Chapter 1622 is the most ruthless emperor’s home

From the development of Fengluan’s return to the Transcendent Continent, from the beginning of the Fengxian Pill and Weapons Workshop to the pill and weapons of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, he has been under suppression.

If the Fire Skylark clan were not present, the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty could be destroyed directly because of the business competition between the medicine and weapons.

Then, the Life and Death Pill Workshop and the Relic Forge Workshop will still be the enemies of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty.

The Dragon and Phoenix dynasty wanted to monopolize weapons and pill, but life and death and sacred relics are absolutely unwilling to be taken away from the market.

In the future, either they will give up or there will be a big battle.

“When we become stronger, we will destroy the Pill of Life and Death and the Sacred Artifact Forge!”

Guan Shuqing and a group of girls said to Feng Luan with a slight anger on their faces.

When in the cemetery of the demons in the Liuhai area, the Life and Death Pill Workshop and the Relic Forging Workshop united the monster clan and united with the Blood Flow Dynasty to deal with them.

This grudge must be reported in the future!

“Don’t worry, we have only developed for four years. Now we occupy so many fields and develop much faster than before. One year later, we will have the strength to destroy Solipsism and the Southern Royal Family!”

“At that time, we will be completely fearless of the Life and Death Pill Workshop and the Holy Relic Forging Workshop. Within three years, we will be able to destroy them.”

Feng Luan said with a smile on her face.

“Factors of this level, they have too much financial resources, even if they are constrained by the Fire Skylark clan, we must be careful!”

“In the Liuhai area, they didn’t send anyone, so they mobilized a strong force!”

Prime Minister Tortoise continued: “In the vast area, now the three-legged situation has been formed. If we want to completely suppress us, and even destroy us, only the Wuji Dynasty and the Southern Royal Family of the Solipstic Sect are united!”

“Didn’t Wuji Dynasty have a good relationship with Xiaoxian? And when we first came, they sent us some items to show us good!”

Guan Shuqing said.

“I hope so!”

Prime Minister Turtle nodded.

“The three-legged power in the vast area has been formed. According to the current state, even if it is to fight, it will not be as tragic as it was during the previous half a year!”

“During the war, in the area of ​​the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, although our shop was driven out, the sales of pills and weapons increased a bit due to the impact of the war.”

“But now, the sales of our two elixirs and weapons will be directly reduced by one-third, which is one-third!”

“We gave up on that small place in Liuhai area, and now we can’t give up in the vast area!”

However, at this moment, dozens of middle-aged and elderly people gathered in a trading city in the vast area, and in an academy with historical heritage.

Among them, there are master refiners and master alchemists.

Everyone has a very high status.

The Pill of Life and Death and the Sacred Artifact Forge are not only the two most powerful pill and weapon workshops in the Transcendent Continent, but they also gathered the most powerful pill master and weapon master.

In this city named Tianyun, the two most powerful medicine and weapon academies in the vast area have gathered.

One is the Academy of Life and Death Pills and the other is the Academy of Relic Forging.

All the powerful blacksmiths and pill workshops in the vast area come from these two academies.

These two academies were also opened by the Relic Forging Workshop and the Life and Death Medicine Workshop.

In the college assembly building, all the high-levels of the two colleges are gathered.

An old man holding a hammer glanced at everyone and said in a deep voice.

“Now that the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty is developing too fast, it only ruled the Liuhai area not long ago, and now it has laid a piece of land in the vast area!”

“In their field, we are not allowed to enter at all. For most of the battle for most of the year, the Solipias and the Southern Royal Clan have not had the slightest upper hand!”

“Now anyway, as long as the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty exists for one day, our losses will be very terrible. If the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty occupy more areas in the future, we can also withdraw from the vast area!”

On the opposite side, an old man with long white hair and a white beard said with a bad expression.

“Let’s not talk so much nonsense, we all understand the current form, the headquarters has also issued orders, at all costs!”

The old man holding the forging hammer said with a cold face.

“With our strength, even if the two colleges support Solipsism and the Southern Royal Family, they cannot change the current occupation!”

“Unless Wuji Dynasty makes a move, otherwise, the three-legged standing will be difficult to destroy!”

The old man with long white hair spoke directly.

“Then we will go to Wuji Dynasty, as long as they are willing to make the conditions, we will agree!”

The old man holding the forging hammer shouted.

“It is rumored that Wuji Dynasty has a good relationship with Tianma. If you want to let them do it, I’m afraid…”

An old man frowned and said in a deep voice.

“Relationship? If the devil is dead today, what does it matter? In the face of interests, those friendships are completely vulnerable!”

The old man holding the forging hammer said with a sullen face.

“Well, in that case, let’s go to the Wuji Dynasty in person!”

The old man with long white hair stood up and said loudly.



Immediately, twenty or thirty masters in the entire hall flew directly towards the position of the Wuji Dynasty.

In the vast area, Wu Jihuang now belongs to a pure land.

The war did not affect the entire dynasty.

During this period, many people came to this peaceful Wuji Dynasty, which made the whole Dynasty even more prosperous.

Wuji imperial city, backed by Wuji Mountain, the peaks are as high as 20,000 meters.

The four majestic and huge four characters of the Wuji Dynasty, each of which is two kilometers in size, are carved on the Wuji Mountain.

The entire Wuji imperial city is like a fairy city.

“Report to the emperor, the masters of the Tianyun City Life and Death Pill Academy and the Sacred Forge Workshop Academy have come and said that they have important matters to discuss with your Royal Highness!”

Inside the palace, an eunuch entered the imperial study room and reported to the current emperor of Wuji Dynasty.

“Huh? The Academy of Life and Death Pills and the Academy of Relic Forging!”

The Lord of Wu Ji was taken aback for a moment, with a trace of contemplation on his face.

“Let them come in, go to Wuji Mountain to inform the two ancestors, call Shangqing City and some important officials, and say, there are people coming from the Sacred Forge and Life and Death Pills!”

The Lord Wu Ji said slowly.

He could already guess why the two major forces came.

It’s just that he can’t do this kind of thing anymore.

“It’s the emperor!”

The old eunuch nodded immediately and walked outside.

Soon, a famous blacksmith and master craftsman walked into the imperial study room.

Everything, just as the master of Wu Ji country expected.

Two powerful forces, hope that their Wu Ji Dynasty will take action and change the current situation of the three pillars.

However, he did not give any reply, but made him wait aside!

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