2603: Wordscapes Uncrossed Mountain-Crest 2 Answers

On the Tianshan Commercial Planet, when chaos arose, when a member of the Dragon Palace attacked the Tianshan Sword Sect disciple, the Tianshan Commercial Planet guard!

Because of the sudden attack, a large number of Tianshan Sword Sect disciples were beheaded!

At the same time, there are many buildings on the Tianshan commercial planet!

Located above the core city of the Tianshan Sword Sect, the strong Tianshan Sword Sect who sensed the turmoil immediately flew over from the sky, his eyes full of violent murderous aura!

As Tianshan’s commercial planet, their defenses are naturally not to be underestimated!

There are 7th-rank immortal kings who sit in the town all the year round, but today, because of the attack on the Dragon Palace, Tianshan Commercial Planet does not have such a strong person in charge!

But even so, there are three immortal kings of rank six powerhouses, a dozen immortal kings of rank 5 powerhouses, and a crowd of more than a hundred god kings!

“Boom boom boom!”

In the upper air position, one by one monstrous might soared into the sky, and their eyes were staring at the members of the Dragon Palace who came to trouble and assassinate below, and their eyes were full of murderous aura!

“Leave them all here, kill!”

An elder showed anger on his face, and let the people of the Dragon Palace rush into the Tianshan commercial planet to make trouble, which is simply a huge shame for them!

“The powerhouse of the Tianshan Sword Sect is here!”

“The powerhouses and disciples of the Dragon Palace are also very capable. They can even rush into the Tianshan commercial planet, but their people are still too weak. If they escape slowly, they will be left here!”

“The Dragon Palace wants to fight a sneak attack with the six major forces. After all, although Dragon Palace is not an opponent of the six major forces, their Dragon Star’s defense is relatively strong!”

A crowd of people on the Tianshan business planet saw this scene whispering!

“Although the sneak attack has a great impact on the six major forces, the more the number, the Dragon Palace and the others will also lose a lot!”

Some strong people secretly said in their hearts, they swept to the front position!

There are tens of thousands of powerhouses at the eternal god level in Dragon Palace, but how many of these tens of thousands of eternal god level disciples can escape this time?

The strong man of the Tianshan Sword Sect has almost sealed the entire planet with substantive laws!

“Are you more than a hundred god kings, ha ha, stop them!”

Located in a place on Tianshan’s commercial planet, Ao Qitian swept his eyes and ordered to the surrounding men!


Immediately, more than one hundred immortal kings flew out immediately!

“Hahaha, if we want to kill our Dragon Palace disciples, we will destroy your Tianshan commercial planet today!”

A Dragon Palace member roared violently and said with a murderous face!

The sound resounded across the Tianshan commercial planet in an instant!

“What? And the strong of Dragon Palace didn’t make a move!”

“Oops, there are strong people in Dragon Palace, damn it, our shop is going to be over!”

“Dragon Palace, this is crazy revenge!”

A group of customers on the Tianshan commercial planet hurriedly went to the side to hide, their faces full of horror!

“Damn, a group of Xiaoxiao in the Dragon Palace, we hid in the planet and did not dare to come out when we attacked you, and now we dare to be arrogant and die for me!”

In the sky, the strong men of the Tianshan Sword Sect saw the more than one hundred god kings suddenly appearing in the Dragon Palace, and their faces instantly became embarrassed!

“Their strength is about the same as ours, so let the sword king know them immediately!”

“Oops, opening the Tianshan Sword Sect planetary protection can’t let them blow up the planet. We entangle them and ask the strong sect to come and support!”

The expressions of the strong men of the Tianshan Sword Sect instantly became gloomy, and they roared in a low voice!

There are many immortal kings who have invaded them in the Dragon Palace, but according to the strength of the Tianshan Sword Sect guarding here, they are no weaker than the people in the Dragon Palace!

So what they have to do now is to ask the ancestor sword king of the sect to come and support them!

And they, try to get around these damn guys!

“Kill kill kill!”

The members of the Dragon Palace stared at the powerhouses of the Tianshan Sword Sect, and immediately bombarded them away!

“Suppress them!”

The elder of the Tianshan Sword Sect roared and attacked with a sharp sword!

“Ha ha!”

In a place on the Tianshan commercial planet, Ao Qitian and the others watched this scene with smiles!

“The Tianshan Sword Sect has a total of five immortal gods of the seventh rank, only three know where they are, and the other two don’t know. I hope those two can come over soon!”

Ao Qitian murmured, watching the battle above quietly!

A total of more than two hundred immortal kings fought and slaughtered, absolutely earth-shattering, with a radius of hundreds of millions of kilometers, everyone on the commercial planet of Tianshan fled into the distance in horror!

The entire Tianshan commercial planet was instantly shrouded in flames of war!

“This Dragon Palace has sent so many powerful men. With such a fight, the entire Tianshan commercial planet will be over!”

“The Tianshan Sword Sect is still not ready, damn it, this time we have suffered a lot!”

“Unexpectedly, Tianshan Commercial Planet will also have this day. It’s too unsafe!”

Some of the god-king powerhouses avoided far away, looking at the battlefield ahead with embarrassed expressions!

The attack on Tianshan’s commercial planet also spread quickly on Zhi Brain!

“More than one hundred immortal kings in Dragon Palace invaded the Tianshan commercial planet, this… Dragon Palace, they are starting to retaliate!”

“This Tianshan Sword Sect is too stupid. Obviously and the Dragon Palace have already reached a place where they will never die, yet they haven’t been guarded yet? So many powerful people in the Dragon Palace can easily enter the commercial planet?”

“Don’t be afraid of comparison, the security of this comparison Dragon Star is simply too high, the Tianshan commercial planet has been killed by the Dragon Palace powerhouse!”

On Zhi Brain, everyone from all forces received this news with a look of surprise on their faces!

More than one hundred immortal kings have entered, which is definitely a huge blow to the Tianshan commercial planet!

Didn’t Tianshan Commercial Planet take precautions?

This feels a little weird!

“The Ninth-Rank Tianzong commercial planet also has turmoil, and the Dragon Palace powerhouse entered again and killed many powerhouses of the Tianshan Sword Sect!”

“Something happened to the Ninth-Rank Heavenly Sect too. Damn, is this Dragon Palace sneak attack so awesome? You know, the Ninth-Rank Heavenly Sect commercial planet was sneak attacked once by the Dragon Palace, and now has the sneak attack succeeded again?”

Just when everyone was talking about the Tianshan Commercial Planet being attacked by the Dragon Palace powerhouse, news came from the Nine-Rank Tianzong Commercial Planet!

When everyone got the news, their faces were more than surprised!

The so-called eating and suffocating one wisdom, the Dragon Palace has already attacked the Ninth-Rank Tianzong commercial planet once, and the Ninth-Rank Tianzong should be prepared and dealt with, but now they have been attacked again!

Is the Ninth-Rank Heavenly Sect too stupid, or is the Dragon Palace too strong?

But the Dragon Palace was beaten by them and hid under the defense of the Dragon Star Formation and didn’t dare to come out. How could it be possible to invade the two major commercial planets so easily now?

“Damn it, how could the Tianshan commercial planet suddenly be attacked by the Dragon Palace powerhouse? How could our defense system fail to detect it?”

At this moment, on the planet of the Tianshan Sword Sect, the Sword King of the Zongmen Land roared with cold face!

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