2604: Wordscapes Uncrossed Mountain-Fjord 7 Answers

“Master Sword King, there is news from Tianshan Commercial Planet that there are more than one hundred immortal kings on the other side, among them the immortal king is the sixth-order strong, and the other strong are equivalent to the guard elders and the others, request quick support!”

In the Tianshan Sword Sect sect, an elder reported here with an embarrassed expression!

“Immediately notify a few ancestors to take action and bring all the imprisonment circles of Zongmen. This time, let them come back and forth, and dare to come to our Tianshan commercial planet to make trouble, and let them all die!”

The Sword King roared violently, and when he moved his body, he immediately flew outside!


However, when he first flew into the sky, a bright arrow attacked him!

The arrow shattered the void, with a long trace of the void, and instantly fell beside the sword king!

“Who is looking for death!”

With a wave of Jianmang’s arm, a blood sword appeared in his hand, stab toward the front!


In an instant, the arrow collided with the tip of the sword, making a heavy collision!


The figure of the sword king flew up to 10,000 meters toward the rear!

“Immortal God King 7th-tier powerhouse, archer!”

The Sword King’s face changed slightly, his eyes fixed on the void ahead!

“Swish swish!”

The next moment, three arrows attacked him again, and the three arrows flew in the void, gradually turning into three terrifying wind dragons!

The three wind dragons intertwined together and let out a roar!

“Cut me!”

“For hundreds of thousands of years, no one dared to challenge my Sword King. Today I will kill you!”

The blood-red long sword slashed forward, and the sword king roared murderously!

“Swish swish swish!”

But at this moment, countless arrows fell towards the Tianshan Sword, and every arrow carried the power of the law of horror!

“Someone dare to invade our Tianshan Sword Sect, is it the Dragon Palace?”

“All the disciples of the Tianshan Sword Sect, prepare to fight!”

In the Tianshan Sword Sect, a series of arrows attacked the Sword King, and the sky full of arrows attacked the entire Tianshan Sword Sect completely moved!

Countless strong men immediately flew to the sky, staring at the front with cold faces!

“Who dares to attack my Tianshan Sword Sect and look for death?”

At the rear, the angry voices of the two Immortal King Seventh-Order ancestors sounded, and at the same time, the overwhelming evil spirit rushed to Ling Xiao!

“Hahaha, it is your Tianshan Sword Sect who is attacking!”

At this moment, in the front position, Ao Qi, Mu Zesen, and Ao Xingmufei flew towards them, and said coldly!

“Who are you?”

Seeing the three Immortal Kings 7th-tier powerhouses, the Sword King and their pupils shrank slightly, shouting with a gloomy face!

“I attacked our Dragon Palace not long ago, but now you ask who we are?”

Mou Zesen held a long bow, his eyes locked on the three of them, full of coldness!

“What? The Dragon Palace powerhouse!”

“Dragon Palace! Dragon Palace has so many immortal kings of rank 7 powerhouses?”

Everyone in the Tianshan Sword Sect heard Mu Zesen’s words, their expressions changed, and they exclaimed!

“Dragon Palace? You turned out to be from the Dragon Palace. Well, don’t you dare to come out and die for this sword king if you don’t shrink into the formation!”

“Magic Sword!”

An icy roar came from the Sword King’s mouth, and he stared at Mu Zesen’s trio coldly!

“Kill, dare to come to our Tianshan Sword Sect to make trouble!”

The other two ancestors were full of murderous intent, and they attacked directly towards Ao Qi and Ao Xingmu!

“Hands, let the Tianshan Sword Sect know the fate of offending our Dragon Palace today!”

Mou Zesen roared, and behind him followed a group of members of the Sky Eye and Arrow Club and the Crazy Dragon Dragon Seed!


A roar came from the members of the Dragon Palace, and Ao Qi and the others greeted him instantly!

“The other side attacked us with three immortal kings of rank 7 powerhouses. Here we can stop them. First notify the other two ancestors to go to the Tianshan commercial planet for rescue!”

The Sword King glanced around, seeing that there were only so many powerful people in the Dragon Palace, he immediately commanded an elder!

“It’s Lord Sword King!”

The elder nodded immediately and began to inform the other two ancestors!

At the same time, located in a very secret void crack in the void, two vast and majestic kingdoms of the gods are next to each other!

“What? The people in the Dragon Palace dare to attack our Tianshan commercial planet and die, boss, kill him immediately!”

In an immortal kingdom, an old man flew out from his own kingdom and shouted toward the immortal kingdom next to him!


The next moment, an ancestor of the Tianshan Sword Sect flew out, roaring murderously!

The two moved quickly towards the Tianshan commercial planet!

The war broke out in the land of the Tianshan Sword Sect sect and the commercial planet, and at the Ninth Stage Tianzong of the Xingnan Galaxy, their sect land was also attacked!

Compared to them, the planets where Jianhua Group and Black Forest Group are located are completely blocked at this moment!

A weird space enveloped the entire planet, and everyone on the planet looked around in shock!

What happened to this?

“What’s the matter? This space, this space is the weird space of Dragon Palace, it is the people of Dragon Palace that blocked our planet!”

Located on the planet that serves as the temporary base for the alliance of the six forces in the Tianshan Sword Sect realm!

There are many immortal king masters in Demon Slayer, Sanhaimen, Jianhua Group, Black Forest Group, Tianshan Sword Sect, and Nine-Rank Heavenly Sect!

Especially the Demon Slayer Sect and the Sanhaimen, they have become the bereaved dogs, and here are their three hundred immortal kings and powerhouses!

With the addition of the other four forces, there are a total of 600 immortal kings!

Among them, there is also the sixth-order Immortal King!

But just now, the whole planet suddenly became a strange space!

Seeing this piece of space, the Sect Master of Sanhaimen, Sect Master of Demon Slayer, their pupils shrank slightly, and they shouted in shock!

“All the strong and the disciples prepare, it is the people of the Dragon Palace, it is them!”

Sect Master of Demon Slayer roared with murderous expression!

It was this strange space that caused them heavy losses to the Immortal King of Demon Slayer!

“Dragon Palace people? Are they here to die? They dare to attack us!”

A strong Tianshan Sword Sect said with a gloomy face!

“Be careful, Ninth-Rank Tianzong, Tianshan Sword Sect, you immediately inform the immortal gods of the sect of the seventh-order adults, Dragon Palace, they have the immortal gods seventh-order strong, if we kill them, we will be in great trouble!”

A strong man couldn’t help but said!

“No news can be delivered from this weird space, I have a bad feeling!”

Sect Master Sect Demon Sect frowned and said with a bit of embarrassment!

“Hahaha, don’t worry, there are at most two or three immortal kings of the seventh rank in the Dragon Palace, and someone needs to sit on the Dragon Star. We have an ancestor of the Ninth Stage Celestial Sect on this planet!”

An elder of the Ninth-Rank Tianzong said with a smile on his face, his eyes scanned the surroundings, his eyes flashed with murderous aura!

“Let’s go, I want to see how many strong people they have sent in Dragon Palace, enough for us to kill!”

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