2609 Born-18 May 1984

“Hi…This announcement from the Tianyingyun Group and the North Gate Immortal Kingdom, this…this is simply surrender!”

“The Tianying Cloud Group and the North Gate Immortal Gods must have gotten some news, otherwise how could it be possible to make such an announcement, so congratulations!”

“It seems that Dragon Palace really wiped out the six major forces in just a few hours. Hey, I can’t imagine how strong Dragon Palace really is!”

“Even the Tianyingyun Group and Beichuan Immortal Kingdom have surrendered. In the future, the entire Xingnan Galaxy, Dragon Palace will be a veritable king!”

Tianyingyun Group and the North Gate Immortal Dynasty directly congratulate the Dragon Palace on the brain, and regard the Dragon Palace as the king and the Dragon King as the respect!

This news stunned everyone!

What kind of power can make the two major forces directly surrender?

However, one thing is certain, the Dragon Palace really eliminated the six powers of the Ninth Rank Tianzong of the Tianshan Sword Sect!

Just as everyone was talking in shock, the news on Zhi Brain was announced one by one!

All powerhouses of Jianhua Group Black Forest Group were killed, and many immortal kings fell!

The planet of the Tianshan Sword Sect sect is almost in ruins, and none of the Tianshan Sword Sect strongmen survived!

According to reliable sources from the Nine Stage Celestial Sect, all the strong and disciples were destroyed by the Dragon Palace!

The news came one by one, and the entire Xingnan galaxy was boiling over!

Even if they were basically able to think that Dragon Palace had destroyed the six major forces, when the exact news came, it still shocked everyone!

“This… are all real?”

At the same time, on the nine planets above Dragon Star, all the strong and disciples of the Tiger Demon Kingdom looked at the information on Zhi Nao with shocked faces!

They opened their mouths slightly!

They didn’t know about Dragon Palace’s actions, but when they saw the news suddenly, their heads couldn’t react!

“This is true and false, this… Dragon Palace has eliminated the six major forces?”

In a palace on the Dragon Star, all the high-ranking officials of the Tiger Chaotic Demon Kingdom gathered together, looking at each message in shock!

“I have asked Prime Minister Tortoise here. The Dragon Palace powerhouse has wiped out all the six powers and is accepting the planets of the six powers. The Dragon King said let us choose some planets!”

The lord of the tiger chaos demon kingdom pursed his lips and said!

There was silence all around!

At the beginning, they had some opinions about the Dragon Palace provoke the Tianshan Sword Sect again, but the Dragon Palace was not too bad for them, and they were not the kind of ungrateful people!

So they didn’t say anything, and they were willing to bear it together with Dragon Palace!

Even they are well prepared for long-term battles with the six major forces in the future!

However, in just such a month, the Dragon Palace suddenly annihilated the opponent, and the other two powers directly declared that Dragon Palace was the king!

This just makes them feel dazed!

Once the Dragon Palace becomes the king of the Xingnan Galaxy, their status in the Tiger Chaotic Demon Country will definitely increase with the tide!

After all, in times of crisis and the Dragon Palace in trouble, as long as the Dragon Palace is there in the future, who wouldn’t give them the face of Tiger Chaotic Demon Kingdom?

All the people in the tiger chaos demon country are full of joy!

Outside, a group of disciples from the Tiger Chaotic Demon Kingdom roared with excitement!

Soon, their kingdom of tiger chaos and demon will rise completely!

In the next few days, the powerhouses in the Dragon Palace led their disciples into the planets of the six major forces, occupying all the oceans!

As for the people of the previous six major forces on the planet, one by one was extremely frightened, some of them with strength, some with sacred stones, one by one went to the Dragon Palace to send gifts and treasures!

When thousands of planets are all settled, Wang Xian enters one after another to establish dragon palaces!

However, the tiger chaos demon country directly selects hundreds of planets from these thousands of planets as their place of survival and territory!

This makes all the sky monsters in the tiger chaos demon kingdom extremely excited!

“Longxing reopen it!”

On the fourth day, Wang Xian said to Prime Minister Turtle!

The Dragon Palace opens again. This time, Dragon Star connects the major planets of the Xingnan Galaxy!

Even Tianyingyun Commercial Planet and Beimen Commercial Planet have direct teleportation formations!

This is the only planet in the Xingnan Galaxy with the most teleportation arrays!

Naturally, no one doubts the defense and safety of Longxing!

“Dragon King, Tianying Cloud Group, North Gate Immortal Dynasty and some other forces, they want to come to see you, Dragon King!”

Prime Minister Turtle said to Wang Xian with a smile on his face!

“Oh, is it? Then when the Dragon Star opens, meet the major forces!”

Wang Xian smiled and said lightly!

Now the strength of the Dragon Palace, there is no need to put other forces in the Xingnan Galaxy in their eyes!

Thirty-one immortal kings of the seventh rank in the Dragon Palace, plus him, a total of thirty-two!

With such strength, let alone the six major forces have been annihilated, that is, they have not been annihilated. The entire Southern Star System is united together, and it is not their opponent!

But they came to show their favor, and Wang Xian would not refuse!

The development principle of Dragon Palace has always been to not provoke others. If others actively provoke Dragon Palace, then Dragon Palace is not afraid of it!

“Longxing will open again tomorrow, when the immortal gods of the north gate of the Tianying Cloud Group and a group of forces will visit the Dragon King!”

“As the safest planet in the Xingnan Galaxy, Dragon Palace’s commercial planet will start again tomorrow. I must go and see it!”

“Well, I used to have a house of my own in Longxing, but I returned it. Now Longxing’s house price is going to increase dozens of times? Or hundreds of times?”

“Don’t say it, I’m about to vomit blood now. I bought a store in Longxing and returned. I knew it would end, so I lived and died with Longgong!”

The news that Long Xing opened up caused quite a stir!

After all, Dragon Star’s defense is too terrifying!

In addition, the powers of the major forces said that they visited the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace, which naturally caused quite a sensation!

The opening of the Dragon Star has attracted much attention. After all, the defense of the Dragon Star and the strength of the Dragon Palace are too strong!

Dragon Star is the center of the Star Southern Galaxy that will be next!

Almost all the forces in the Xingnan Galaxy are coming!

“Sister Beishuang, you have been in the room for more than half a month. Tomorrow our North Gate Immortal Dynasty is going to Longxing, are you going?”

At the same time, in a palace at the North Gate of the Immortal Shenchao Shrine, a girl came to a courtyard and shouted into the room!

“Don’t go!”

A cold voice came!

“Sister Beishuang, let’s go together. A powerful and invincible force has been born in our Southern Star System. Our North Gate Immortal Divine Empire needs to come and meet. I heard that the leader of that force is very young and handsome!”

The girl said, walking towards the room!

On the bed of the room, a woman with short hair sat cross-legged, seeing the girl come in, the woman with short hair opened her eyes!

“Xiaoyun, don’t disturb my practice!”

The short-haired woman said!

“Let’s go, Sister Beishuang, staying in the room will be suffocated. You have been here for more than a month. You haven’t gone out yet. It’s good to go out for a stroll!”

The girl walked over and took her arm and said!

The short-haired woman hesitated, looked at the Abyssal Seed Crystal that was almost completely absorbed in her hand, hesitated for a while and nodded!

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