Chapter 1689

“You… just rely on you, just rely on you as a bastard!”

When the medicine master was stunned, he saw Wang Xian actually want to fight with him, his grim face laughed, and blood-red eyes stared at him disdainfully.

When he was in front of the Huoyun Mountain Range, the medicine owner had also seen the strength of Wang Xian, a strong man who was half-stepped to the pinnacle of longevity.

Although he is strong, he still wants to challenge him.

“Ha ha!”

Wang Xian smiled faintly, without the slightest hesitation, his figure flickered, and instantly appeared on the side of the medicine owner.


The medicine owner saw Wang Xian who teleported to his right side slightly changed, raised his palm, and directly attacked his chest.


Wang Xian smiled and waved his right hand directly to meet him.

The entire arm was exuding gray power, and at the moment he urged it, it seemed that there was a Tai Chi diagram wrapping the arm.

The yin and yang poles strengthened the dragon’s claws.

The strengthening of the yin and yang poles can make Wang Xian’s defensive power reach a terrifying level.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Wang Xian falls, his dragon claws will not wither, just like the body of a god, immortal.

Even if the strong man of the first order of Wanshou stood there and attacked, he would not be injured.

This is the horror after strengthening!


The huge force collided, fists hand in hand.

The medicine owner still had a hideous look on his face.

The water in his palm stirred, and his eyes looked as if there was an ocean churning in his hand.

But soon, the face of the medicine owner stiffened, and the ocean in his hand fell directly into the center like a huge mountain peak, and the sea splashed in all directions.


A crisp voice came, and his body flew backwards directly at a terrifying speed.


In an instant, the corpse fell on the defensive cover of the formation, making a dull sound.

“You… how is this possible, aren’t you half-step Wanshou level!”

Yao Master’s arm was drooping on one side of his body, his body stared at Wang Xian in shock, and he roared in a low voice.

“I have just been promoted to the realm of Wanshou, I will practice with you!”

Wang Xian smiled, his figure flickered again, and he appeared directly in front of the medicine owner.

“Get out of here, a longevity powerhouse who has just been promoted, still wants to fight with me!”

The medicine owner’s face changed wildly, his body exuded a bright blue light, and a staff appeared directly on his chest.

He took out a pill with his trembling right hand and put it directly in his mouth.

The injury on his arm was recovering at a terrifying speed.


Wang Xian looked at it, waved his arm, and directly turned into a ten-meter-sized dragon claw, attacking the medicine owner.

“Azure Realm, suppress me!”

The medicine owner roared, and the entire Life and Death Medicine Garden was instantly covered by blue water energy.

The power of the field!

“Is this the realm?”

When he felt the realm personally, Wang Xian’s figure was shocked, he went to the top of the five elements, and stepped on yin and yang and tai chi.


He shouted, and the azure light disappeared at a terrifying speed.

The five elements are great for the sky, and the yin and yang are extremely grounded, completely offsetting the realm.

“What field is this?”

The medicine owner’s blood-red eyes scanned the sky and the earth, his face extremely embarrassed.

“Dead, you don’t need to know too much!”

Wang Xian flew directly towards the medicine owner, the domain was offset and flooded, making them unable to move instantaneously.

At the moment of flight, his body turned into the body of a dragon.

Five hundred meters, the body of a dragon of five hundred meters in size, placed on the Transcendent Continent, also belongs to the existence of a behemoth.


Wang Xian laughed wildly, feeling that his whole body was full of powerful force.

The invincible dragon claws directly attacked the medicine master.

“It’s impossible, impossible, to kill my medicine owner. I have lived for more than 8,000 years. How could I be lost to a little rascal!”

The medicine owner looked at Wang Xian who was flying over, and clasped the staff in his hands with both hands.


Within the staff, countless sea creatures appeared out of thin air, directly attacking the Wang Xian.

A steady stream of various creatures flew out thousands of them in an instant.

They seem to be summoned by the god of the sea and attacked tyrannically.

“Enjoying my strongest attack, Azure Bite!”

The Master of Medicine, who was holding the staff in both hands, grinned and stared at Wang Xian.

At this time, he is sacred and powerful.

“Hehe, tell you, it was the Yin-Yang and Five Elements Dragon, the Dragon King of Dragon Palace, who killed you, you can go to die!”

Wang Xian stared at the dense water energy sea beasts ahead and smiled coldly.

“Ocean, I am king!”

He stretched out the dragon’s claws, his body swayed, and directly grabbed at the sea beasts that only stood in front of him.

A sea beast condensed with one claw and one water attribute, without the slightest obstacle!

“What a terrifying body!”

The medicine owner’s face changed drastically when he saw Wang Xian who was moving forward.

“Yin and Yang, Five Elements, Dragon Claw, die!”

As soon as Wang Xian’s dragon claws stretched out, the entire dragon claws directly increased by several tens of meters, and the sea beasts dissipated directly.

The huge dragon claw directly covers the medicine owner.

“No, how can someone who has just stepped into the realm of longevity be my opponent!”

The medicine owner saw the invincible Wang Xian’s eyes full of disbelief.

He raised the staff in his hands with both hands and blasted forward heavily.

However, the medicine owner who is less than two meters away is like an ant among the dragon claws of Wang Xian, and the dragon claws directly cover it.

His attack fell on the dragon’s claws, without the slightest fluctuation.

Push hard, one grip!


A scream came from the dragon’s claws, and a smile appeared on Wang Xian’s face. When he moved, he immediately transformed into a human form.

On the ground, a dead body lay quietly there.

“The boss is awesome, the boss is mighty, the boss is invincible!”

From the side position, Mosha looked at the beheaded Medicine Master with some shock, and quickly shouted loudly.

He screamed, shocked in his eyes.

He has fought against the master of the medicine master, he is confident that he will behead the master, but he can’t do it so fast and suppress the whole process.

“Okay, open the formation, you go to the outside city, and take all the treasure pill!”

Wang Xian was slightly speechless toward the demon brake who was cheering on the side, and said directly to him.

“It’s the boss!”

Mocha immediately smiled and nodded, came to the position above the castle, and opened the formation.

“Jiejie, everyone in the main city of life and death will listen to me, your medicine master is dead, hand over all the treasures of the medicine in your city, otherwise, don’t blame me for killing!”

Listening to the sound of the magic brake outside, Wang Xian smiled, and instantly moved to the sky above the castle.

“Five longevity first-order spirit grasses!”

“Three longevity first-order spirit trees!”

“Two longevity second-order spirit trees!”

“The hole virtual level has reached hundreds of thousands. Although there are many that are not mature, they are enough to get crazy promotion!”

“A force that has been standing on the mainland for seven to eighty thousand years is really terrifying!”

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