Chapter 2553

“This… The Tiger Random Demon Country has teamed up with Dragon Palace to create the sixth commercial planet, which is too shocking!”

“It’s not difficult to build a planet, but they were able to invite the Star Goddess and the Yinxuan Goddess to a large concert, and it was free. Are they so powerful?”

“It seems that the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace and the Star Goddess knew each other. The battle pet sale held in the Dragon Palace was also very shocking. It sold more than 150 immortal god king battle pets. There are two of the fifth-tier gods, more than half a million. Eternal God’s favorite, is this crazy?”

“It’s crazy. There are more than one hundred and fifty battle pets, and the price is much cheaper than ours, and it’s a tad or two cheaper than the Witch Beast Pavilion!”

“Crazy, more than one hundred and fifty battle pets, f*ck, can an immortal king battle pet appear in our Xingnan galaxy in ten years?”

Three news came out one after another, each with greater influence. When everyone saw the above information, their faces were full of shock!

Star Goddess and Yinxuan Goddess hold large concerts in Longxing for free!

Dragon Palace sells more than one hundred immortal king battle pets!

This one by one news has made many people and many people extremely hot!

A battle pet of the immortal king level, it would be nice if one can appear in the entire Xingnan galaxy in ten years!

As for the Immortal King’s Tier 5 battle pet, it takes tens of thousands of years to have one, right?

This level of battle pet is difficult to capture, and even more difficult to tame!

Want to tame an immortal king’s fifth-order battle pet, what level of beast master can do it?

“This must go, shit, this Dragon Star is too fierce!”

“It’s not just fierce. This is simply against the sky. The Tiger Chaotic Demon Kingdom and the Dragon Palace also said that Dragon Star will have more shocking things. Can it be more shocking than more than one hundred and fifty immortal king battle pets?”

“There will be more than a month to get through the teleportation, I can’t help it!”

Some people were a little excited. Whether it was the Star Goddess concert or the battle pets, it attracted the attention of many people and even many powerful forces!

“Damn, they actually built a commercial planet, the Star Goddess concert, and more than a hundred god king battle pets!”

Inside the empty battleship on Xing Hua planet, the three powerful forces once again gathered together!

The number of people gathered this time was three or four hundred immortal kings!

“They deliberately placed the commercial planet not far from our planet Xinghua. They are retaliating! Touch! Sanhaimen, what a good thing you did!”

At this time, the president of Jianhua Group came in person, staring at the Sanhaimen sect master angrily and shouted!

The chairman of the Black Forest Group also stared at Sanhaimen with a cold face!

“Haha, is there any use in blaming our Sanhaimen now?”

The sect master of Sanhaimen said coldly!

“Sanhaimen, everything is because of you. Dragon Star will be able to enter in more than a month. You can handle this matter. In short, there can be no more commercial planet in this area!”

The chairman of the Black Forest Group said coldly!

“Relax, a commercial planet is not so easy to get up, and it is not so easy to solve just in terms of security!”

The sect master of Sanhaimen was full of anger and said sharply!

“The halberd sect master, this commercial planet is a joint venture between Dragon Palace and Tiger Demon Nation. We must not let them know that we did it. Otherwise, we can’t bear the anger of Tiger Demon Nation!”

The President of Jianhua Group said with a calm face!

“Relax, not only will we not let them be established, but also the Demon Slayer Sect will not let them be established!”

The sect master of Sanhaimen said coldly!

“This is the most important thing, otherwise our planet Xinghua will be over!”

The chairman of the Black Forest Group said in a deep voice!

“We don’t want to make any mistakes in this matter!”

The President of Jianhua Group said coldly, and left immediately after speaking!

A group of people from the Black Forest Group followed suit!


As soon as everyone left, the sect master of Sanhaimen patted the table heavily, and a terrifying murderous aura surged from his body!

“Dragon Palace, Dragon King, wait for me!”

“Immediately go to the Black Cloud Planet and issue a reward. After more than a month, every person killed in Dragon City will be rewarded with 100,000 sacred stones!”

Sanhaimen sect master roared with a violent face!

“Sect Master, Heiyunxing may not dare to take on this task. After all, there is an immortal king of the seventh-order powerhouse in the Tiger Chaotic Demon Kingdom!”

An old man whispered!

“Then hire some forces from Black Cloud Star. In short, I don’t want that Dragon Star to exist for one day!”

The Sanhaimen sect master clenched his fists, and said Senran!


Several Sanhaimen elders next to him answered!

Heiyunxing, a sanctuary for evil people in the Xingnan galaxy, all the people there are wanted by the powers of the major planets!

Many forces of Black Cloud Star form a group and form a powerful force. There is no need for any force to be unwilling to offend them!

“The Tiger Random Demon Nation actually wants to build a commercial planet, just rely on you? Killing so many people in the Demon Slayer Sect, and the Tiger Random Demon Nation, you will never have a peaceful day in the future!”

On a planet in the Ninth-Rank Celestial Sect domain, more than a dozen elders gathered together, looking at the news ahead, their eyes were full of violent aura!

“Send a dozen immortal kings to sneak into it and make it a purgatory!”

The ancestor of Demon Slashing Sect closed his eyes, and his tone was cold!

“Purgatory, hehe, let their commercial planet become a joke!”

The rest of the crowd roared sternly!

“Dragon Palace and Tiger Chaotic Demon Nation have teamed up to create a commercial planet? Is it because we didn’t let it in?”

“Perhaps, they were able to obtain more than one hundred and fifty immortal king battle pets, which is really shocking, and the star goddess is creating momentum for them, I am afraid that their commercial planet has a great chance of rising!”

On a distant planet, a peak of the Tianshan Sword Sect, five or six elders were sitting on it, drinking tea, and talking lightly!

“If it really rises, it will be an impact on us? I knew that Dragon Palace has so many battle pets, we…”

An old man frowned slightly.

“It’s already happened. We don’t have to worry about it. Forbid it. The Dragon Palace and the Tiger Demon Kingdom have enemies, and they won’t watch their smooth rise!”

A white-haired old man in the center interrupted and shook his head!

“Yes, there have been a lot of talents for thousands of years, but as a result, only these few are left in history, haha!”

An old man smiled and said: “Come to Lao Qin, let’s play chess!”

At this moment, the major forces in the entire Xingnan Galaxy are discussing the issue of the Huluo Demon Country and Dragon Palace joining forces to build a commercial planet!

Some powers are dignified, some powers are embarrassed, and some powers don’t take it too seriously!

Time slowly passed, getting closer and closer to the official opening of Longxing Commercial Planet, and there were more and more topics on Longxing Commercial Planet!

The arrival of the dragon star is officially born, and the countdown begins!

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