Chapter 2584 Fighting In The Abyss

“Oh oh oh!”

The desperate voice of the circular abyss sounded, and the dozen bodies he divided were instantly beheaded!

On the ground, there are corpses left behind!

“Boom boom boom!”

At the same time, Wang Xian Aoqi and all the other members of the Dragon Palace also moved in an instant!

They were hiding in positions on both sides, looking at two or three thousand abyss species, the terrifying energy instantly covered a radius of tens of millions of kilometers!

The Five Elements Great Mill was suspended in the sky, and the formation above instantly fell, forming a defense that was sufficient to trap the immortal king’s sixth-order powerhouse!


Wang Xian’s arm turned into a dragon’s claw, directly towards the abyss species of the seventh-order immortal king!


Around, Ao Qi and the others roared violently, blood-red thunder and lightning headed toward all the abyss species!



“Chi Chi Chi Chi!”

“Quack quack!”

Various screams sounded, and the abyss seed that was attacked instantly fell into a panic!

The abyss species do not have much wisdom, relying on their nature to hunt and kill, without the command of the leader, they are like headless flies!

An instant attack, the abyss seeds under the Immortal King were all beheaded!

The rest of the abyss species saw this scene and immediately fled towards the surroundings!

“Chi Chi Chi Chi!”

The abyss species with bone spurs looked blood-red towards Wang Xian’s dragon claw, and the dense bone spurs on it stood up!

“Swish swish!”

Bone spurs directly met Wang Xian’s dragon claws!

“Boom boom boom!”

In an instant, the explosion sounded continuously, and a lot of blood flowed out of Wang Xian’s dragon claws!

“The Abyss Seed of the seventh-order Immortal King is really hard to deal with!”

A cold color appeared in Wang Xian’s eyes!

“Dragon King, let’s help!”

At this time, the voices of Ao Yao and Ao Qitian came from a side position!

Ao Yao’s strength is the strongest among them, and the two quickly smashed one to besiege here and the other!

“solve quickly!”

Wang Xian roared, in order to prevent a more powerful Abyssal Seed from coming over from the Abyssal Seed Lair, their speed must be fast!

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Ao Qitian, Ao Qi, Ao Yao immediately surrounded him, and the four immediately besieged the immortal king of the seventh-order abyss!

Facing the attacks of Wang Xian and the others, the seventh-order Abyss Seed had no room to escape, and his face was full of horror and wanted to flee toward the surroundings!


However, when Ao Qitian and Aoqi completely sealed off the entire world with the blood-red chains all over the sky, the seventh-order Abyss Species became violent!

Two minutes later, Ao Yao’s claws penetrated his body, and Ao Qitian fell heavily on its head, ending its life!


Wang Xian swept around and saw that there were more than a dozen immortal kings of the fifth and sixth order of the abyss planting against the members of the Dragon Palace, and the dragon claw waved!


“Oh oh oh!”

A scream sounded, and all the abyss species were wiped out!

“Take the corpse away and change a place!”

Without any hesitation, Wang Xian waved his arm and put away the corpses!

The rest of the Dragon Palace also collected the corpses, and a group of people immediately flew towards the right side of Jufeng!

“Dragon King, the attack of the Abyss Seed is a bit weird, and two members of the Dragon Palace have been hit hard!”

When they came to more than 100 million kilometers on the other side of Jufeng, a group of people stopped, and Ao Qitian reported to Wang Xianhui!

“Let them heal their wounds first and don’t participate in the battle!”

Wang Xian said immediately!

The attack method of the abyss species is indeed a bit weird. For example, the circular abyss species can be divided into nearly twenty abyss species to escape!

And the abyss species with bone spurs can shoot its own bone spurs, and the bone spurs can burst out a terrifying explosion!

Even if the defense on the dragon’s claws is very strong, it will bleed instantly!

If you don’t pay attention, you may suffer severe injuries and even death!

Here, the fall of the god king is much easier than outside!

“Continue to attract!”

Wang Xian arranged the formation and waited quietly after placing the dragon blood on the side!

Perhaps the dragon blood has an incomparably powerful attraction to the Abyss Species, this time, there are still many Abyss Species flying towards here!

“This time it’s a little troublesome. In the front, there are three types of abyss species of the seventh-order immortal king, Ao Yao, please pay attention!”

“There are more than three hundred species in the Abyss of the Immortal King, a little less, Ao Xie Duan Jinming, you command to deal with the rest, this time be careful!”

Half an hour later, when the roar of the abyss sounded, Wang Xian’s eyes flashed with luster, reminding one by one!

“It’s the Dragon King!”

The members of the Dragon Palace nodded solemnly!


This is an abyss race group, they have four black bone-wing wings, and have extremely sharp heads!

There is also a meat ball at the tail, with a barb on the meat ball!

There are about two thousand in total, but there are three of the 7th-order Abyss of the Immortal King!


When two thousand Abyssal Seeds flew over, Wang Xian roared and immediately locked one!

Ao Qitian and Ao crabs also locked on one, and Ao Yao hid in the surrounding void waiting for an opportunity!


Seeing a crowd of kings and immortals suddenly appeared, this abyss race group exuded a tyrannical aura and killed them directly without any hesitation!


A group of Dragon Palace members roared wildly, and the overwhelming force of the law bombarded forward!

The fight begins!

In front of the top combat power, Dragon Palace only had one more, so this fight must be very difficult!

A violent battle rang out in the abyss. Except for the three seventh-tier abyss species, ten minutes later, the remaining abyss species were all beheaded by members of the Dragon Palace!

However, these three abyssal forces were extremely powerful, and Wang Xian and the others struggled with them a little bit harder!

Seeing the death of their own people, the three abyss species became more and more violent!

The surrounding formation was destroyed, and the sound spread to the location of Kyoho. At the entrance of the Kyoho, there were abyss species looking over with cold eyes!

When Wang Xian saw this scene, he secretly said badly!

“Fight and retreat!”

Wang Xian moved towards Ao Qi Ao Qitian and they said through a voice message!

Immediately after the three of them quickly retreated towards the rear, they quickly withdrew from two to three hundred million kilometers!

The three immortal kings of the seventh-order abyss are still chasing and killing them crazy!


It didn’t take long for a black and white shadow to appear behind the Abyss Species that Wang Xian was fighting against!

“Puff puff!”

The black and white shadow instantly penetrated its huge head and entered its body!


A second later, Ao Yao’s body emerged from the body of the Immortal King Seventh-Order Abyss Seed!

“Dragon King, get one!”

Ao Yao said with a smile!

“Solve the other two immediately!”

Wang Xian’s eyes shone with luster, and he immediately killed him!

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