Chapter 1688-The Power of Wanshou Level 2

Get out and die!

Get out and die!

Wang Xian and Mocha proudly hover in the sky staring at the Life and Death Medicine Garden ahead.

A sound of echo echoed in the entire sky!

The powerful people in the main city of life and death were suddenly taken aback when they heard Mosha’s words, with a look of astonishment on their faces.

“Who are you guys, dare to insult our medicine master, you deserve death!”

The expressions of the powerful people in the Pill of Life and Death Medicine Fang changed drastically, and their bodies were full of murderous roars.

“Our medicine owner has gone to extinguish the Skylark clan… You two dare to make trouble in our life and death medicine workshop, go…”

“Devil God, you treachery fellow, the one who should be killed is you, you!”

The headed old man screamed at the magic brake, but suddenly, an extremely angry voice suddenly came.

This voice changed the expressions of the powerful people in the Life and Death Medicine Workshop.

“Yes… it’s the voice of the medicine owner!”

“Gosh, the medicine owner is back, what happened?”

“Goooo, Demon? Could it be…could it be…”

The face of the dozen or so weak and powerful people in the Pill of Life and Death Pharmacy changed drastically, and their bodies couldn’t help retreating more than a dozen meters toward the back.

In the city below, everyone was even more shocked, with a look of horror slowly showing on their faces.

“Jie Jie, the master is dead, it’s your turn next!”

Mosha smiled sensibly, staring at the top figure of the castle in the Medicine Garden of Life and Death.

Dressed in white and blue clothing, with two life and death embroidered on his chest, the medicine owner with a ruddy face and blood-red eyes staring at the magic brake.

The unhealthy red is obviously because he took a powerful pill.

“It’s impossible to kill me, even if all three of you come over, you won’t be able to break the defenses of the Life and Death Medicine Garden!”

“Haha, in the Medicine Garden of Life and Death, there is a huge spiritual herb pill, and there are enough spiritual stones, even if you attack outside for a hundred years, it will not break!”

“You wait for me, wait for me, and in the future, I will turn into a ghost to wrap around you and kill all your disciples, all!”

The medicine master screamed at the magic brake with an incredibly ferocious expression.

The whole person is like a devil!

It’s over, everything is over!

Their two major forces led almost all the core disciples to extinguish the fire of the skylark clan.

Now 90% of the people are dead there, and the owner of the device has fallen directly.

With the power of the Fire Skylark clan and the Demon God Tribe, their Life and Death Medicine Workshop was completely planted this time.

Even now, he just barely saved his life.

Everything was harmed by the demon in front of him.

If it weren’t for their treachery to suddenly join the Fire Skylark clan, how could they be so miserable.

The forces that had stood for nearly a hundred thousand years were actually destroyed in his hands.

It made him extremely sad and angry.

“Jiejie, Master Medicine, do you think you still have this opportunity? Now open the formation immediately, otherwise Laozi will slaughter all the disciples in the main city of life and death!”

When the magic brake heard the medicine owner’s words, he said sternly.

A terrifying murderous aura directly flooded the entire space.

Darkness rushed from his body towards the surroundings, slowly, darkness enveloped a 150-kilometer radius, covering the entire main city of life and death.

“Oh my god, this…”

“What a terrifying murderous aura, I feel very cold all over, the master of the device is dead, and our life and death medicine workshop, it seems… as if only the master of the medicine has escaped back!”

“What happened, don’t kill us, don’t kill us!”

The darkness was covered, and a sound of horror came from the city below.

More than a dozen people in the sky were trembling, their bodies falling directly downwards.

Within the realm of the magic brake, his single thought could kill everyone.

This is the horror of the Wanshou powerhouse, which is far different from Dongxu.

“Haha, kill it, kill it, Demon God, I swear that I will return everything today to you a hundred and a thousand times!”

The medicine owner’s face was grim, and he roared crazy.

His words made Mocha slightly raised his brows.

In the city, everyone heard the words of their medicine master, and their faces showed even more horror.

“No, medicine owner, don’t give up on us!”

Faith collapsed, and the invincible medicine owner in their hearts abandoned them unexpectedly.

This makes all of them feel like they have lost their souls.

They looked at the holy land with trepidation on their faces!

It is a pity that the barriers of the formation made them unable to see the noble medicine masters in the past. At this time, they only had a hideous face!

“Okay, do you really think that Laozi dare not kill? Today I will let you see everyone in your life and death medicine workshop, beheaded by me, Jiejie!”

Demon Shaguai shouted, his face was full of violent murderous aura.

“Just kill the medicine owner!”

Wang Xian waved his hand to stop the magic brake from killing.

He said faintly, his figure moved, and the surrounding Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagrams appeared around him, enclosing the magic brake in it.

With a movement of his figure, he flew directly towards the front position.

Mocha was taken aback for a moment, without asking more, the obedient immediately followed.

“Huh? It’s you little bastard, it’s all because of you. If it weren’t for you, the perfidious demon god would not attack us, you damn little bastard!”

“In the future, I will slaughter you personally. No, I will not kill you. I will make you worse than death and torture you for a thousand years!”

“Hehe, still want to rush in? I tell you, presumptuous…”

The medicine owner saw Wang Xian rushing towards this side with the magic brake, and the blood-red eyes and the hideous face continued to roar.

Everything is because of this little bastard.

However, when his words were about to be finished, Wang Xian led the magic temple and walked in directly.

The formation that could severely hurt the Wanshou first-order powerhouse fell on Wang Xian, and was resisted by the yin and yang patterns around him!

The formation that could block the entry of the Wanshou first-order powerhouse was gently passed through by him!

There is no obstacle at all!

The medicine master was talking, his mouth was still open, and he was completely stunned when he saw the king immortal and the magic brake entering the formation!

He slowly closed his mouth, pursed his mouth, and a trace of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

“Jie Jie, Jie Jie!”

When Mocha saw Wang Xian taking him in so easily, he was slightly taken aback, and laughed closely following Jiejie.

“You…how can you…”

“Devil, I tell you, you are the only one, if I work hard with you, you will also fall here today!”

The medicine master standing at the top of the castle couldn’t help backing two steps, looking at the magic brake with shock and fear.

Regarding the strength of Mosha, he has already seen that one-on-one, he is not his opponent at all.

“Magic brake, protect the spirit grass and castle in the Medicine Garden of Life and Death, I will try my strength!”

Wang Xian on the side swept the Medicine Garden of Life and Death, and a trace of heat flashed in his eyes.

He set his eyes on the medicine owner, raised his brow, and said directly.

“It’s the boss!”

Mocha nodded immediately, and looked at the stunned medicine owner playfully!

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