Chapter 165 The painful price (third more!)

The ridiculous voice came, making the Wei family and Wei Zhiwen, as well as their relatives and friends behind them, slightly taken aback.

A trace of anger flashed in Wei Qingguo’s eyes, this in-laws, feelings are to make them ashamed.

“Our Wei family will make this wedding lively…you…”

Wei Qingguo followed the voice and raised his head, speaking with a trace of anger on his face.

However, halfway through his voice, he froze, staring at the six people in front of him in astonishment.

“Miao… President Miao, President Li, Director Fang, President Zhao, President Heng, President Wu!”

When Wei Qingguo saw the six people, his pupils couldn’t help but shrink. Each of these six people needs a person to please him. How could they be here?

“Good for Mr. Wei.”

Miao Zhiyong smiled at Wei Qingguo, with a faint mockery on his face: “A few of us came to send the bride off today, but we didn’t expect that we had waited so long. The bride didn’t come down to greet him when he came. There are no basic rules, Mr. Wei, you are doing something wrong!”

“Yes, it’s our negligence!”

There was a hint of lesson in Miao Zhiyong’s words, but Wei Qingguo did not dare to be dissatisfied at all, and quickly bowed to apologize.

“The bride gets off the car, at least some red envelopes!” Dean Zhao on the side said with a smile to Wei Qingguo.

“Yes, there are naturally, we will prepare immediately!”

Wei Qingguo nodded and said with a smile, but his heart was full of shock.

Why? Why do these six people come over with the woman’s wedding car?

Is it a coincidence or?

Next to him, Aunt Zhang and Aunt Zhang and Sister Li looked at this scene in shock. What’s the situation?

Why does Wei Qingguo treat the six people who have just come to Xiaoxian so respectfully?

The family and friends behind Wei Qingguo also watched this scene in shock.

But among this group of people, someone recognized six Miao Zhiyong.

These six people have a great influence on the Wei family’s business.

“Yes, we will prepare now!”

The middle-aged woman on the side also said hastily, her face constantly changing.

“As for the red envelopes, even if you don’t have it, you can send something else!”

Wang Xian faintly smiled at Wei Qingguo and his wife.

“What else?”

Wei Qingguo frowned slightly when he heard Wang Xian’s words. He stared at Wang Xian with twinkling eyes, somewhat uncertain about Wang Xian’s identity.

“Things are for the bride, so for you it is also a left hand for a right hand!”

Wang Xian looked at their mouths slightly tilted, watching everyone staring at him, and said with a smile: “All the shares of the Zero Medicine Equipment Group and all the assets of the Wei family, just be the red envelopes for my sister Li to get off the bus!”

“What? I think you are crazy, you…what are you talking nonsense?”

As soon as Wang Xian finished speaking, the middle-aged woman on the side pointed at Wang Xian and made a sharp voice.

“What are you talking nonsense?”

Wei Qingguo also stared at Wang Xian with embarrassment.

Beside him, even Zhang Shu and Auntie were shocked.

“I think it’s okay. It doesn’t matter if this little asset of the Wei family is transferred to the bride’s hands.”

“Wang Shao is right. If your Wei family wants to marry a daughter-in-law, you have to pay some price.”

“The bride has been here for so long, without the slightest welcome, just treat it as a small punishment!”

“Yes, since Wang Shao’s older sister is married to Wei’s family, she can’t be wronged. There is nothing to transfer the assets!”

Miao Zhiyong and President Li said coldly to Wei Qingguo.

From their point of view, it is a great honor for your Wei family to marry Wang Shao’s sister, but your Wei family dare not follow the rules and pay no attention to it.

No wonder Major General Wang and the six of them called over, the Wei family is also looking for death!


The six Miao Zhiyong’s openings made Wei Qingguo’s face suddenly embarrassed, and he stared at Wang Xian in an unbelievable manner.

Shao Wang?

The six Miao Zhiyong called him Shao Wang!

The middle-aged woman looked a little pale at this scene. What is Miao and the others doing? force?

“Don’t blame me for asking for a lot of red envelopes. My sister Li married to your Wei family and had a wedding yesterday. Your Wei family didn’t come alone, not even the bridegroom, hehe, and I came to look for the wedding car, since In this way, I can only ask for a bigger red envelope for Sister Li.”

Wang Xian looked at the pale middle-aged woman and Wei Qingguo with a smile on his face, and said lightly.

The relatives and friends behind the Wei Qingguo couple looked at them in shock, but did not speak.

“Transfer all our assets…this…isn’t this a bit too much.”

Wei Qingguo’s complexion kept changing, and his body trembling said.

“Not too much, I don’t think too much.”

Miao Zhiyong replied with a smile on his face: “I think your Wei family is obviously bullying the bride’s family. Don’t pay a price. Who knows if you will bully the bride in the future!”

“Yes, Mr. Wei, you have to think about it. If you don’t agree, we have a way!”

Director Fang on the side spoke lightly to Wei Qingguo.

“How can you do this!”

The middle-aged woman was pale, her body trembled violently, and there was a hint of crying in her voice.

“I want a guarantee for my sister Li!”

Wang Xian said to them coldly.

“Wei Qingguo, don’t make it too stiff, otherwise there is no room for turning back.”

Miao Zhiyong faintly threatened.

A trace of despair flashed in Wei Qingguo’s eyes. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath: “Okay, with all the assets of our Wei family, please ask our daughter-in-law to get out of the car.”

“Okay, General Wei, if you need it in the future, you can come to us!”

Miao Zhiyong smiled and said to Wei Qingguo.

One stick and one sweet date.

Six people can easily bankrupt the Wei family, but it can also bring the Wei family to the next level.

When Wei Qingguo heard Miao Zhiyong’s words, a smile appeared on his face, whether he was happy or sad.

Maybe there are both.

What happened today was something he couldn’t think of anyway.

A daughter-in-law who came from the country and they both looked down upon had such a powerful younger brother.

He even directly called all the people in the Zero Medicine Equipment Group who needed to please.

Ask them Wei’s family to transfer all the assets to the bride’s name.

He dare not refuse to agree, otherwise, the Zero Medicine Equipment Group will not last for half a year.


The middle-aged woman was in a trance. The Wei family has worked hard for decades in the industry, so are they going to give away all of them like this?

And he still looks down on his dissatisfied daughter-in-law?

Zhang Shu and Aunt Zhang were also a little dumbfounded. He looked at the Wei family and his wife, and then at Wang Xian.

Sister Li, who was sitting in the wedding car, was also a little at a loss. Later, will all Wei family assets be transferred to her own name?

“Xiao Wei, don’t ask the bride to get out of the car, happy day.”

A relative and friend of Wei’s family saw this scene and hurriedly escaped.

‘Yes, Xiao Wei, take Xiao Li upstairs and prepare for the wedding! ”

Wei Qingguo and the middle-aged woman also said quickly.

Although this incident is difficult for them to accept, it cannot be changed.

In the future, I have to please this daughter-in-law!

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