Chapter 2552 Quartet Vibration

“Today everyone is anxious, there is one thing!”

Just when Wang Xian stayed in the Dragon Palace and began to tame the wild beasts, he was located in the battleship in the void between the planet Xinghua!

Jianhua Group, Black Forest Group, and Sanhaimen gathered together. The old man headed by Jianhua Group looked around and said lightly!

“Is there something to call us all over!”

The sect master of Sanhaimen was sitting in front, and asked directly with an unsightly expression!

Sanhaimen suffered heavy losses a few months ago, which puts him under great pressure recently!

Because of his decision, almost half of the elite disciples and strong people in the entire Sanhaimen were wiped out, and many strong people were dissatisfied behind them!

If it were not for him and his father’s strength, I am afraid that Sanhaimen would have changed the sect owner long ago!

Even so, his mood is very bad!

Now he just wants to take revenge, but the Dragon Palace is so strong in that remote place, how to take revenge?

“It’s not big, but it’s not small. It’s not completely certain yet!”

The old man from Jianhua Group looked at him, waved his arm, and a picture appeared in front of him!

“At a distance of five hundred light-years from our planet Xinghua, and five or six hours away from the fifth-order powerhouse of the Immortal King, ten planets suddenly appeared!”

“Nine planets are guarding one of them, and there are many celestial demon from the tiger chaos demon kingdom appearing on that planet. It is very close to our planet Xinghua. I don’t know what it is doing at this time!”

The old man pointed to the picture in front and said lightly!

“Huh? What did Tiger Chaos Demon Country place the planet in there?”

An old man from the Black Forest Group frowned and asked!

“I don’t know at the moment, we need to send someone to intervene as Xing Hua planet!”

Said the old man from Jianhua Group!

“If you are so far away, what can happen? You decide on this matter. We Sanhaimen agree!”

The Sanhaimen sect master glanced, and left directly with some impatientness!

The old man from Jianhua Group and the old man from the Black Forest glanced at him, revealing a trace of displeasure!

“Let’s send someone to overdo it!”

The old man of Jianhua Group stood up and said!


The other old man nodded!

“Now you can build momentum, and Dragon City Commercial Planet will open its doors in one and a half months!”

“At that time, the Star Goddess and the Yinxuan Goddess will hold a large-scale concert for hundreds of millions of people, and the concert will last for two hours!”

“At the end of the concert, the Dragon Palace will hold the Dragon Palace battle pet for sale. There will be more than one hundred immortal king battle pets and 500,000 eternal god battle pets. Half of the battle pets will be sold directly on the first day, and one-thirtieth will be sold every day in the future. , Sold out in 30 days!”

At the same time, in the Ocean Dragon Palace of Longxing Commercial Planet, Guan Shuqing, a group of girls, Prime Minister tortoise, and a group of high-level leaders of the Kingdom of Tigers and Demon Kingdom sat around the Dragon King Palace and discussed!

“We may not be able to produce so many good things, but we will also bring out all the special products to attract popularity!”

The lord of the tiger chaos and their hearts were shocked, and they said to the side!

“Yes, Tiger Chaotic Kingdom Lord, now you still have a lot of influence in the Xingnan Galaxy, you immediately start to attract investment to see if any forces are willing to settle in Dragon Star!”

Prime Minister Kame said to them!

“Well, we will try our best for this and a half months!”

The lord of the tiger chaos nodded heavily!

Now that Dragon Star is dominated by Dragon Palace, they will not have any opinions!

There is that terrifying training ground in Dragon Star, they can expect that Dragon Star can be 100% hot!

Become the most popular commercial planet in Xingnan Galaxy!

“Publish it on Zhi Brain first!”

Prime Minister Turtle nodded.



At this moment, the head of the tiger chaos country’s brain trembled, and he immediately opened it and took a look!

“The representative of Xinghua Planet came to visit us!”

The lord of the tiger chaos raised his brows slightly and said!

“Oh? Tell them directly, we want to build a commercial planet!”

Prime Minister Turtle squinted his eyes slightly and said with a smile!

“Haha, well, as long as the Dragon Star rises, the days of Xinghua Planet will be sad!”

The lord of Huluan nodded with a smile, and immediately sent a message!

At the same time, in the sky above the planet, Jianhua Group and the powerhouses in the Black Forest looked at the surrounding ten planets, their eyes shone with luster!

“Everyone, we have something to do with the Lord. If you have something, please tell me directly!”

Soon, a few sky monsters from the tiger chaos demon country flew over and said to the crowd!

“Hehe, ten planets suddenly appeared here, we are a little curious, come and visit!”

A strong man in Jianhua Group asked with a smile!

“Oh, we are building our business planet, you should be able to see it from the brain soon!”

The strong sky demon replied with a smile!


The words of a few sky demon made the faces of the people in the Black Forest Group of Jianhua Group slightly changed!

“Business planet?”

A strong man asked again with a sullen face!

“You can just wait for the news on Wisdom Brain, you should know soon!”

After a few demon said, they left directly!

They know the relationship between Dragon Palace and Planet Xinghua very well, and after their commercial planet is established, Planet Xinghua has the greatest influence!

“They want to build their own commercial planet, but they are inflated!”

Seeing a few sky demons leave, an old man couldn’t help but roared in a low voice!

“Yes, with the background of the tiger chasing the demon country, they want to build a commercial planet is simply wishful thinking, and we don’t need to do anything, the people who kill the demon sect will not let the planet peaceful!”

Several elderly people nearby nodded!

“Anyway, let’s report this matter first!”

The faces of all the people are a bit ugly!

In any case, the establishment of a commercial planet by the Tiger Chaos Demon Country will have some influence on their planet Xing Hua!

However, just when they rushed back, on the Internet, Longxing Commercial Planet had already begun to build momentum!

This campaign spread to the Xingnan Galaxy Brain Brain in just half an hour!

Three pieces of information spread all over the Internet. One of the goddess of a star and the goddess of Yinxuan directly announced on Zhinao to hold a large-scale concert of hundreds of millions of people, a free concert!

As soon as this news was announced, all fans of the Star Goddess and the Yinxuan Goddess were directly boiled, and the venue was held on the Dragon Star Commercial Planet!

The second piece of information comes from the Tiger Random Demon Kingdom. Now the Tiger Random Demon Kingdom is the fifth power to have the power of the seventh-order immortal king, and their influence is also very huge!

Tiger Chaotic Demon Country directly announced that it will work with Dragon Palace to build a commercial planet, Dragon Star!

The third message comes from the Dragon Palace, which has gained a reputation since the last time the Dragon Palace destroyed half of the Sanhaimen forces!

And Dragon Palace’s message is that in a month and a half, Dragon Palace will hold a battle pet sales event on the commercial planet Dragon Star!

There will be more than one hundred and fifty immortal kings battle pets, and there will be two immortal kings of rank five!

Secondly, 500,000 pets at the eternal god level!

As soon as these three pieces of news came out, the Quartet shook!

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