The 2610th chapter accepting disciples (1)

“This is the Dragon Star. Aura is higher than that of other planets. There are so many people!”

“That’s a group of people from the Tianyingyun Group, hiss, the high-levels of Tianyingyun seem to be here!”

“Please pay attention to your surroundings. The powerhouses of the Immortal King are really everywhere, and there are at least a few hundred around!”

“Today it can be said that all the forces, large and small, are here, and it is estimated that the immortal king can reach four or five thousand!”

When the Dragon Star opened again the next day, the disciples and strong men from other planets in the Xingnan Galaxy came to Dragon Star one by one!

A great battle that shocked everyone, the birth of a true king!

As the Dragon Star created by Dragon Palace, the most defensive planet in the entire Xingnan Galaxy, it has naturally attracted the attention of countless people!

Not to mention, today the major forces of the Southern Star System came to visit the Dragon Palace and the Dragon King!

Today, there are almost half of the god-king powerhouses in the Xingnan galaxy!

“Be nice here, don’t cause trouble!”

A group of senior officials of Tianying Cloud Group led them, and the core disciples of the group came to the Dragon Star through the teleportation array, and an old man in front of them reminded faintly!

“It’s the general manager!”

The rest of the crowd nodded. Here, they naturally did not dare to make trouble, otherwise Tianying Cloud Group would not be able to protect them!

They also came to Dragon Star for the first time, looked around them curiously, and walked towards the place where Dragon Palace received them!

At the teleportation array, more and more forces arrived, walking towards the inside, and the king of the gods could be seen everywhere!

“Wow, this Dragon Star looks good, better than our Beimen commercial planet!”

At the teleportation array, a group of five or six hundred people came out from inside, headed by the immortal emperor of the North Gate, as well as the powerhouses of the Supreme Emperor!

Some of the most outstanding sons and goddesses of the immortal dynasty of the North Gate are followed in the rear!

“Sister Beishuang, look at this planet, are there any planets on the Devil Island?”

At the back, a girl asked toward the short-haired girl next to her, looking around curiously with her eyes!

“It’s better than some planets on the Devil Island!”

Beishuang, a short-haired woman, looked around and said faintly!

Compared to before, she is in a much better mood now. Although she said that she was sent here by the sect because she used some Abyss Seed Crystals without authorization, she was very excited when she took that step. This is why she is willing to come with the girls. The reason to relax here!

“Really? This is the planet built by the Dragon Palace. You don’t know, Sister Beishuang, this Dragon Palace is simply too powerful. It has risen in a short period of time and destroyed two forces equivalent to our East Gate Immortal Kingdom. The planet is also extremely powerful. I heard that Dragon Palace looks very young, he is a beautiful man, hehe!”

As the girl said, Wei Wei was a little excited: “We should be able to see the Dragon King in a while!”

Bei Shuang on the side laughed when she heard her words. She is close to forty thousand years old this year, and has passed the age of an idiot!

“Follow behind!”

A strong man in front said, and a group of people immediately followed and walked toward the front!

“Emperor North Gate!”

“The Emperor!”

A crowd of people came to a palace for banquets, and some powerful men inside saw them coming in and immediately shouted respectfully!


The Emperor of the North Gate Immortal God Dynasty nodded slightly!

“Tian Zong, you guys came quite early!”

The Emperor Beimen looked forward and said to the powerful people of Tianyingyun!

“Haha, we just arrived too!”

The president of Tianying Cloud Group laughed and said!

The North Gate Immortal Kingdom and the Tianying Cloud Group are also relatively familiar. In fact, the relationship between the four major forces of the Xingnan Galaxy in the past was normal and they knew each other!

The two sides know the bottom line, but they can talk together!

When the Immortal God of the North Gate arrived at them, seven or eight thousand people had gathered in the palace!

All of them are strong and core disciples of various forces!

At a glance, there are three to four thousand immortal kings!

It didn’t take long for the powerhouses of the Tiger Chaotic Demon Kingdom to arrive!

Seeing the powerhouse of the tiger chaos demon country, a group of people immediately went over and talked!

Even the North Gate Immortal God Dynasty and Tianyingyun talked enthusiastically in the past, which made all the powerful people in the tiger chaos and demon kingdom red and full of pride!

“Dragon King, time is up!”

At noon, Prime Minister Turtle whispered to Wang Xian!


Wang Xian nodded, motioned to the dragon palace members beside him, and flew towards the palace where the guests were welcome!

“The Dragon King is here!”

At this moment, the veteran teacher of Huluoyao Country looked towards the outside and said softly!


Inside the palace, the voice immediately fell, and a powerful man looked outside!

Looking at it, a group of more than a dozen people walked into the palace!

The headed Wang Xian was dressed in colorful dragon robe costumes, and his body exuded a wave of majesty. The faint Longwei scattered towards the surroundings, making all the strong people present slightly startled!

Behind him, Prime Minister Tortoise, Ao Jian, Ao Qitian and the others followed behind, all of them were powerhouses of the 7th-order Immortal King, with violent power in their bodies!

When everyone saw Wangxian in a crowd, their hearts were slightly stunned!

“Meet the Dragon King!”

The strong men of the North Gate Immortal God Dynasty and Tianying Cloud Group immediately bowed and worshiped!

“Meet the Dragon King!”

Everyone from the rest of the forces quickly bowed their hands in prayer!

However, in the immortal dynasty of the North Gate, when Bei Shuang located behind saw Wang Xian’s face, his body trembled, and his face showed an expression of excitement!

She stared at Wang Xian trembling slightly!

“Sister Beishuang, this dragon king is very handsome, but you can’t keep staring at it, it’s impolite!”

The girl on the side saw Bei Shuang’s look and immediately transmitted the voice!


“You are welcome!”

Wang Xian glanced across the crowd, and suddenly noticed a gaze. He looked at it and raised his brows slightly!

“Congratulations to the Dragon King for destroying the six powers. Congratulations. If you have any instructions from the Dragon King in the Star Southern Galaxy in the future, our Tianying Cloud Group will definitely go all out!”

The president of Tianying Cloud Group looked at the powerful men behind Wang Xian, and he was overwhelmed by his heart, and walked over to surrender!

“Our north gate immortal dynasty also regards the Dragon Palace as its king and the Dragon King as its respect, and hopes to live in peace with the Dragon Palace!”

The Emperor Beimen walked over with a smile, and said immediately!

“Hehe, our Dragon Palace has always been adhering to the principle that others don’t provoke us, and we don’t provoke others. If we can be friends, we won’t be enemies!”

Wang Xian smiled, walked to the front chair and sat down!

“Sit down, everyone!”

He waved at the crowd!


All the forces were slightly relieved when they heard Wang Xian’s words, and smiled and sat next to them!

“Sister Beishuang, sit down!”

In the foremost position, the girl saw Beishuang looking there blankly, and pulled her arm!

Bei Shuang bit her lip, walked forward under the girl’s stunned gaze, and knelt directly on the ground!

“Dragon King, senior…I…I want to worship you as a teacher!”

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