Chapter 1621: The Most Ruthless Emperor’s Family (1)

“Next, there should be a period of peace. We are not in a hurry. After Xiaoxian is resurrected, we will continue to fight with them to the end!”

In the Imperial Study Room, Lan Qingyue and Guan Shuqing were also sitting in it.

There was a slight smile on their faces.

In the eight-month war, most of the losses of the Dragon and Phoenix dynasties were on the Dragon Palace side, and most of the deaths and those who participated in the battle were also members of the Dragon Palace.

But after eight months, Long Palace has not suffered heavy losses, but its strength has been continuously improving.

For this reason, the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty was able to contend with the two superpowers, the first-class powers, and many second-rate powers.

Also because of the Dragon Palace, the He and He Sui tribes were willing to join the dragon and phoenix dynasty camp.

Because Longfeng Dynasty promised not to let them rush to the forefront.

Unlike the solipsism of the Southern Royal Clan, those forces that have been coerced and lured by them must fight to be the first to rush to the forefront.

“We can spend with them. Today, the cities that we indirectly affect have reached more than 1,800, and the daily income of the pill shop and forging workshop can create more than a dozen hole-level powerhouses!”

“As long as half a year, the Southern Royal Family and Solipsism will be completely consumed by us!”

Prime Minister Turtle said with a smile on his face.

Eight months of fighting, even if Dragon Palace rushed to the forefront, even if Dragon Palace killed three or four thousand members, but the biggest winner is still Dragon Palace.

The enemy’s corpse, the resources in the enemy’s space ring, just these things, increased the strength of the Dragon Palace by a level.

In addition, the dead members of the Dragon Palace can be resurrected in the Dragon Palace, although it consumes a lot of resources.

But these resources, with the income of the Forge, can completely make up for them.

As a result, after an eight-month war, the Dragon Palace originally had more than 7,000 Dongxu strongmen, but now it has around 15,000.

Among them, the strength of a group of leaders can be comparable to the eighth rank of Dongxu.

You know, this war has affected 70% of the forces in the vast area.

Because of this war, the number of second-rate forces that have been eliminated has reached a dozen, and there are also two first-rate forces.

Many resources have been sent to the Dragon Palace.

As for the Forest of the Kingdom of God, Ao Qitian of the Demon War Department did not participate in this war, and they have been raging in the Forest of the Kingdom of God.

The corpses of the fierce beasts and monsters they obtained reached 20,000 to 30,000 in eight months, all of which were of the hole virtual level fierce beasts and monsters.

War will only make the Dragon Palace stronger and stronger.

And the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, after obtaining a lot of resources, its strength is also improving rapidly every day.

Compared with the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty and the Dragon Palace, the Solipsism and the Southern Royal Clan are undoubtedly much more miserable.

In the eight months of the war, the number of fallen hole virtual powerhouses reached six to seven thousand.

Each of their forces, the strong of the hole virtual level, lost at least half.

After eight months of war, the entire vast area is full of killings!

“In the next time, the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty will completely control the city below!”

Feng Luan said with a smile on her face.

Because of this war, all forces were divided into three camps. The Wuji Dynasty was neutral, and they were opposed to the Solipsmatic Southern Royal family.

Thorough tripod stand.

Next, the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty can well absorb those more than 1,800 cities.

Once all absorbed, the power of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty will reach a terrifying point.

The future potential is endless.

“Sister Fengluan, the resources you have now should be enough for you to raise a level, right?”

Lan Qingyue asked with a smile.

“Enough, I will go back to the Dragon Palace in the last few days!”

Feng Luan nodded with a smile.

“Then once Sister Fengluan breaks through your strength again, won’t you be a strong person with half a step and a longevity?”

Guan Shuqing asked with some surprise.

“Incarnate as a fire phoenix, I can fight half-step Wanshou, but I can’t fight as a fire phoenix!”

Feng Luan said slightly.

The former female emperor of the Phoenix Dynasty was famous throughout the transcendent continent, even in the Liuhai area, there are legends of the female emperor.

Once she transforms into a fire phoenix, it will arouse suspicion.

Once the Feng Dynasty knew that she was still alive, it would definitely send out a powerful person in the realm of longevity to kill her.

Therefore, she definitely cannot transform into a fire phoenix to fight.

“Then when will Sister Fengluan be able to show your true colors!”

Guan Shuqing looked at Feng Luan who was wearing the veil, and said.

“Soon, when I reach the realm of longevity, we announce that the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty will be promoted to an empire!”

Feng Luan touched the veil on her face, her eyes shone with cold sheen.

“Report to the Queen that someone who is unfamiliar and strong has arrived outside and said to come and see you!”

At this moment, the voice of guards came from outside.


The guard’s voice ended, and an old man’s voice came over.

“Let him in!”

Feng Luan heard the voice and said immediately.


An old man walked in, covered in a fire-red robe, walked into the imperial study room, and took off his hat.

“Farewell, king!”

The old man knelt down and said.

“Get up, Xiao Yan, there is something for you to come here directly!”

Feng Luan waved at him and asked.

“Wang, there is a message, Yunzu asked me to ask you for instructions!”

The old man bowed and said.

“whats the matter?”

Feng Luan frowned slightly, her face showing a trace of solemnity.

“According to the news we have received, the Holy Relic Forge and Life and Death Pills will send strong men over to prepare to destroy the king’s dynasty!”

The old man also solemnly said: “Ancestor Yun asks you if you need the Fire Skylark clan to go to war against the two forces!”


The girls around Guan Shuqing heard the old man’s words, their faces changed greatly, and they let out a cry of horror.

“Can’t stop it?”

Feng Luan frowned and asked.

“After all the war, the two major forces can be contained!”

The old man said in a deep voice.

“Then go to war, don’t fight to death, hold back, tell Xiaoyun, one year, at most one year, when the time comes, I will be fearless!”

“Within three years, we will destroy their two forces!”

Feng Luan slowly stood up, a powerful aura exuded.

The old man was slightly startled, feeling the aura of Fengluan, his face filled with determination.

“It’s the king, with our fire skylark clan, you can develop with confidence, king!”

The old man said firmly.

Feng Luan nodded.

“Wang, we are in full-scale war with the two major forces. They have no time to come over, but you must also be careful and beware of their other means of targeting!”

The old man hesitated and reminded.

“I know!”

Fengluan’s face is thoughtful: “I will be ready.

“Yes, that Xiaoyan is leaving!”

The old man bowed and left immediately.

“Life and death medicine workshop, holy artifact forging workshop, has always been a huge trouble!”

The old man of the Huoyunque clan left, and Feng Luan frowned, muttering in his mouth.

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