar from the abyss ahead!

“Another group of Abyssal Seeds has arrived, and the war is about to break out!”

Wang Xian looked at it, and in the depths of the abyss, a dense and innumerable number of abyssal seeds flew over!

The leader among them can vaguely feel its majestic power!

“All members of the Dragon Palace are ready!”

He gave a soft drink!

“All the disciples of Beichuan Sect, prepare to fight!”

As soon as Wang Xian’s voice fell, there was also a voice from Beichuan Sect next to him!

The battle broke out again!

“This time, try to kill more powerful Abyss Species!”

Standing on the podium, Wang Xian exuded a cold aura!

If he wants to improve himself, he probably needs ten Immortal King Eighth-Order Abyssal Crystals!

If you can kill ten immortal kings of the eighth-order abyss species, the strength of the Dragon Palace will rise to a higher level!

“Set off!”

With a sigh from the sky, the entire Longfeng immediately moved!

Longfeng today, and Longfeng in the last war, have undergone qualitative changes!

Last time there were only a thousand immortal king-level powerhouses in Longfeng, this time it directly reached five thousand!

The eighth rank of the Immortal King, together with him and Tianzhen, also reached four!


Longfeng trembled lightly, and came to the front of Beichuanzong planet in an instant!

“Bei Shuang, come here!”

Wang Xian looked to the side and shouted at Bei Shuang!

This area is one of the two locations where the Beichuan Sect suffered the most severe attacks from the Abyss. The last time it was guarded by an ancestor of the Beichuan Sect!

This time Bei Shuang changed positions with that ancestor, and she came to sit here!

“It’s the master!”

Bei Shuang nodded, and immediately flew towards the podium!

An elder next to him took a look, but did not speak!

They have the help of Dragon Peak from Dragon Palace, and it will be a lot easier!

“There are two eighth-order abyssal species of immortal kings in this area, and 1,500 immortal kings!”

“Longfeng, rush directly, all members, ready to hunt!”

The sky array looked at the result of the detection on the formation, and gave a soft drink!

“Boom boom boom!”

Long Feng made a roaring sound and rushed directly forward!


Ahead, seven or eight million Abyss Seeds are also rushing towards this side!

However, the abyss species were also a little confused, this was the first guy who dared to rush towards them so arrogant!

“The Dragon Palace is a bit fierce, relying on the Dragon Peak war machine, rushing directly towards the abyss population!”

In the rear, the people of Beichuanzong were slightly shocked!

“We guard this side, don’t rush forward!”

The elder Beichuanzong had seen the strength of the Dragon Palace and reminded all the disciples!


In the front position, the huge dragon peak attracted the attention of a large number of abyss species, and in an instant, millions of abyss species rushed towards the dragon peak!


At this time, on the arrow stand, Mou Zesen’s command voice sounded!

“Swish swish!”

In the next moment, the dense and numerous arrows attacked directly toward the front!

Mou Zesen’s bow was stretched full, his eyes locked on an immortal god king eighth-order abyss species that rushed towards them!

“Ao Yao is ready!”

He gave a soft drink, and the arrow in his hand shot out instantly!


The arrow flew out and instantly transformed into a ten-meter-sized golden dragon in the air, surrounded by cyan vortexes!

The arrow departed from the arrow, and came to the front of that immortal king’s eighth-order abyss seed in an instant!

In the middle, the speed of penetrating hundreds of abysses is unabated!


The Immortal King Eighth Tier Abyss Species felt the threat from the arrow, and roared wildly, and the huge hammer-like tail behind him directly attacked the arrow!


The terrifying collision sounded, and the after wave of energy caused the direct death and severe damage to many abyssal species within a hundred kilometers of the surrounding area!


At the moment of the collision, a black-and-white shadow appeared behind the Immortal God King Eighth Tier Abyss Seed, directly piercing its body!


On the arrow stand, Mu Zesen instantly separated another arrow, turning into a smooth, stiff body, immortal King Eighth-Order Abyss Seed!


A sound full of endless fear came from its mouth, and its body floated down heavily!

An immortal king of the eighth-order abyss, kills in seconds!

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