Chapter 2585 Yuan Continent

“Boom boom boom!”

After half an hour of continuous fighting in the void, Wang Xian killed all the three immortal kings of the seventh-order abyss!

“Is there any damage?”

He wiped the blood from his arm and said to the surrounding Dragon Palace members!

“Dragon King, there were no casualties this time!”

Ao Xie responded!

“This abyss is a bit fierce, Dragon King, I have to do my best to deal with it alone!”

Ao Qitian said to Wang Xian!

“It’s a bit powerful, and it feels better than a human strong of the same level!”

Wang Xian nodded, of course, this is also Ao Qitian and the others are in a leapfrog battle!

If Ao Qitian and the others had the seventh rank of the Immortal King, they would be able to kill these abyssal species at will!

“According to the wisdom brain, the king of the abyss species can leapfrog and fight. It seems that this is very possible!”

Wang Xian said!

Ao Qitian nodded in agreement with them!

“Our strength is still a bit weak!”

Muttered in his mouth!

The three immortal kings of the seventh-order abyss seed will have such a difficult confrontation, if there are four, it will be even more difficult for them to kill them!

Moreover, within that giant peak, Wang Xian felt that there should be a stronger abyss species sitting there!

Once they attracted that kind of existence, they could only escape!

“If you can convert the Abyss Seed in your hand into resources, you can have six or seven of your subordinates capable of reaching the seventh rank of the Immortal King!”

Wang Xian’s face hesitated for a moment!

“Try it at attracting!”

Wang Xian thought for a while, and took Ao Qitian and the others to another location!

This time they were about 200 million kilometers away from Jufeng, took out the dragon blood, and began to wait there!



A roar came ten minutes later, and Wang Xian looked at it!

“There are three more immortal kings of the seventh-order abyss species, get ready!”

Wang Xian saw that there were three more, and his eyes shone with luster, and commanded all the members of the Dragon Palace!

“It’s the Dragon King!”

The members waited quietly!


When the abyss species approached, Wang Xian and the others immediately attacked and left!


In an instant, a terrifying battle sounded, and a wave of lawful power spread to the surroundings!

When Wang Xian’s figure moved, he immediately transformed into the figure of a dragon, sending out a violent attack!

Four to three, Ao Yao still hides in the void, preparing for a fatal blow!

As long as they kill one, their battle will be much easier!

But this time, Wang Xian’s luck was not as good as before!

When they were fighting, the aftermath of terror once again attracted the attention of many Abyssal Species in the giant peak!

Five minutes later, another group of Abyss Species flew over, and there were four Abyss Species in the first place!


Wang Xian’s face changed slightly when he saw these four immortal kings of the Abyss!


Without any hesitation, he immediately yelled at all members of the Dragon Palace!

“Swish swish!”

They did not hesitate, turned and fled!

Wang Xian and the others were very fast, and some members couldn’t keep up, so he immediately put them into the brood!

Ten minutes later, they got rid of the chase of the Abyss Seed, Wang Xian breathed a sigh of relief, and his figure stopped!

“The strength is still a bit weak!”

He said lightly!

“Dragon King, or let’s go back to the Dragon Palace. When we come back next time, we will have almost ten immortal kings with the 7th-tier combat effectiveness. Coming here again shouldn’t be a big problem!”

Ao Qitian suggested on the side!

“It will take a month to go to the Dragon Palace to improve once and for all!”

Wang Xian shook his head slightly: “Let’s go to the vicinity of the Devil Island!”

He thought for a while and decided to say!

The Devil Island, said to be the Devil Island, is actually a galaxy. It belongs to one of the three largest island galaxies in the Emperor Star Territory. Its area is tens of thousands of times the Xingnan Galaxy!

The Devil Island already belongs to the central area of ​​the Emperor Star Territory!

The reason why it is called the Devil Island is because it is too close to the abyss!

On the Devil Island near the abyss, you don’t know when, an abyss entrance suddenly appeared and swallowed the entire planet!

If the strength is strong, you can escape immediately. If you have bad luck and weak strength, you may be swallowed by the abyss species at the entrance of the abyss!

Wang Xian is going to go there and replace the crystallization of the laws of the abyss in his hand with a pill!

As long as he changed to a pill, he could immediately improve the strength of the Dragon Palace members beside him!

After all, he swallowed it and passed it to them directly!

This is the fastest way to improve, and it can be done in a few days!

“Let’s take a look in the past, and I will go there in the future!”

As Wang Xian said, he immediately flew towards the exit!

And when the Dragon King and the others are about to come to the exit, they are located on the land plate at the entrance!

More than forty immortal kings of the Tianshan Sword Sect are located in a manor!

After the anonymous information on the brain, coupled with the coincidence of the Dragon King and the Dragon Palace, the Tianshan Sword Sword King sent the elder strong to find the trace of the Dragon King!

Not here to ambush the Dragon King and the others, but to verify the answer!

“Report to the elder, according to the information we have received, the Dragon King and the others have come out of the abyss and are flying fast in the direction of the devil island!”

A message is delivered to the manor!

“Are you out?”

One by one, they came to the hall of the manor in an instant, and they looked at the disciples who came forward to report!

“Yes, the elders, the Dragon King and the others are rushing towards the Devil Island quickly, and they can’t keep up with our speed!”

That member reports!

“Go, let’s go over at once!”

The headed elder said immediately, with a wave of his arm, a scarlet golden giant sword appeared in front of him!

“God’s Lianjian, we will chase it right away!”

A group of people immediately boarded the crimson-gold Tianlian Sword, and quickly chased in the direction of the Devil Island!

“Flying to a relatively prosperous piece of the trading market land plate, the nearest one day, there should be able to change the crystal of the abyss seed law into a pill!”

Wang Xian looked at the map on Zhi Nao, and flew fast!

His speed is very fast, fast shuttle in the starry sky!

In front of the void, Wang Xian could occasionally see huge entrances to the abyss!

Even he encountered an Abyss Seed in the void and was directly killed by him!

“Here, it’s ahead!”

One day later, Wang Xian saw a huge land plate, which was comparable to the Tianze Continent!

However, under the continental plate, it looks extremely smooth!

“Yuan Continent!”

Wang Xian murmured, according to the records on the brain, this continent was once a planet, but half of it was swallowed by the abyss, attacked by the abyss species, and became a continent today!

This is a more prosperous continent on the border of Devil Island!

And at a location of about a thousand kilometers on this land plate, there is a huge entrance to the abyss!

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