Chapter 166 Buying a Seaview Room (Fourth!)

Sister Li’s wedding is over, and Aunt Zhang and Uncle Zhang have a happy face.

After Wei Jia Wei Qingguo and the middle-aged woman learned about Wang Xian’s life experience from Miao Zhiyong and the others, they also completely dispelled some of their thoughts.

They still know the fame of the genius doctor of the ancient street king, but they have never seen him.

Now they can be considered a thorough knowledge.

In order to make up for the mistakes made in the previous two days, the Wei family plans to personally go to Pengzhou to hold a supplementary banquet in two days.

But this was rejected by Uncle Zhang.

Now his nephew and niece have gained a lot of face in Fenghu County, and he doesn’t care about it anymore.

Zhang Shu and Aunt Zhang are happy that there is no need to worry about Xiaoli being wronged in Wei’s house in the future.

After the assets are transferred to their daughters, the Wei family will treat their daughters well.

Otherwise, if their daughter is bullied and left, their Wei family will be over.

Some wimpy Buddhist Wei Zhiwen saw this situation, but was a little happy, which made Wang Xian and Xiao Yu a little speechless.

This brother-in-law… really has nothing to do with the world.

“Xiao Xian, I really want to thank you for this incident, Uncle!”

After the banquet, Uncle Zhang patted Wang Xian on the shoulder and said with a smile on his face.

“Uncle Zhang, these are all trivial things. In the past few days, you asked Sister Li to take you to Yipinge for a meal. Sister Li knows that this is my restaurant, so go to Sister Li’s house.”

Wang Xian smiled and said to Zhang Shu and Aunt Zhang.


Uncle Zhang patted Wang Xian on the shoulder again, and sighed slightly, his eyes gleaming: “Good mix!”

Wang Xian smiled and nodded.

“Uncle Zhang, Aunt Zhang, we are leaving!”

Xiaoyu waved at them, and drove away with a smile on his face.

“The little help a few years ago, in exchange for today’s return, our luck is really good!”

Uncle Zhang looked at the back of the car leaving, sighed slightly.

Aunt Zhang on the side was smiling, gently holding Uncle Zhang’s arm.

“Brother, shall we go there and go back to school?”

Xiaoyu drove and asked curiously at Wang Xian.

“I won’t go back to school. Sometimes it’s not a matter of living in school. Brother is going to buy a house outside!”

Wang Xian said towards Xiaoyu.

It has been several days since I decided to buy a house. The dormitory is small and crowded and very inconvenient. I must have a house outside the school.

And there is a sea view room, you can see the sea by opening the windows.

“Brother, are we going to buy a house?”

Xiaoyu turned his head to look at him very excitedly.

Wang Xian nodded: “Buy a sea view room.”

“Wow, brother, walk around, let’s buy a house!”

Xiaoyu shouted very excitedly.

Wang Xian smiled: “Go, go to the Supreme Sea Development Music Zone.

Zhizunhai Development Le District, the name of a luxurious community, is located beside the Jinzun Coast.

Jinzun Coast is a very beautiful seaside in Jiangcheng.

Now, this piece of land has been taken down by a well-known domestic developer, and a luxurious community has been built there, called the Supreme Sea Development Zone.

The Supreme Sea Development Zone is a sea-view room, which is close to the seaside and blooms in spring.

The Zhizunhai Development Zone is a bit far from the city center. It takes 40 minutes by car and half an hour from the school.

The car came to an entrance of the Supreme Sea Development Zone, and you could see the golden beach in the sun from a distance.

The entire beach is very beautiful.

There are wooden houses in the small area with beautiful pools.

The villas in the entire community are very far apart and are not connected one by one. They belong to single-family villas.

There are only thirty or forty buildings in this area.

“Look at the sales office.”

Wang Xian looked at the sales office on the side and pointed towards Xiaoyu.

“Good brother!”

Xiaoyu nodded, and immediately drove the car to the front of the sales office.

Zhizunhai Development and Le District has relatively high prices in several surrounding cities, and the price of each house is 30 million yuan.

According to the information on the Internet, the houses here have not yet been sold out.

Xiaoyu parked the car at the door, and happily came to Wang Xian’s side, holding his arm.

“Excuse me, what’s the matter with you two?”

There are very few people in the sales office, and there are only four or five service personnel sitting inside playing with their mobile phones.

A beautiful saleswoman asked Wang Xian Xiaoyu curiously when she saw Wang Xian Xiaoyu walk in.

Both are too young, and no one thinks they are here to buy a house.

“Seeing, how many more houses do you have here?”

Wang Xian asked directly.

“Only the two most expensive sets are left, the prices are both over 60 million yuan, and the others are all sold out.”

The saleswoman sitting at the desk in the doorway said with a smile.

“Well, can you show us the house?”

Wang Xian asked directly.

“Are you sure you want to buy?” The female salesperson looked at them with some surprise.

“Can’t you see the house?” Wang Xian frowned and asked again.

“Yes, yes, of course.”

The saleswoman looked at the outfits of Wang Xian and Xiao Yu, and nodded.

“Then take us to see it!”

“Okay two, please wait a moment, I’ll get you the key!”

The saleswoman nodded, took two sets of keys from the side, and said to them, “Please come with me.”


As she walked to the sales building, the female salesperson saw the pink Bentley parked at the door with a surprised look on her face and a deeper smile on her face.

“Two, let’s go on a tour bus!”

The Zhizunhai Development Zone is very large, and there is a wide interval between each villa.

Sitting on the ferris wheel, the female sales staff introduced them enthusiastically.

“There are still two sets that have not been sold, and these two sets are also among the best. The villa has a three-story room area of ​​1,500 square meters, and there is a parking space next to it.”

The female salesman took them to the first villa. From the outside, the whole villa is very beautiful.

There is a large yard in the villa with some flowers and plants planted in it, and there is a large yard in the center.

The villa has three floors, and each floor has about 500 square meters.

The room has been renovated, with all kinds of furniture inside, including a study room, a separate bathroom, and a gym.

On the third floor, there is an indoor swimming pool.

The entire villa is exceptionally luxurious.

“This set is 73 million, and there is another set not far away, and that set will reach more than 80 million!”

The female salesperson introduced to them.

“Go to another one.” Wang Xian looked at the villa and continued to the female salesperson.

“Okay sir, the style of another villa is completely different from here. The other one opens the windows and the ocean is underneath. The interior uses the best sound insulation, so it won’t be noisy to sleep at night. I will take two to see. Look!”

The saleswoman said with a smile.


When Wang Xian heard her words, his eyes lighted slightly, and he nodded immediately.

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